172 research outputs found

    Common-Property Resource Exploitation: A Real Options Approach

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    Agricultural land and forestlands can have multiple uses and generate multiple sources of utility. Although landowners benefit from most of them, society can benefit from others because of their intrinsic characteristics as common-property resources and customary practice. In many Italian territories, the picking of mushrooms is allowed on privately owned agricultural land and in forests. The management of these resources is challenging due to the emerging conflicts between landowners and users. In addition, the pressure exerted by users gives rise to issues on stock preservation, thus contributing to putting biodiversity at risk in contexts already heavily jeopardized by modern agriculture. Through the years, regulation established the primacy of the landowner’s right, introduced a permit fee for users, and set limits on the resource stock to be collected daily. Nonetheless, the relationship between public and private interests in common-property resource exploitation is still controversial. In this paper, we investigate and model a right holder’s decision whether to exploit a common-property resource according to their actual status of being an actual or potential user. The model is developed within the real options valuation framework. In detail, we investigate the entry/exit decision on the exploitation of the resource by considering the uncertainty that affects the resource stock, the entry/exist costs, and the number of rival users

    Myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion with endoscopic or microscopic technique in adults: a pilot study

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of endoscopic-assisted myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion in adults affected by chronic otitis media with effusion, comparing the outcomes of this approach with those obtained with the traditional microscopic technique. Twenty-four patients were enrolled in this trial and alternately assigned to 2 groups of 12 subjects each. In group A, patients underwent myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion under endoscopic view, whereas in group B, the same procedure was performed traditionally using a microscope. All cases were evaluated 1 week after surgery and then monthly until tube extrusion. Type A tympanogram was achieved in 10 of 13 ears in both groups (76.92%). No significant difference in operative times or complication rates was observed (P > .05). Endoscopic technique could be a viable alternative to the microscopic approach for myringotomy and ventilation tube positioning in adults affected by chronic otitis media with effusion

    Preliminary Study to Develop an Alternative Method for the Non-targeted Determination of Xenobiotics in Food by Means of Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to High Resolution and Accuracy Mass Spectrometry

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    This preliminary study describes the use of high resolution and accuracy mass spectrometry techniques combined with new generation chemical software products for detecting and identifying contaminants in food commodities. As a first step, the extracts of routine target analysis samples (obtained in our official laboratory responsible for food residues control) were acquired and processed with this method in order to search unknown and non-targeted contaminants in food. In order to verify the feasibility of the presented method, the research has been firstly addressed to untargeted pesticides and their metabolites in stone fruits commodities and tomatoes. The differential analysis carried with Compound Discoverer 2.0 between the investigated unknown sample and the blank matrix sample allowed to remove all the matrix molecular components; Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource (ACToR) helped to understand and predict chemical interpretation of substances. The acquisition in FullScan-AIF and FullScanddMS2 allowed the clear detection and identification of isobaric compounds such as quinalphos and phoxim. In order to verify that the proposed method is suitable to the scope of application, the main points of SANTE/11813/2017 Document have been followed. The results demonstrate that no false positives and no false negatives have been detected from the analysis of samples spiked with pesticides at 0.010 and 0.10 mg kg−1. This preliminary study has been also tested with a Proficiency Test (EUPT-FV-SM08) and, according to EUPT-FV-SM08 Final Report, our laboratory has been included in the 67% (56) that clearly detected over 70% pesticides. Finally, this method has been extended to other matrices and contaminants

    Renal parenchymal thickness is both related to vascular endothelial growth factor and intrarenal stiffness in systemic sclerosis

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    Questa Letter con dati originali dimostra che nei pazienti sclerodermia lo spessore parenchima, valutato ecograficamente, dipende sia dalla stiffess intrarenale , valutata mediante Doppler delle arterie renali, che dall'angiogenesi, valutata mediante il dosaggio sferico del vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Lo spessore parenchima renale nella sclerosi sistemica mostra una correlazione lineare negativa sia con l'indice di resistenza renale che con l dosaggio sferico del VEGF. E' ipotizzabile che la ridotta neoangiogenesi e l'aumento degli indici di resistenza renale siano la causa di una riduzione dello spessore parenchima renale

    Risk and returns in real estate development projects at the black swan test

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    The real estate market is affected by great uncertainty due to the nexus of various factors: a) the specificity of the assets traded, which are illiquid, unique and very hetherogeneous from each other; b) the ‘structural disequilibrium’ of the market caused by the differences emerging in elasticity of supply with respect to demand; c) the non-competitiveness of the market, which often turns into a bilateral monopoly; d) the great variability of market prices. Since the subprime mortgage crisis that broke out at the end of 2006 in the United States, it has clearly emerged that, in a sector that represents about a third of world wealth, it is necessary, on the one hand, to implement proper and increasingly sophisticated valuation tools, to support the design of effective risk management strategies and, on the other hand, to improve the reliability of real estate data, in order to allow for a more robust verification of the hypotheses on the trend of the cash flows generated by the investment and a more accurate valuation of the investment risk and, consequently, of the project expected rate of return. The main objective of this work is to investigate the accuracy and robustness of the estimates of real estate investors of the expected returns on an urban development project in a medium-sized city representative of the North East of Italy. Using a simulation-based approach, the gap between the observed internal rate of return, estimated ex post on the basis of the actual trend of the parameters that influence investment returns, and the expected internal rate of return, calculated ex ante on the basis of the information available at the time of the investment decision. Firstly, we constructed the time series from 1995 to 2015 of the expected and observed internal rates of return of investments in the residential sector. We obtained the time series of the cash flows generated by the investment under investigation by implementing a simulation-based approach. Starting from the comparison between observed internal rate of return and expected internal rates of return, we identified ex post the risk implicitly assumed by the investor at the time of the decision to undertake the investment. Secondly, the effectiveness of the Capital Asset Pricing Model as a method for estimating the return on a property investment was verified, by comparing the project’s observed (ex post) internal rate of return with its ex ante rate of return, estimated through the Capital Asset Pricing Model. To carry out the above analyses, we constructed the time series of observed and expected internal rate of returns from 1995 to 2015 of investments in the residential sector. The time series of the internal rate of returns of real estate investments were obtained by implementing a simulation-based approach to determine the cash flows of real estate investments representative of the context under investigation and by adopting as model inputs the parameters usually adopted in ex-ante and ex-post real estate valuations. Starting from the comparison between observed and expected internal rate of returns, we identified ex-post the risk implicitly assumed by the developer at the time of the decision to undertake the investment. Finally, by investigating the determinants of the divergence between the investment’s observed and expected internal rate of return and cyclical variables, we identified the factors (i.e., the macroeconomic fundaments) which, in the period under investigation, affected investment risk and, consequently, investment return. Finally, by investigating the relationships that account for the difference between the observed and expected internal rate of return and the economic factors that can determine the current stage in economic cycles, we identified the determinants of invetment risk and returns

