431 research outputs found

    That Was Totally Intense! A Study of Emphatic Adverbial Modifiers in Male and Female Speech

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    Logarithmic expansion of field theories: higher orders and resummations

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    AbstractA formal expansion for the Green's functions of a quantum field theory in a parameter δ\delta δ that encodes the "distance" between the interacting and the corresponding free theory was introduced in the late 1980s (and recently reconsidered in connection with non-hermitian theories), and the first order in δ\delta δ was calculated. In this paper we study the O(δ2){\mathcal {O}}(\delta ^2) O ( δ 2 ) systematically, and also push the analysis to higher orders. We find that at each finite order in δ\delta δ the theory is non-interacting: sensible physical results are obtained only resorting to resummations. We then perform the resummation of UV leading and subleading diagrams, getting the O(g){\mathcal {O}}(g) O ( g ) and O(g2){\mathcal {O}}(g^2) O ( g 2 ) weak-coupling results. In this manner we establish a bridge between the two expansions, provide a powerful and unique test of the logarithmic expansion, and pave the way for further studies

    Factors Affecting The Prevalence Of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Antibody: A Seroepidemiologic Survey

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    A cross-sectional survey was carried out in Toronto, Canada between 1978 and 1980 with the objective of identifying the contraceptive, sexual and socioeconomic factors associated with antibody evidence of HSV-2 infection. A stratified random sampling method was used to obtain men and women from diverse socioeconomic areas of the city. A door-to-door survey was carried out in which persons between the ages of 35 and 50 were interviewed and a blood sample drawn. The sera were analyzed using a radioimmunoassay method for herpes simplex virus (HSV) type-specific and crossreacting antibodies. Of 1,220 persons invited to participate, 957 (78.4%) completed interviews. Seven hundred and forty-eight serum samples were retrieved from 320 men and 428 women. HSV antibody was found in 587 (78.5%) of those tested. HSV-2 antibody was found in the sera of 116 (15.5%) participants consisting of 41 (12.8%) men and 75 (17.5%) women. Both men and women with HSV-2 antibody had begun intercourse at an earlier age, had had more sexual partners, and were more likely to rent their homes than those without antibody. Women with HSV-2 antibody had a lower educational level and lower household income, reported fewer years of condom use by their partners, more years of oral contraceptive use, more frequently reported having had a hysterectomy and having had cervical cancer than women without antibody. When the sexual and contraceptive variables as well as other socioeconomic and lifestyle variables were examined using logistic regression, men who had begun intercourse by age 17, who reported at least 10 sexual partners, who rented their homes, and lived in an apartment, were more likely to show HSV-2 antibody even when adjustment was made for age and other factors. Women who had begun intercourse by age 19, reported at least 2 sexual partners, reported condom use by their partners for fewer years, who had used an oral contraceptive for at least ten years, rented their homes, and had undergone a hysterectomy, were more likely to have HSV-2 antibody, even when adjustment was made for age and other factors

    Las Organizaciones Sociales y la Asignación Universal por Hijo

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    La Asignación Universal por hijo para la Protección Social se enmarca en una nueva concepción de política social que sustenta sus fundamentos en la ley 24.714 que establece el “Régimen de Asignaciones Familiares" y la ley 26.061 que tiene por objeto la “Protección integral de los Derechos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes." Dicha perspectiva posiciona a la AUH en el marco de las políticas de inclusión social reconociendo a los destinatarios de la misma como sujetos de derechos.Fil: Chiavetta, Valentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.Fil: Gullo, Carla. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales

    Migraciones y prácticas institucionales : una aproximación a los alcances y desafíos de la Ley 25871 en Mendoza, Argentina

