10 research outputs found

    mTORC1 and PKB/Akt control the muscle response to denervation by regulating autophagy and HDAC4

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    Loss of innervation of skeletal muscle is a determinant event in several muscle diseases. Although several effectors have been identified, the pathways controlling the integrated muscle response to denervation remain largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that PKB/Akt and mTORC1 play important roles in regulating muscle homeostasis and maintaining neuromuscular endplates after nerve injury. To allow dynamic changes in autophagy, mTORC1 activation must be tightly balanced following denervation. Acutely activating or inhibiting mTORC1 impairs autophagy regulation and alters homeostasis in denervated muscle. Importantly, PKB/Akt inhibition, conferred by sustained mTORC1 activation, abrogates denervation-induced synaptic remodeling and causes neuromuscular endplate degeneration. We establish that PKB/Akt activation promotes the nuclear import of HDAC4 and is thereby required for epigenetic changes and synaptic gene up-regulation upon denervation. Hence, our study unveils yet-unknown functions of PKB/Akt-mTORC1 signaling in the muscle response to nerve injury, with important implications for neuromuscular integrity in various pathological conditions

    Testosterone-induce changes in muscle mass and signaling in sedentary and voluntary-running mice

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    Declines in skeletal muscle size and strength, often seen with chronic wasting diseases, prolonged or high-dose glucocorticoid therapy, and the natural aging process in mammals, are usually associated with reduced physical activity and testosterone levels. However, it is not clear whether the decline in testosterone and activity are causally related. Using a mouse model, we found that removal of endogenous testosterone by orchidectomy results in an almost complete cessation in voluntary wheel running but only a small decline in muscle mass. Testosterone replacement restored running behavior and muscle mass to normal levels. Orchidectomy also suppressed the IGF-I/Akt pathway, activated the atrophy inducing E3 ligases MuRF1 and MAFBx, and suppressed several energy metabolism pathways, and all of these effects were reversed by testosterone replacement. The study also delineated a distinct, previously unidentified set of genes that is inversely regulated by orchidectomy and testosterone treatment. These data demonstrate the necessity of testosterone for both speed and endurance of voluntary wheel running in mice and suggest a potential mechanism for declined activity in humans where androgens are deficient

    An Antibody Blocking Activin Receptors type II Induces Strong Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Protects from Atrophy

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    The myostatin / Activin type II receptors (ActRII) pathway has been identified as critical in regulating skeletal muscle size. Blockade of the ligands (myostatin, GDF11, and activin) that activate these receptors, has resulted in preservation of muscle in multiple pre-clinical settings of skeletal muscle wasting. We have developed a novel, human anti-ActRII antibody (“Bimagrumab”, aka BYM338) to prevent binding of ligandsand thus inhibiting ActRII signaling. At the cellular level, BYM338 enhances differentiation of primary human skeletal myoblasts, and counteracts the inhibition of differentiation induced by myostatin or activin A. BYM338 promotes skeletal muscle hypertrophy and prevents myostatin or activin A induced atrophy through inhibition of Smad2/3 phosphorylation and preservation of myosin (MyHC). BYM338 dramatically increases skeletal muscle mass in healthy naive mice, beyond sole inhibition of myostatin as detected upon administration of myostatin propeptide. A mouse chimeric antibody induces further muscle hypertrophy in myostatin-deficient mice, confirming a beneficial effect on muscle growth through blockade of ActRII ligands beyond myostatin. BYM338 protects muscles from glucocorticoid-induced atrophy and weakness, via prevention of muscle and tetanic force losses. These data highlight the compelling therapeutic potential of BYM338 for the treatment of multiple settings of skeletal muscle atrophy and weakness

    HDAC4 Controls Muscle Homeostasis through Deacetylation of Myosin Heavy Chain, PGC-1α, and Hsc70

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    HDAC4, a class IIa histone deacetylase, is upregulated in skeletal muscle in response to denervation-induced atrophy. When HDAC4 is deleted postnatally, mice are partially protected from denervation. Despite the name “histone” deacetylase, HDAC4 demonstrably deacetylates cytosolic and non-histone nuclear proteins. We developed potent and selective class IIa HDAC inhibitors. Using these tools and genetic knockdown, we identified three previously unidentified substrates of HDAC4: myosin heavy chain, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1alpha (PGC-1α), and heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein (Hsc70). HDAC4 inhibition almost completely prevented denervation-induced loss of myosin heavy chain isoforms and blocked the action of their E3 ligase, MuRF1. PGC-1α directly interacts with class IIa HDACs; selective inhibitors increased PGC-1α protein in muscles. Hsc70 deacetylation by HDAC4 affects its chaperone activity. Through these endogenous HDAC4 substrates, we identified several muscle metabolic pathways that are regulated by class IIa HDACs, opening up new therapeutic options to treat skeletal muscle disorders and potentially other disease where these specific pathways are affected. Luo et al. use class IIa HDAC inhibitors, along with skeletal-muscle-specific and whole-body inducible HDAC4 knockout mice, to demonstrate HDAC4 deacetylates three previously undescribed substrates: myosin heavy chain, PGC-1α, and Hsc70. Through these substrates, HDAC4 inhibition leads to rescue of muscle atrophy and increased succinate dehydrogenase activity

    New insights into molecular changes in skeletal muscle aging and disease: Differential alternative splicing and senescence

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    Progressive loss of muscle mass and function due to muscle fiber atrophy and loss in the elderly and chronically ill is now defined as sarcopenia. It is a major contributor to loss of independence, disability, need of long-term care as well as overall mortality. Sarcopenia is a heterogenous disease and underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. Here, we newly identified and used Tmem158, alongside Cdkn1a, as relevant senescence and denervation markers (SDMs), associated with muscle fiber atrophy. Subsequent application of laser capture microdissection (LCM) and RNA analyses revealed age- and disease-associated differences in gene expression and alternative splicing patterns in a rodent sarcopenia model. Of note, genes exhibiting such differential alternative splicing (DAS) are mainly involved in the contractile function of the muscle. Many of these splicing events are also found in a mouse model for myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), underscoring the premature aging phenotype of this disease. We propose to add differential alternative splicing to the hallmarks of aging

    Antibody-Directed Myostatin Inhibition Improves Diaphragm Pathology in Young but not Adult Dystrophic mdx Mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by progressive skeletal muscle wasting and weakness, leading to premature death from respiratory and/or cardiac failure. A clinically relevant question is whether myostatin inhibition can improve function of the diaphragm, which exhibits a severe and progressive pathology comparable with that in DMD. We hypothesized that antibody-directed myostatin inhibition would improve the pathophysiology of diaphragm muscle strips from young mdx mice (when the pathology is mild) and adult mdx mice (when the pathology is quite marked). Five weeks treatment with a mouse chimera of anti-human myostatin antibody (PF-354, 10 mg/kg/week) increased muscle mass (P < 0.05) and increased diaphragm median fiber cross-sectional area (CSA, P < 0.05) in young C57BL/10 and mdx mice, compared with saline-treated controls. PF-354 had no effect on specific force (sPo, maximum force normalized to muscle CSA) of diaphragm muscle strips from young C57BL/10 mice, but increased sPo by 84% (P < 0.05) in young mdx mice. In contrast, 8 weeks of PF-354 treatment did not improve muscle mass, median fiber CSA, collagen infiltration, or sPo of diaphragm muscle strips from adult mdx mice. PF-354 antibody-directed myostatin inhibition completely restored the functional capacity of diaphragm strips to control levels when treatment was initiated early, but not in the later stages of disease progression, suggesting that such therapies may only have a limited window of efficacy for DMD and related conditions


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