    Parkinson's disease: autoimmunity and neuroinflammation

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    Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that causes the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. The resulting dopamine deficiency in the basal ganglia leads to a movement disorder that is characterized by classical parkinsonian motor symptoms. Parkinson's disease is recognized as the most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease. PD ethiopathogenesis remains to be elucidated and has been connected to genetic, environmental and immunologic conditions. The past decade has provided evidence for a significant role of the immune system in PD pathogenesis, either through inflammation or an autoimmune response. Several autoantibodies directed at antigens associated with PD pathogenesis have been identified in PD patients. This immune activation may be the cause of, rather than a response to, the observed neuronal loss. Parkinsonian motor symptoms include bradykinesia, muscular rigidity and resting tremor. The non-motor features include olfactory dysfunction, cognitive impairment, psychiatric symptoms and autonomic dysfunction. Microscopically, the specific degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the presence of Lewy bodies, which are brain deposits containing a substantial amount of α-synuclein, have been recognized. The progression of Parkinson's disease is characterized by a worsening of motor features; however, as the disease progresses, there is an emergence of complications related to long-term symptomatic treatment. The available therapies for Parkinson's disease only treat the symptoms of the disease. A major goal of Parkinson's disease research is the development of disease-modifying drugs that slow or stop the neurodegenerative process. Drugs that enhance the intracerebral dopamine concentrations or stimulate dopamine receptors remain the mainstay treatment for motor symptoms. Immunomodulatory therapeutic strategies aiming to attenuate PD neurodegeneration have become an attractive option and warrant further investigation

    Skin perfusion of hands is associated with parasympathetic activity in systemic sclerosis

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    Changes in the activity or responsiveness of neuroendothelial mecha-nisms may trigger vascular injury with im-balance of angiogenesi

    Fast method for skeletal tissue gene expression analysis

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    open9Several chronic diseases have been associated with bone alteration in the last few years. Despite the wealth of information provided by the analysis of the transcriptome in affected tissues, only a limited number of studies evaluated gene expression in bone tissue due to the difficulty to obtain high quality RNA. Therefore, skeletal pathologies have been often associated to a defective maturation process that occurs during recruitment of progenitor stem cells. In order to explore the possibility of analysing the gene expression during osteogenic differentiation in skeletal tissue, a single-step method to extract well-preserved RNA from bone specimens was performed. A comparison between this technique and a traditional method was made by analysing the quality and yield of RNA obtained. In addition, RNAs were assayed by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction to analyse the expression levels of the bone genes associated with the differentiation process in a mouse model. The present data showed that good quality RNA can be obtained from bone tissue by a simple single-step method allowing the expression analysis of the genes encoded by skeletal tissue. In conclusion, the present study allows the possibility to easily obtain good quality RNA from bone tissue that is suitable for gene expression studies of bone diseases.openDalle Carbonare, Luca; Vilei, Maria Teresa; Stranieri, Chiara; Innamorati, Giulio; Rosato, Antonio; Boldrin, Elisa; Sella, Stefania; Giannini, Sandro; Valenti, Maria TeresaDALLE CARBONARE, LUCA GIUSEPPE; Vilei, MARIA TERESA; Stranieri, Chiara; Innamorati, Giulio; Rosato, Antonio; Boldrin, Elisa; Sella, Stefania; Giannini, Sandro; Valenti, Maria Teres

    Antibody Response in Healthcare Workers before and after the Third Dose of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine: A Pilot Study

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic led to the development of various vaccines. The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine was the first approved due to its efficacy in eliciting a humoral immunity response after the second dose. However, a decrease in the antibody concentration was observed over time. Therefore, the administration of a third dose was scheduled, primarily for frail people and workers of essential public activities. The aim of this study was to assess the level of antibodies against the spike (S) RBD of SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers before and after the third dose of BNT162b2 vaccine, according to sex, age, and the time interval between vaccine doses and tests. All 37 (12 males, 25 females, 19 < 50 years old, 18 ≥ 50 years old) healthcare workers recruited showed a consistent antibody titer increase after the third dose. Data analysis showed that the antibody concentration before the third dose significantly decreased as the time interval up to the test increased, and a significantly higher level was shown in young than older people. Cluster analysis revealed that young females had a higher antibody level than older females before the third dose (p < 0.05). This study indicated the benefit of the third dose of BNT162b2 vaccine and its effect on leveling up the humoral immune response
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