68 research outputs found

    Nuclear astrophysics deep underground: the case of the 15N(p,Îł)16O reaction at LUNA

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    Measuring nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest at the relevant energies is not always possible on the Earth’s surface because of the cosmic-ray background that dominates the spectra. The LUNA collaboration exploits the lowbackground enviroment of Gran Sasso National Laboratory to study these reactions at or close to the Gamow peak. The latest experimental efforts included the measurement of the 15N(p,γ)16O at beam energies between 77 and 350 keV. The status of these measurements is summarised in this contribution

    Exploring Land Use Scenarios in Metropolitan Areas: Food Balance in a Local Agricultural System by Using a Multi-objective Optimization Model☆

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    Abstract The assessment of sustainability of agro-food systems is based on different and several tools. However, economic and policy implications of structural changes, such as land use change, and other modifications, for instance a different orientation or farming technique, could be mainly determined through scenario analysis. Especially in metropolitan regions, where the agricultural sector is threatened by various different pressures, a food supply adequately respondent to the demand is needed. In this sense the paper proposes the utilization of mathematical programming to assess some possible scenarios related to a higher compliance between food supply and demand. The approach is based on a linear programming model that takes into account the production and consumption dimensions in the Milan Metropolitan Area. Five scenarios are simulated, with different levels of sustainability and compliance with demand, demonstrating the potentialities of the regional agro-food system in adapting and adjusting itself to such modifications

    Gli strumenti di pianificazione territoriale in relazione alla funzionalità dell’agricoltura periurbana

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    Nel contesto periurbano la funzione di protezione degli spazi verdi Ăš data dalla presenza dell’attivitĂ  agricola, da un lato l’unica attivitĂ  economica in grado di governare e proteggere il paesaggio, dall’altro funzione pressochĂ© ignorata, non riconosciuta dalle politiche di pianificazione territoriale. Da qui la necessitĂ  che l’agricoltura assuma una posizione centrale nel governo del territorio, recuperando il ruolo funzionale che le compete relativamente alla sfera produttiva, alla difesa dell’ambiente e alla tutela e alla valorizzazione del paesaggio. Il lavoro prende in esame gli strumenti di pianificazione territoriale provinciale e regionale di due regioni italiane caratterizzate da vasti spazi agricoli e contemporaneamente da aree metropolitane importanti: la Lombardia con Milano e il Lazio con Roma, mettendo in evidenza il ritratto dell’agricoltura periurbana che ne emerge e proponendo una riflessione sull’integrazione della funzionalitĂ  agricola all’interno dei piani.Le propos de cet article est de montrer que dans certains contextes, pĂ©riurbain par exemple, la prĂ©sence de l'agriculture doit ĂȘtre garantie Ă  travers la tutelle du foncier agricole mais aussi Ă  travers la prĂ©servation de la fonctionnalitĂ© de l’activitĂ© Ă©conomique, aspect presque ignorĂ© des politiques. D'oĂč la nĂ©cessitĂ© pour l'agriculture d’assumer une position centrale dans l’amĂ©nagement du territoire, en rĂ©cupĂ©rant le rĂŽle fonctionnel par rapport Ă  la sphĂšre productive, Ă  la protection de l'environnement, Ă  la protection et Ă  l'amĂ©lioration du paysage. Pour arriver Ă  Ă©valuer le niveau de prise en compte de l’agriculture pĂ©riurbaine dans les documents de planification, nous avons choisi de comparer la rĂ©alitĂ© des zones pĂ©riurbaines des deux municipalitĂ©s italiennes qui ont la plus grande Ă©tendue de zones agricoles : Rome et Milan. Les documents de planification territoriale au niveau de la rĂ©gion (Lombardie et Lazio) et au niveau de la province (Milan et Rome) ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s.The paper focuses on the integration of periurban agriculture issues into territorial planning, as such integration appears to be largely insufficient at present considering the importance role recognized to periurban areas. The paper analyses the urban-planning instruments of two Italian regions (Lombardy and Lazio), characterized by wide agricultural areas and important metropolitan areas, as Milan in Lombardy and Rome in Lazio, highlighting the “image” of periurban agriculture, which emerges from these plans. The aim is to propose a reflection on the integration of agricultural functionality in the planning tools. In some contexts, as the periurban ones, the protection of green spaces is carried on by the permanence of farming, the only economic activity that could take care of the landscape; instead, often this function is not recognized by the urban policy. Hence the need to recognized a central role to agriculture in the land management recovering the functional role relating to the productive, social, environment conservation and protection and development of the agrarian landscape spheres

    Tourists’ Preferences for Alpine Pastures Maintenance

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    Traditional extensive agriculture is the main factor of landscape management in the mountains: a large part of the Alps is modelled by agriculture. Interpreted as a multifunctional activity, including landscape modelling and maintenance, agriculture generates the conditions under which mountain pasture landscape is an economic resource potentially exploitable by tourism. The aim of this work is to draw the profiles of tourists of mountain pastures and to estimate their Willingness to Pay (WTP)for landscape pastures resilience. The innovation of this work lies in the use of a multivariate approach using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). The analysis obtained three clusters that identify different tourists’ profiles. The main result is the existence of a positive WTP for the permanence of pasture systems with an agricultural management. Policy guidelines have been proposed to institutions owning pastures and huts to manage these assets

