1,056 research outputs found

    Exploiting Device Mismatch in Neuromorphic VLSI Systems to Implement Axonal Delays

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    Sheik S, Chicca E, Indiveri G. Exploiting Device Mismatch in Neuromorphic VLSI Systems to Implement Axonal Delays. Presented at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Brisbane, Australia.Axonal delays are used in neural computation to implement faithful models of biological neural systems, and in spiking neural networks models to solve computationally demanding tasks. While there is an increasing number of software simulations of spiking neural networks that make use of axonal delays, only a small fraction of currently existing hardware neuromorphic systems supports them. In this paper we demonstrate a strategy to implement temporal delays in hardware spiking neural networks distributed across multiple Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chips. This is achieved by exploiting the inherent device mismatch present in the analog circuits that implement silicon neurons and synapses inside the chips, and the digital communication infrastructure used to configure the network topology and transmit the spikes across chips. We present an example of a recurrent VLSI spiking neural network that employs axonal delays and demonstrate how the proposed strategy efficiently implements them in hardware

    Sviluppo del controllo di un attuatore elettromeccanico per carrello di elicottero e caratterizzazione delle prestazioni mediante simulazione dinamica non lineare

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    L’obiettivo principale del presente lavoro è il progetto del controllo in velocità di un attuatore elettro-meccanico per l’estrazione/retrazione di un carrello d’atterraggio per elicotteri. Fissati alcuni requisiti di base per le prestazioni del sistema in ciclo chiuso, l’attività è stata inizialmente condotta seguendo la teoria classica dei controlli, linearizzando le equazioni della dinamica e ricavando le funzioni di trasferimento del sistema. L’analisi di stabilità e la sintesi preliminare del controllo sono stati quindi realizzati attraverso strumenti classici quali i diagrammi di Bode e i luoghi delle radici, selezionando diverse soluzioni di controllore (PID o ad inversione di modello). Successivamente, utilizzando un modello non lineare Matlab-Simulink della dinamica dell’attuatore sviluppato nel corso di precedenti tesi, è stato caratterizzato il comportamento dell’attuatore tenendo conto di fenomeni quali la digitalizzazione del loop di controllo, la cedevolezza della trasmissione meccanica, la modulazione dei segnali di comando realizzata dall’elettronica di controllo e potenza del motore brushless. In particolare, è stata effettuata un’analisi comparativa fra due soluzioni di elettronica di controllo, una di elevate prestazioni (ed alti costi) e l’altra di basso costo, identificando vantaggi e svantaggi derivanti dalle due scelte progettuali

    Characterizing the firing properties of an adaptive analog VLSI neuron

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    Ben Dayan Rubin D, Chicca E, Indiveri G. Characterizing the firing properties of an adaptive analog VLSI neuron. Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology. 2004;3141:189-200.We describe the response properties of a compact, low power, analog circuit that implements a model of a leaky-Integrate & Fire (I&F) neuron, with spike-frequency adaptation, refractory period and voltage threshold modulation properties. We investigate the statistics of the circuit's output response by modulating its operating parameters, like refractory period and adaptation level and by changing the statistics of the input current. The results show a clear match with theoretical prediction and neurophysiological data in a given range of the parameter space. This analysis defines the chip's parameter working range and predicts its behavior in case of integration into large massively parallel very-large-scale-integration (VLSI) networks

    Traumatic Myiasis Caused by an Association of <i>Sarcophaga tibialis</i> (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and <i>Lucilia sericata</i> (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in a Domestic Cat in Italy

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    received: 2015-05-07 accepted: 2015-06-30 published: 2015-08-25© 2015, Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The attached file is the published version of the article.© 2015, Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    La conoscenza come bene comune.

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    Questo Lavoro prende in esame un particolare bene comune, immateriale e non quantificabile: la conoscenza. La riflessione che si è cercato di sviluppare si articola in tre parti, a ciascuna delle quali viene dedicato un capitolo. Nel primo capitolo, si cerca di delineare una visione d’insieme della questione “beni comuni”, con l’intenzione di offrire le coordinate teoriche indispensabili per poter comprendere come la conoscenza si collochi all’interno di tale categoria di beni. Nel secondo capitolo si prende in esame il bene comune “conoscenza”, soffermando l’attenzione sull’avvento delle nuove tecnologie informatiche e sulla sempre più stringente normativa relativa alla proprietà intellettuale. Il terzo capitolo è orientato allo studio di una specifica forma di conoscenza: quella scientifica, mettendo in luce il ruolo egemone delle case editrici private, detentrici del potere legale di accesso alle informazioni scientifiche e dunque con la possibilità di determinare, come afferma Jean Claude Guédon, un oligopolio del sapere. L’Open Access vuole, quindi, rappresentare una sfida e una valida alternativa a tale sistema tradizionale di circolazione della conoscenza. Il capitolo si conclude prendendo poi in esame la normativa nazionale ed internazionale relativa a tale movimento soffermandosi sulle linea guida ed il regolamento dell’Università di Pisa

    Reliable Computation in Noisy Backgrounds Using Real-Time Neuromorphic Hardware

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    Wang H-P, Chicca E, Indiveri G, Sejnowski TJ. Reliable Computation in Noisy Backgrounds Using Real-Time Neuromorphic Hardware. Presented at the Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BIOCAS), Montreal, Que.Spike-time based coding of neural information, in contrast to rate coding, requires that neurons reliably and precisely fire spikes in response to repeated identical inputs, despite a high degree of noise from stochastic synaptic firing and extraneous background inputs. We investigated the degree of reliability and precision achievable in various noisy background conditions using real-time neuromorphic VLSI hardware which models integrate-and-fire spiking neurons and dynamic synapses. To do so, we varied two properties of the inputs to a single neuron, synaptic weight and synchrony magnitude (number of synchronously firing pre-synaptic neurons). Thanks to the realtime response properties of the VLSI system we could carry out extensive exploration of the parameter space, and measure the neurons firing rate and reliability in real-time. Reliability of output spiking was primarily influenced by the amount of synchronicity of synaptic input, rather than the synaptic weight of those synapses. These results highlight possible regimes in which real-time neuromorphic systems might be better able to reliably compute with spikes despite noisy input

    A Hardware-friendly Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Network for Frequency Detection and Fine Texture Decoding

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    Humans can distinguish fabrics by their textures, even when they are finer than the density of tactile sensors. Evidence suggests that this ability is produced by the nervous system using an active touch strategy. When the finger slides over a texture, the nervous system converts the texture’s spatial period into an equivalent spiking frequency. Many studies focused on modeling the biological encoding part that translates the spatial frequency into a temporal spiking frequency, but few explored the decoding part. In this work, we propose a novel approach based on a spiking neural network able to detect the frequency of an input signal. Inspired by biological evidence, our architecture detects the range in which the encoded frequency dwells and could therefore decode the texture’s spatial period. The network has been designed to be composed of existing neuromorphic spiking primitives. This property enables a straightforward implementation on integrated silicon circuits, allowing the texture decoding at the edge of the sensor