407 research outputs found

    State of the art and new directions of Quantitative Electroencephalography use in Differential Diagnosis of ADHD

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    Advances in technology in recent years have made the use of quantitative electroencephalogram more accessible to clinicians. The incorporation of normative databases in QEEG studies and the possibility of detecting different electroencephalographic patterns in patients with a given pathology, despite showing an apparent symptomatology homogeneity, make it an interesting source of information. The relationship of these patterns with a possible response to treatment or with prognostic estimates would justify its inclusion as a routine test in the process of the differential diagnosis of ADHD. In this paper, we present the possible benefits of the use of QEEG in the differential diagnosis of ADHD, the different electroencephalographic patterns associated with ADHD most common in the literature, and a case showcasing the use of the technique in a patient with ADHDEstado de la cuestión y uso de la electroencefalografía cuantitativa en el diagnóstico diferencial del TDAH. El avance de la tecnología en los últimos años ha hecho que el uso del electroencefalograma cuantitativo sea más accesible a los clínicos. La incorporación de bases de datos normativas en los estudios de QEEG y la posibilidad de detectar diferentes patrones electroencefalográficos en pacientes con una patología determinada, a pesar de mostrar una aparente homogeneidad sintomatológica, hacen que sea una fuente de información interesante. La relación de estos patrones con una posible respuesta a tratamientos o con estimaciones pronósticas justificarían su inclusión como prueba rutinaria en el proceso de diagnóstico diferencial del TDAH. En este trabajo se presentan los posibles beneficios del uso del QEEG en el diagnóstico diferencial del TDAH, los diferentes patrones electroencefalográficos asociados al TDAH más comunes en la literatura y un caso ilustrativo del uso de la técnica en un paciente con TDA

    Parabolic oblique derivative problem in generalized Morrey spaces

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    We study the regularity of the solutions of the oblique derivative problem for linear uniformly parabolic equations with VMO coefficients. We show that if the right-hand side of the parabolic equation belongs to certain generalized Morrey space than the strong solution belongs to the corresponding generalized Sobolev-Morrey space

    On the L_p-solvability of higher order parabolic and elliptic systems with BMO coefficients

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    We prove the solvability in Sobolev spaces for both divergence and non-divergence form higher order parabolic and elliptic systems in the whole space, on a half space, and on a bounded domain. The leading coefficients are assumed to be merely measurable in the time variable and have small mean oscillations with respect to the spatial variables in small balls or cylinders. For the proof, we develop a set of new techniques to produce mean oscillation estimates for systems on a half space.Comment: 44 pages, introduction revised, references expanded. To appear in Arch. Rational Mech. Ana

    Singularities of Nonlinear Elliptic Systems

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    Through Morrey's spaces (plus Zorko's spaces) and their potentials/capacities as well as Hausdorff contents/dimensions, this paper estimates the singular sets of nonlinear elliptic systems of the even-ordered Meyers-Elcrat type and a class of quadratic functionals inducing harmonic maps.Comment: 18 pages Communications in Partial Differential Equation

    A note on boundedness of operators in Grand Grand Morrey spaces

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    In this note we introduce grand grand Morrey spaces, in the spirit of the grand Lebesgue spaces. We prove a kind of \textit{reduction lemma} which is applicable to a variety of operators to reduce their boundedness in grand grand Morrey spaces to the corresponding boundedness in Morrey spaces. As a result of this application, we obtain the boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator and Calder\'on-Zygmund operators in the framework of grand grand Morrey spaces.Comment: 8 page

    Asteroid impact, not volcanism, caused the end-Cretaceous dinosaur extinction

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    The Cretaceous/Paleogene mass extinction, 66 Ma, included the demise of non-avian dinosaurs. Intense debate has focused on the relative roles of Deccan volcanism and the Chicxulub asteroid impact as kill mechanisms for this event. Here, we combine fossil-occurrence data with paleoclimate and habitat suitability models to evaluate dinosaur habitability in the wake of various asteroid impact and Deccan volcanism scenarios. Asteroid impact models generate a prolonged cold winter that suppresses potential global dinosaur habitats. Conversely, long-term forcing from Deccan volcanism (carbon dioxide [CO2]-induced warming) leads to increased habitat suitability. Short-term (aerosol cooling) volcanism still allows equatorial habitability. These results support the asteroid impact as the main driver of the non-avian dinosaur extinction. By contrast, induced warming from volcanism mitigated the most extreme effects of asteroid impact, potentially reducing the extinction severity

    UV-Optical Pixel Maps of Face-On Spiral Galaxies -- Clues for Dynamics and Star Formation Histories

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    UV and optical images of the face-on spiral galaxies NGC 6753 and NGC 6782 reveal regions of strong on-going star formation that are associated with structures traced by the old stellar populations. We make NUV--(NUV-I) pixel color-magnitude diagrams (pCMDs) that reveal plumes of pixels with strongly varying NUV surface brightness and nearly constant I surface brightness. The plumes correspond to sharply bounded radial ranges, with (NUV-I) at a given NUV surface brightness being bluer at larger radii. The plumes are parallel to the reddening vector and simple model mixtures of young and old populations, thus neither reddening nor the fraction of the young population can produce the observed separation between the plumes. The images, radial surface-brightness, and color plots indicate that the separate plumes are caused by sharp declines in the surface densities of the old populations at radii corresponding to disk resonances. The maximum surface brightness of the NUV light remains nearly constant with radius, while the maximum I surface brightness declines sharply with radius. An MUV image of NGC 6782 shows emission from the nuclear ring. The distribution of points in an (MUV-NUV) vs. (NUV-I) pixel color-color diagram is broadly consistent with the simple mixture model, but shows a residual trend that the bluest pixels in (MUV-NUV) are the reddest pixels in (NUV-I). This may be due to a combination of red continuum from late-type supergiants and [SIII] emission lines associated with HII regions in active star-forming regions. We have shown that pixel mapping is a powerful tool for studying the distribution and strength of on-going star formation in galaxies. Deep, multi-color imaging can extend this to studies of extinction, and the ages and metallicities of composite stellar populations in nearby galaxies.Comment: LaTeX with AASTeX style file, 29 pages with 12 figures (some color, some multi-part). Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Partial Schauder estimates for second-order elliptic and parabolic equations

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    We establish Schauder estimates for both divergence and non-divergence form second-order elliptic and parabolic equations involving H\"older semi-norms not with respect to all, but only with respect to some of the independent variables.Comment: CVPDE, accepted (2010)