50 research outputs found

    Controlled Size Reduction of Liquid Exfoliated Graphene Micro-Sheets via Tip Sonication

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    Liquid exfoliation of three-dimensional bulk solids with an inherent layered structure is an effective and scalable method to produce stable re-aggregation colloidal inks of 2D materials that are suitable for solution processing. Shear mixing is a relatively gentle technique that allows exfoliation while preserving the native lateral size of the 3D precursors, while tip sonication often leads to extensive structural damage, producing 2D sheets where many edge defects are introduced. We present a mixed approach to obtain liquid dispersions of few-layer graphene flakes, wherein the average lateral size of the colloids can be tuned in a controlled way. This strategy relies on the application of defined tip sonication steps on graphene inks previously prepared through the use of a shear mixer, thus starting with already-exfoliated micro-sheets with a limited amount of edge defects. Our approach could represent a valuable method to prepare 2D material inks with variable size distributions, as differences in this parameter could have a significant impact on the electronic behavior of the final material and thus on its field of application

    P–458 A computational biology approach to improve in-vitro folliculogenesis

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    Study question Considering the complexity of mechanisms involved in mammalian ovarian folliculogenesis, how about improving the current in-vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) protocols to prolong individual reproductive chance? Summary answer Computational modelling approach based on network theory was used to manage complexity, improve ivF knowledge and discover new molecules to be targeted for innovating assisted-reproductive-technologies. What is known already: Over the past decades, based on the large ovarian-pool of immature-gametes availability, ivF systems were developed in several mammalian species to support oocyte growth in order to preserve human-fertility and contrast endangered species extinction. Only mouse live-births were obtained when primordial/primary follicles were cultured in-vitro, instead the oocyte differentiation is extremely slow in medium-sized mammals. Moreover, the degree of meiotic-competence is quite incomplete if compared to mice, because oocytes must proceed until late antral-follicle stage to acquire a complete developmental competence. These observations denote the importance to adopt further investigations for establishing a complete ivF protocol in translational mammal model. Study design, size, duration Two researchers expert on reproductive biology generated the Web of Science-Mammals-Made in-vitro folliculogenesis (WoS_MMivF) database including 1111 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed international papers indexed selected in Advanced Search of WoS “Core-collection” by carrying out an independent analysis. Two additional researchers verified the correctness of the records. Participants/materials, setting, methods WoS_MMivF network was built up using Cytoscape 2.6.3 software. The network was analyzed for topological parameters (closeness-centrality, betweenness-centrality and edge count) and to identify key controllers (Hub.BN). Bidimensional-kernel-density-estimation (2D KDE) identifies Hub.BN controllers; Search-Tool-for-the-Retrieval-of-Interacting-Genes/Proteins (STRING) were used to enrich the network with new proteins. Main results and the role of chance The analysis of topological parameters demonstrated that the network is scale-free according to Barabási-Albert-model with a high-degree of robustness-against-random-damage, great controllability and navigability. The network reproduces a coherent framework identifying cross-talking molecules playing a key role in the inter-follicular/intra (somatic and germinal compartment) dialogue. The network allows to organize signalling transduction events/molecules by stratifying them in three layers: input-layer recognizes molecules generating the information flux working as systemic endocrine (pituitary/chorion/enteric-related endocrine hormones) and local paracrine-factors (TGFbeta-superfamily-members and growth-factors) exerting either intrafollicular control or remote feedback on reproductive-cycle. Processing-layer presents molecules able to elaborate/amplify the endocrine/paracrine controllers of ovarian functions, including components of codified intracellular-signaling-pathways like PI3K, KIT and MAPK and second messengers cAMP and Ca2+. These cascades are necessary to promote in-vitro reproducible follicular functions and modulate steroidogenesis, representing molecular events stratified in the output-layer. STRING analysis allowed to extend the regulatory flow of information towards two major biological action contexts: metabolic-control (paracrine-factors and signal-transduction) and angiogenesis. Metabolic-control mediated by mTOR and its interactor cognates FOXO1, FOXO3/SIRT1 plays a key role for ivF, representing the energy sensors of the reproductive cells in hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian-axis first regulating the status of follicle quiescence/activation and then fate of the structure (specialization or apoptosis). Limitations, reasons for caution - Wider implications of the findings: STRING identified mTOR as key pathway of folliculogenesis, which might act as a molecular-switch to be pharmacologically targeted for potential new in-vitro strategies modulating follicular fate. These results suggest that computational approach in biology might offer perspective in identifying unknown signals, implementing research questions and innovative protocols to face female-fertility. Trial registration number Not applicabl

