1,129 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Armand BALSEBRE; Manuel MATEU; David VIDAL, La entrevista en radio, televisión y prensa. Madrid: Cátedra, 1998


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    Obra ressenyada: M. Elvira TERUEL PLANAS, Retòrica, informació i metàfora. Anàlisi aplicada als mitjans de comunicació de massa. Bellaterra/Castelló/València: UAB/UJ/UV, 1997

    Las escrituras facticias y su influjo en el periodismo moderno

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    Various texts of a "truthful" nature have projected their long shadow on the genres and styles of journalism today. The immensely varied testimonial literature, on the one hand, and qualitative scientific narrative, on the other, have converged with the press and the mass media to throw light upon forms of literary formulations of reality that blur the presumed borders between fiction and the seditious "non-fiction". Taking as a starting point the boom in contemporary postfiction (Steiner), the author revises this wide-spread though erroneous dichotomy in the light of hermeneutics and the linguistic turn and proposes two terms which avoid their failings: "faction", the truthful correlate of classical fiction, and "factitional", its corresponding adjective

    Can cognitive performance predict physical fitness and academic achievement one year later?

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    Previous studies have shown that physical activity, fitness and academic achievement might predict cognitive performance later in life . However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies examining the inverse relationship, that is, whether cognition may predict fitness and academic achievement in adolescents one year later . Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the associations between cognitive performance and physical fitness and academic achievement one year later .Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    Discurs periodístic i fraseologia

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    This is an essay about dominant journalistic discourse from a sociocognitive point of view. Some useful lexical and rhetoric recourses are critically analyzed on the basis of examples related to the recent Gulf War

    Philosophicla analysis of the juridical foundations of STC 192/1999

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    Derecho y ética son disciplinas llamadas a complementarse para una cabal comprensión de la Filosofía del derecho a la información. Este artículo pretende mostrar esta implicación interdisciplinar a partir del análisis de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 192/1999. El Alto Tribunal, al otorgar el amparo al derecho fundamental a comunicar libremente una información, fundamenta su fallo en la veracidad. Pues bien, de los argumentos jurídicos que expone, puede extraerse una comprensión filosófica de la veracidad entendida como una actitud subjetiva del profesional y, a la vez, como una auténtica virtud moral del periodista.Law and Ethics are two disciplines that need to be put together if the philosophy of the right to information wants to be well understood. This paper tries to demonstrate it from the analysis of the judgment of the Constitutional Court 192/1999. The Court, having granted the protection to the right to communicate freely an information, bases his failure on veracity. The legislator, to explain this constitutional requirement, uses some philosophical arguments from which a whole theory of veracity can be deduced. A veracity that, being a subjective attitude, can be understood as an authentic moral virtue.Publicad