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    En la presente investigación nos proponemos analizar las implicancias de la Ley 25.871 a partir de la información proporcionada por referentes de instituciones y organizaciones públicas y privadas que trabajan con población migrante en la provincia. Para ello diseñamos un estudio cualitativo basado en 10 entrevistas semiestructuradas. El criterio de su selección fue que sus líneas de acción contemplen alguno de los derechos establecidos por la Ley. Si bien hemos pretendido alcanzar una suficiente cobertura del espectro institucional, sabemos que hay una creciente diversidad de organizaciones de la sociedad civil por parte de la población migrante que no ha podido ser incluida, lo cual abre líneas de indagación futuras. El supuesto de sentido que orienta a la investigación es que el nuevo marco normativo, garante de derechos, convive contradictoriamente con prácticas institucionales discriminatorias y expulsivas hacia la población migrante.Fil: Insa, Cinthia. CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) - Universidad Nacional de CuyoFil: Chiavetta, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociale

    Movimientos sociales y acción colectiva : la perspectiva en clave emancipatoria en el marco de la crisis civilizatoria: aportes a la reflexión del trabajo social

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    El trabajo que se presenta abordará, a modo de ensayo, diferentes aspectos de la temática profundizados a partir de reflexiones y debates colectivos, en el marco fundamentalmente de Redes de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y de profesionales del trabajo social de los que las autoras forman parte∗, buscando sustentar estas reflexiones desde el aporte teórico-conceptual de diversos autores. Los mencionados aspectos comprenden: - Una caracterización de lo que se comprende como Crisis Civilizatoria - Una noción de emancipación social como horizonte de sentido ético político para el Trabajo Social - Movimientos y Organizaciones sociales: sus reivindicaciones, demandas y repertorios de lucha como aporte a la construcción de paradigmas emancipatorios - La acción de las Organizaciones y Movimientos Sociales Populares: resistencias, resignificaciones y disputas de sentido -Los desafíos que esta perspectiva entraña para el Trabajo Social (en adelante TS) .Fil: Goldar, María Rosa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y SocialesFil: Chiavetta, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociale

    Assessing the mechanical stability of trees in artificial plantations of Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold using the LWN tool under different site indexes

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    In young black pine plantations, the most valuable and interesting thinning scheme is mainly based on the positive selection of dominant and well-shaped trees to be candidates for carbon sequestration, timber production and natural regeneration. The mechanical stability of candidate trees is here a fundamental skill that must be taken into account and the slenderness ratio (HD) is one of the main indicators. HD has been recently proved to be correlated to the living whorl number (LWN) by Cantiani & Chiavetta (2015). In this study, the statistical model was re-calibrated in order to study the influence of soil fertility on the HD - Living whorls number (LWN) relationship.The fertility-balanced models estimated a different LWN threshold. The model for the highest fertility class (Site index 24) estimated 12 LWN (RMSE of 20%). Similarly, a lower value were detected for the other two fertility classes, SI20 and SI16, where 10 LWN were considered enough with an associated RMSE of 16% and 17% respectively. Compared to the general model provided by Cantiani & Chiavetta (11 LWN with 18% of RMSE) the site index approach improved the accuracy and reliability

    Comparative life cycle assessment of renewable energy systems for heating and cooling

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    Renewable systems for heating and cooling (RES-HC) systems in last ten years have gradually increased their importance and their presence in the global heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) market. Many energetic analysis and impact assessments have been made, which have demonstrated the convenience, respect to traditional HVAC systems, of solutions such as solar thermal or low enthalpy geothermal systems in terms of: energy consumption reduction, renewable energy use increase and emissions decrease. However, the several analysis made, up to date, only have considered the operation period of such systems, and consequently the comparison has been made only in terms of energy vectors used, omitting materials, components and processes. This paper aims to give a new perspective, showing how a correct environmental analysis should take into account all the life cycle of a system, from the cradle to grave, also if the system concerns a renewable energy source. In the specific case, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) will be presented, focusing on two currently popular RES-HC systems: solar thermal and low enthalpy geothermal, compared to the same functional unit. The results of this analysis could be a good starting point for future work on impact assessment of more complex and integrated HVAC systems

    Scientometrics for tech mining: an introduction

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