    In vitro folliculogenesis in mammalian models: a computational biology study

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    In vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) has been proposed as an emerging technology to support follicle growth and oocyte development. It holds a great deal of attraction from preserving human fertility to improving animal reproductive biotechnology. Despite the mice model, where live offspring have been achieved,in medium-sized mammals, ivF has not been validated yet. Thus, the employment of a network theory approach has been proposed for interpreting the large amount of ivF information collected to date in different mammalian models in order to identify the controllers of the in vitro system. The WoS-derived data generated a scale-free network, easily navigable including 641 nodes and 2089 links. A limited number of controllers (7.2%) are responsible for network robustness by preserving it against random damage. The network nodes were stratified in a coherent biological manner on three layers: the input was composed of systemic hormones and somatic- oocyte paracrine factors; the intermediate one recognized mainly key signaling molecules such as PI3K, KL, JAK-STAT, SMAD4, and cAMP; and the output layer molecules were related to functional ivF endpoints such as the FSH receptor and steroidogenesis. Notably, the phenotypes of knock-out mice previously developed for hub.BN indirectly corroborate their biological relevance in early folliculogenesis. Finally, taking advantage of the STRING analysis approach, further controllers belonging to the metabolic axis backbone were identified, such as mTOR/FOXO, FOXO3/SIRT1, and VEGF, which have been poorly considered in ivF to date. Overall, this in silico study identifies new metabolic sensor molecules controlling ivF serving as a basis for designing innovative diagnostic and treatment methods to preserve female fertility

    A Systematic Review of the Effects of High-Fat Diet Exposure on Oocyte and Follicular Quality: A Molecular Point of View

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    Worldwide, infertility affects between 10 and 15% of reproductive-aged couples. Female infertility represents an increasing health issue, principally in developing countries, as the current inclinations of delaying pregnancy beyond 35 years of age significantly decrease fertility rates. Female infertility, commonly imputable to ovulation disorders, can be influenced by several factors, including congenital malformations, hormonal dysfunction, and individual lifestyle choices, such as smoking cigarettes, stress, drug use and physical activity. Moreover, diet-related elements play an important role in the regulation of ovulation. Modern types of diet that encourage a high fat intake exert a particularly negative effect on ovulation, affecting the safety of gametes and the implantation of a healthy embryo. Identifying and understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for diet-associated infertility might help clarify the confounding multifaceted elements of infertility and uncover novel, potentially curative treatments. In this view, this systematic revision of literature will summarize the current body of knowledge of the potential effect of high-fat diet (HFD) exposure on oocyte and follicular quality and consequent female reproductive function, with particular reference to molecular mechanisms and pathways. Inflammation, oxidative stress, gene expression and epigenetics represent the main mechanisms associated with mammal folliculogenesis and oogenesis

    When Electrospun Fiber Support Matters: In Vitro Ovine Long-Term Folliculogenesis on Poly (Epsilon Caprolactone) (PCL)-Patterned Fibers

