3,583 research outputs found

    The survey of the Basilica di Collemaggio in L’Aquila with a system of terrestrial imaging and most proven techniques

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    The proposed job concerns the evaluation of a series of surveys carried out in the context of a campaign of studies begun in 2015 with the objective of comparing the accuracies obtainable with the systems of terrestrial imaging, compared to unmanned aerial vehicle imaging and laser scanner survey. In particular, the authors want to test the applicability of a system of imaging rover (IR), an innovative terrestrial imaging system, that consists of a multi-camera with integrated global positioning system (GPS)/global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver, that is very recently released technique, and only a few literature references exist on the specific subject. In detail, the IR consists of a total of 12 calibrated cameras – seven “panorama” and five downward-looking – providing complete site documentation that can potentially be used to make photogrammetric measurements. The data acquired in this experimentation were then elaborated with various software packages in order to obtain point clouds and a three-dimensional model in different cases, and a comparison of the various results obtained was carried out. Following, the case study of the Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio in L’Aquila is reported; Collemaggio is an UNESCO world heritage site; it was damaged during the seismic event of 2009, and its restoration is still in progress

    Medical management of hereditary optic neuropathies.

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    Hereditary optic neuropathies are diseases affecting the optic nerve. The most common are mitochondrial hereditary optic neuropathies, i.e., the maternally inherited Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and dominant optic atrophy (DOA). They both share a mitochondrial pathogenesis that leads to the selective loss of retinal ganglion cells and axons, in particular of the papillo-macular bundle. Typically, LHON is characterized by an acute/subacute loss of central vision associated with impairment of color vision and swelling of retinal nerve fibers followed by optic atrophy. DOA, instead, is characterized by a childhood-onset and slowly progressive loss of central vision, worsening over the years, leading to optic atrophy. The diagnostic workup includes neuro-ophthalmologic evaluation and genetic testing of the three most common mitochondrial DNA mutations affecting complex I (11778/ND4, 3460/ND1, and 14484/ND6) for LHON and sequencing of the nuclear gene OPA1 for DOA. Therapeutic strategies are still limited including agents that bypass the complex I defect and exert an antioxidant effect (idebenone). Further strategies are aimed at stimulating compensatory mitochondrial biogenesis. Gene therapy is also a promising avenue that still needs to be validated

    Carta Geomorfologica del bacino idrografico del Rio Spinasanta e note illustrative(Sicilia centro-settentrionale).

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    Geomorphological map of the Rio Spinasanta river basin and illustrative notes (Central-northern Sicily). The present paper aims to illustrate the geomorphological map of the Rio Spinasanta river basin, in which landforms recognizable on the area are mapped and distinguished according to the responsible geomorphological process. The Rio Spianasanta river is a tributary of the head sector of the Imera Settentrionale river and is contiguous to the regional water divide that separate the northward and southward flowing Sicilian rivers; the geomorphological map has been produced using as support a topographic map on scale 1:10,000. The geomorphological map has been carried out by means of different methodologies, namely geological and geomorphological field surveys, analysis of aerial photos and orthophotos.Moreover, the geomorphological characterization of the area has been supported by the study of the pluviometric conditions and by the analysis of the landforms’ spatial distribution; the latter, which has been carried out using a GIS software, allowed to evaluate the density of landforms on the classes of the lithology parameter and on the classes of slope angle and aspect. The GIS analysis showed that the combinations of the selected parameters control the intensity of the processes and the spatial distribution of the shaped landforms; this fact led to different landscapes recognizable in the studied area. The landforms mapped in the Rio Spinasanta river basin have been distinguished according to the modeling processes in: a) landforms shaped by water erosion processes; b) landforms produced by gravitational processes

    Transitions in auditory rehabilitation with bone conductive implant (bci)