    Land use change and agriculture role in managing green spaces: a methodology for land use change analyses

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    Land consumption is currently one of the major problems affecting green spaces, natural or agricultural. This issue is very important both for agricultural system functionality and, consequently, for its permanence. This paper proposes an analyzing tool of land use changes to support planning policies, in order to highlight the major determinants of land use that affect the permanence of agricultural activity. The case studies are Lodi, Milan and Monza Brianza Provinces, in Lombardy Region. One of the most important results are that exogenous variables, like population density or real estate value of residential buildings, are the most influencing agricultural land loss.Land consumption is currently one of the major problems affecting green spaces, natural or agricultural. This issue is very important both for agricultural system functionality and, consequently, for its permanence. This paper proposes an analyzing tool of land use changes to support planning policies, in order to highlight the major determinants of land use that affect the permanence of agricultural activity. The case studies are Lodi, Milan and Monza Brianza Provinces, in Lombardy Region. One of the most important results are that exogenous variables, like population density or real estate value of residential buildings, are the most influencing agricultural land loss

    Life Monza: project description and actions’ updating

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    The introduction of Low Emission Zones, urban areas subject to road traffic restrictions in order to ensure compliance with the air pollutants limit values set by the European Directive on ambient air quality (2008/50/EC), is a common and well-established action in the administrative government of cities. The impacts on air quality improvement are widely analysed, whereas the effects and benefits concerning the noise have not been addressed in a comprehensive manner. As a consequence, the definition, the criteria for the analysis and the management methods of a Noise Low Emission Zone are not clearly expressed and shared yet. The LIFE MONZA project (Methodologies fOr Noise low emission Zones introduction And management - LIFE15 ENV/IT/000586) addresses these issues. The first objective of the project, co-funded by the European Commission, is to introduce an easy-replicable method for the identification and the management of the Noise Low Emission Zone, an urban area subject to traffic restrictions, whose impacts and benefits regarding noise issues will be analyzed and tested in the pilot area of the city of Monza, located in Northern Italy. Background conditions, structure, objectives of the project and actions’ progress will be discussed in this article

    L'analyse des systÚmes alimentaires locaux des grandes métropoles. Proposition méthodologique à partir des cas de Milan et de Paris

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    Nourrir les metropoles est un enjeu d'importance croissante en raison des capacites de production limitees des systemes agroalimentaires periurbains. Les zones urbaines sont de plus en plus densement peuplees et leurs impacts environnementaux, economiques et sociaux sont de plus en plus eleves. Il est donc important, y compris en termes de securite alimentaire, d'etudier les systemes alimentaires alternatifs qui completent, ou, dans certains cas, remplacent les filieres traditionnelles d'approvisionnement, en particulier dans les grandes metropoles. La definition spatiale d'un Systeme agroalimentaire metropolitain (SYAM) et la quantification de son offre et de sa demande alimentaires sont importants pour le developpement des territoires et de l'agriculture autour des grandes metropoles.Cet article propose un outil pour la definition spatiale d'un SYAM et pour l'analyse de la demande et de l'offre alimentaires dans ce territoire. Cet outil est teste sur deux metropoles, Milan et Paris

    LIFE Monza: comparison between ante and post-operam noise and air quality monitoring activities in a Noise Low Emission Zone

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    AbstractLIFE MONZA project (Methodologies fOr Noise low emission Zones introduction And management) aims at defining an easy-replicable method for the identification and management of theNoise Low Emission Zones(Noise LEZ), urban areas subject to traffic restrictions, usually introduced in order to ensure compliance with the air pollutants limit values, prescribed by the European Directive on ambient air quality 2008/50/EC, whose impacts and potential benefits regarding noise issues have been taken into account, tested and analysed in a pilot area of the city of Monza, located in North Italy. Noise LEZ has been established in Libertà district, introducing infrastructural interventions carried out by the municipality (top-down actions) and encouraging an active involvement of the citizens, in the definition of a more sustainable lifestyle (bottom-up actions). The analysis of potential effects on noise reduction due to the Noise LEZ can contribute to the implementation of the EU Directive 2002/49/EC, related to the assessment and management of environmental noise (Environmental Noise Directive – END), which introduces noise action plans, designed to manage noise issues and their effects, suggesting the adoption of urban and mobility planning. Noise and air quality monitoring activities have been carried out in pilot area inanteandpost-operamconditions. The monitoring methods, the measurement techniques, the analysis procedures, able to describe the effects due to Noise LEZ establishment, for both the main environmental issues are reported in this paper, as proposals to be applied in other different contexts. Results of monitoring activities highlight a reduction of noise, in term of sound pressure levels, betweenanteandpost-operam, during the day and particularly during the night period, and it is essentially due to the interventions realised. The effect of the Noise LEZ on air pollution seems to be negligible for combustion related pollutant and carbon fractions of PM, due both to the moderate spatial effects of the measures undertaken and confounding factors due to concomitant emission sources and meteorology