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    Current assisted reproduction technologies (ART) are insufficient to cover the slice of the population needing to restore fertility, as well as to amplify the reproductive performance of domestic animals or endangered species. The design of dedicated reproductive scaffolds has opened the possibility to better recapitulate the reproductive 3D ovarian environment, thus potentially innovating in vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) techniques. To this aim, the present research has been designed to compare ovine preantral follicles in vitro culture on poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL)-based electrospun scaffolds designed with different topology (Random vs. Patterned fibers) with a previously validated system. The ivF performances were assessed after 14 days under 3D-oil, Two-Step (7 days in 3D-oil and on scaffold), or One-Step PCL protocols (14 days on PCL-scaffold) by assessing morphological and functional outcomes. The results show that Two- and One-Step PCL ivF protocols, when performed on patterned scaffolds, were both able to support follicle growth, antrum formation, and the upregulation of follicle marker genes leading to a greater oocyte meiotic competence than in the 3D-oil system. In conclusion, the One-Step approach could be proposed as a practical and valid strategy to support a synergic follicle-oocyte in vitro development, providing an innovative tool to enhance the availability of matured gametes on an individual basis for ART purposes

    Equine chorionic gonadotropin as an effective fsh replacement for in vitro ovine follicle and oocyte development

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    The use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) still requires strategies through which to maximize individual fertility chances. In vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) may represent a valid option to convey the large source of immature oocytes in ART. Several efforts have been made to set up ivF cultural protocols in medium-sized mammals, starting with the identification of the most suitable gonadotropic stimulus. In this study, Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) is proposed as an alternative to Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) based on its long superovulation use, trans-species validation, long half-life, and low costs. The use of 3D ivF on single-ovine preantral (PA) follicles allowed us to compare the hormonal effects and to validate their influence under two different cultural conditions. The use of eCG helped to stimulate the in vitro growth of ovine PA follicles by maximizing its influence under FBS-free medium. Higher performance of follicular growth, antrum formation, steroidogenic activity and gap junction marker expression were recorded. In addition, eCG, promoted a positive effect on the germinal compartment, leading to a higher incidence of meiotic competent oocytes. These findings should help to widen the use of eCG to ivF as a valid and largely available hormonal support enabling a synchronized in vitro follicle and oocyte development

    The Effect of the Use of Hearing Aids in Elders: Perspectives

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    Older adults with hearing loss have difficulties during conversation with others because an elevated auditory threshold reduces speech intelligibility, especially in noisy environments. Listening and comprehension often become exhausting tasks for hearing-impaired elders, resulting in social isolation and depression. The aim of the present study was to investigate the advantages of hearing aid use in relation to relief from listening-related fatigue, which is still controversial. Participants included a sample of 49 hearing-impaired elders affected by presbycusis for whom hearing aids were prescribed. The Modified Fatigue Impact Scale was used to assess cognitive, physical and psychosocial fatigue. The vitality subscale of the Short Form Health Survey 36 and a single item of the multi-dimensional Speech, Spatial and Quality Hearing Scale ("Do you have to put a lot of effort to hear what is being said in conversation with others?") were also used. The Cognitive Failures Questionnaire was used to investigate daily errors related to lack of memory and reduced mindedness. Hearing aids rehabilitation resulted in improved speech intelligibility in competing noise, and a significant reduction in cognitive and psychosocial fatigue and listening effort in conversation. Vitality was also improved and a significant reduction in the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire scores was observed. Findings from the study indicate that the use of hearing aids in older impaired-listeners provide them not only with an increased auditory function but also with a reduction in listening-related fatigue and mindedness

    TWNK in Parkinson's Disease: A Movement Disorder and Mitochondrial Disease Center Perspective Study

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    Background: Parkinsonian features have been described in patients harboring variants in nuclear genes encoding for proteins involved in mitochondrial DNA maintenance, such as TWNK. Objectives: The aim was to screen for TWNK variants in an Italian cohort of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and to assess the occurrence of parkinsonism in patients presenting with TWNK-related autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (TWNK-adPEO). Methods: Genomic DNA of 263 consecutively collected PD patients who underwent diagnostic genetic testing was analyzed with a targeted custom gene panel including TWNK, as well as genes causative of monogenic PD. Genetic and clinical data of 18 TWNK-adPEO patients with parkinsonism were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Six of 263 PD patients (2%), presenting either with isolated PD (n = 4) or in combination with bilateral ptosis (n = 2), carried TWNK likely pathogenic variants. Among 18 TWNK-adPEO patients, 5 (28%) had parkinsonism. Conclusions: We show candidate TWNK variants occurring in PD without PEO. This finding will require further confirmatory studies. © 2022 Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson Movement Disorder Society