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    Background: The bone conductive implants (BCI) are nowadays a reliable alternative for rehabilitation of specific forms of hearing loss, i.e. conductive, mixed or single sided deafness (SSD). Aims/Objective: To analyse the various factors in play when considering an auditory rehabilitation with a bone-conductive device (BCI). Materials and Methods: The clinical charts of subjects who underwent BCI application at the same Implanting Center from 2005 to 2018 were retrieved analysing also the reason for eventual explantation and the alternative option (transition) for hearing rehabilitation. Results: Nine BAHA Compact, 4 BAHA Intenso, 21 BAHA Divino, 3 BAHA BP100, 4 Ponto, 2 Sophono, 5 Bonebridge, 5 BAHA5 Attract; 11 BAHA5 Connect were used in 12 unilateral COM; 16 bilateral COM; 3 unilateral cholesteatoma; 6 bilateral cholesteatoma; 2 unilateral otosclerosis; 5 bilateral otosclerosis; 9 congenital malformations; 6 major otoneurosurgical procedures; 5 sudden deafness. Explantation was necessary for five subjects. Conclusions: Middle ear pathology and sequels from surgery represent the most common reason for BCI implantation, both in unilateral and in bilateral cases. Transition from one implantable device to another one can be predictable, mostly when explantation is necessary. Significance: The role of BCI for rehabilitation in middle ear pathology may be extremely important

    Caustics in gravitational lensing by mixed binary systems

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    We investigate binary lenses with 1/rn1/r^n potentials in the asymmetric case with two lenses with different indexes nn and mm. These kinds of potentials have been widely used in several contexts, ranging from galaxies with halos described by different power laws to lensing by wormholes or exotic matter. In this paper, we present a complete atlas of critical curves and caustics for mixed binaries, starting from the equal-strength case, and then exploring unequal-strength systems. We also calculate the transitions between all different topology regimes. Finally we find some useful analytic approximations for the wide binary case and for the extreme unequal-strength case.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, in press on Universe, special issue Gravitational Lensing and Optical Geometry: A Centennial Perspectiv

    A homogenization result in finite plasticity and its application to high-contrast media

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    We carry out a variational study for integral functionals that model the stored energy of a heterogeneous material governed by finite-strain elastoplasticity with hardening. Assuming that the composite has a periodic microscopic structure, we firstly establish the {\Gamma}-convergence of the energies in the limiting of vanishing periodicity. Then, in the second part of the paper, we use the result to derive a macroscopic description for an elastoplastic medium with high-contrast microstructure. Specifically, we consider a composite obtained by filling the voids of a periodically perforated stiff matrix by soft inclusions. Again, we study the {\Gamma}-convergence of the related energy functionals as the periodicity tends to zero. The main challenge is posed by the lack of coercivity brought about by the degeneracy of the material properties in the soft part. We prove that the {\Gamma}-limit, which we compute with respect to a suitable notion of convergence, is the sum of the contributions resulting from each of the two components separately

    Safety assessment of pedestrian-vehicle interaction at signalized intersections: An observational study

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    Road safety is a crucial aspect of global policies and management. Surrogate Safety Measures (SSMs) have gained attention in the study of pedestrian safety. This study aims to establish an effective SSM methodology to analyze driver-pedestrian interactions. The analysis relies on SSM indicators, without the need for an initial classification of driver-pedestrian interactions into specific interaction patterns. The proposed methodology offers several advantages, including the accurate identification of conflicts through an affordable approach making it easily accessible for public administrations and authorities to assess pedestrian safety at road intersections. A dataset comprising 270 driver-pedestrian interactions, observed at three road intersections in Rome, Italy, was examined. The severity level of each event was assessed through a preliminary classification of each interaction into three patterns: high, low, and none. Subsequently, the severity levels were evaluated using three methods, employing Time-to-Collision (TTC), Post-Encroachment Time (PET), and a combination of TTC and PET. A comparison between the severity levels identified by the two approaches was conducted. The findings reveal that Method 2, utilizing PET, consistently identifies conflicts. Additionally, a binomial logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the variables that influence the likelihood of an interaction escalating into a conflict. The results demonstrate that the probability of conflict increases with the duration of a red signal, particularly for younger pedestrians
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