22 research outputs found

    Are the ancient forests of the Eastern Po plain large enough for a long term conservation of herbaceous nemoral species?

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    We analysed the effects of patch configuration and site history on vascular plants in ancient forests of the Eastern Po Plain, documented back to 1740. Despite their reduced size, all the forests are part of Natura 2000 Network and significantly contribute to the maintenance of a threatened habitat and support biological diversity of the Continental biogeographic region. The presence of some functional ecological plant species groups was correlated with patch configuration and age. Habitat quality, in terms of suitability for forest species, was found to be important in explaining the presence of species of high conservation value, but patch age (as an indicator for habitat quality) played a major role too. For core forest species, patch area is a redundant variable in explaining species richness relative to habitat quality and patch age and the extinction of specialists seems to occur mainly in a deterministic way. Even small forest fragments can be very important for maintaining plant species diversity, at least if they are of high habitat quality and if the forest management is appropriate. However, to achieve a long term conservation, management plans should also aim at an improvement of the anthropogenic matrix surrounding forest remnants

    Caratteristiche bioritmiche e morfologiche in un popolamento di Quercus robur L. del bosco di Carpenedo

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    (CAB Abstract Accession Number 930665835

    Allergy to pollen of urban cultivated plants

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    Abstract Graminaceae, Urticaceae, Compositae, Betulaceae, Corylaceae and Oleaceae are the most representative allergenic taxa in Italy. In this paper the airborne pollen counts of the main allergenic families collected for a six-year period (1991\u20131996) in Padua\u2019s area were analysed. We observed a significant variability for all allergenic pollen types considered

    Allergeni indoor: non solo acari.

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    Summary: The indoor environment is a source of airway risk factors. The main agents related to exacerbation and development of rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma are house dust mites, pet\u2019s epithelia, moulds, environmental tobacco smoke, and outdoor and indoor chemical pollutants. This paper reports the relationship between the outdoor and indoor concentrations of pollen and mould spores

    Airborne allergenic pollens in Padua: 1991-1996

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    Abstract Pollens of many plants located in public or private gardens may cause pollinosis in predisposed individuals. There is evidence that the prevalence of sensitization to \u201cnew\u201d tree pollens (Betulaceae, Corylaceae, Cupressaceae, Taxodiaceae, and other families) is increasing in the recent years in Italy. Allergenic plants are often imported from foreign countries, therefore low-allergenic species must be recognized in order to prevent new pollen sensitizations. In this study we suggest a list of recommended and not-recommended plants for public and private green

    La rete dei giardini fenologici italiani (GFI Network)

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    Gli effetti delle variazioni climatiche sulle specie vegetali possono essere registrati attraverso il monitoraggio delle fasi fenologiche. Queste osservazioni aumentano di significativit\ue0 se protratte nel tempo e confrontate sul territorio. In Italia 11 Giardini e Stazioni di rilevamento fenologico, con cadenza settimanale, rilevano le varie fasi e le mettono in relazione ai fattori climatici. Il loro coinvolgimento all\u2019interno di una Rete, nel rispetto dell\u2019autonomia di ogni giardino, ha come scopo valorizzarne il ruolo, aumentando la visibilit\ue0 e formando una massa critica in grado di interfacciarsi con altre reti internazionali. Ogni Giardino o Stazione, presenta una storia e caratteristiche ambientali proprie; tuttavia, essi hanno in comune alcune specie vegetali. In molti casi, le piante di queste specie sono cloni e questo costituisce un valore aggiunto per la comprensione degli effetti dei fattori ambientali sulla fenologia. In questo contributo si confrontano le caratteristiche delle unit\ue0 della Rete GFI e si presentano i risultati delle prime elaborazioni comuni