    High-fat diet-negative impact on female fertility: from mechanisms to protective actions of antioxidant matrices

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    IntroductionExcessive calorie intake poses a significant threat to female fertility, leading to hormonal imbalances and reproductive challenges. Overconsumption of unhealthy fats exacerbates ovarian dysfunction, with an overproduction of reactive oxygen species causing oxidative stress, impairing ovarian follicle development and leading to irregular ovulation and premature ovarian failure. Interest in biological matrices with high antioxidant properties to combat diet-related oxidative stress has grown, as they contain various bioactive factors crucial for neutralizing free radicals potentially preventing female reproductive health. This systematic review evaluates the female reproductive impact of biological matrices in mitigating oxidative damages induced by over calory habits and, in particular, high fat diets.MethodsA comparative approach among mammalian models was utilized to interpret literature available data. This approach specifically investigates the antioxidant mechanisms of biological matrices on early and late ovarian folliculogenesis, under physiological and hormone-induced female reproductive cycle. Adhering to the PRISMA 2020 guidelines, only English-language publications from peer-reviewed international indexes were considered.ResultsThe analysis of 121 publications meeting the inclusion criteria facilitated the identification of crucial components of biological matrices. These components, including carbocyclic sugars, phytonutrients, organosulfur compounds, and vitamins, were evaluated for their impact on ovarian follicle resilience, oocyte quality, and reproductive lifespan. The detrimental effects of oxidative stress on female fertility, particularly exacerbated by high saturated fat diets, are well-documented. In vivo studies across mammalian preclinical models have underscored the potential of antioxidants derived from biological matrices to mitigate diet-induced conditions. These antioxidants enhance steroidogenesis and ovarian follicle development, thereby improving oocyte quality. Additionally, discussions within these publications emphasized the clinical significance of these biological matrices, translating research findings into practical applications for female health.ConclusionFurther research is essential to fully exploit the potential of these matrices in enhancing female reproduction and mitigating the effects of diets rich in fatty acids. This requires intensified in vitro studies and comprehensive collection of in vivo data before clinical trials. The promotion of ovarian resilience offers promising avenues for enhancing understanding and advancing female reproductive health world-wide

    Association of kidney disease measures with risk of renal function worsening in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Background: Albuminuria has been classically considered a marker of kidney damage progression in diabetic patients and it is routinely assessed to monitor kidney function. However, the role of a mild GFR reduction on the development of stage 653 CKD has been less explored in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic role of kidney disease measures, namely albuminuria and reduced GFR, on the development of stage 653 CKD in a large cohort of patients affected by T1DM. Methods: A total of 4284 patients affected by T1DM followed-up at 76 diabetes centers participating to the Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (Associazione Medici Diabetologi, AMD) initiative constitutes the study population. Urinary albumin excretion (ACR) and estimated GFR (eGFR) were retrieved and analyzed. The incidence of stage 653 CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) or eGFR reduction > 30% from baseline was evaluated. Results: The mean estimated GFR was 98 \ub1 17 mL/min/1.73m2 and the proportion of patients with albuminuria was 15.3% (n = 654) at baseline. About 8% (n = 337) of patients developed one of the two renal endpoints during the 4-year follow-up period. Age, albuminuria (micro or macro) and baseline eGFR < 90 ml/min/m2 were independent risk factors for stage 653 CKD and renal function worsening. When compared to patients with eGFR > 90 ml/min/1.73m2 and normoalbuminuria, those with albuminuria at baseline had a 1.69 greater risk of reaching stage 3 CKD, while patients with mild eGFR reduction (i.e. eGFR between 90 and 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) show a 3.81 greater risk that rose to 8.24 for those patients with albuminuria and mild eGFR reduction at baseline. Conclusions: Albuminuria and eGFR reduction represent independent risk factors for incident stage 653 CKD in T1DM patients. The simultaneous occurrence of reduced eGFR and albuminuria have a synergistic effect on renal function worsening