945 research outputs found

    Efficient learning of tt-doped stabilizer states with single-copy measurements

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    One of the primary objectives in the field of quantum state learning is to develop algorithms that are time-efficient for learning states generated from quantum circuits. Earlier investigations have demonstrated time-efficient algorithms for states generated from Clifford circuits with at most log⁥(n)\log(n) non-Clifford gates. However, these algorithms necessitate multi-copy measurements, posing implementation challenges in the near term due to the requisite quantum memory. On the contrary, using solely single-qubit measurements in the computational basis is insufficient in learning even the output distribution of a Clifford circuit with one additional TT gate under reasonable post-quantum cryptographic assumptions. In this work, we introduce an efficient quantum algorithm that employs only nonadaptive single-copy measurement to learn states produced by Clifford circuits with a maximum of O(log⁥n)O(\log n) non-Clifford gates, filling a gap between the previous positive and negative results.Comment: 6 page


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    The hydro­thermal reaction of cobalt nitrate with 4,4′-bipyridine and 3-nitro­benzoic acid lead to the formation of the title complex, [Co(C7H4NO4)2(C10H8N2)2]n. In the crystal structure, the CoII atoms are coordinated by two terminal carboxyl­ate anions and four 4,4′-bipyridine ligands within slightly distorted octa­hedra. The CoII atom and one of the two independent 4,4′-bipyridine ligands are located on a twofold rotation axis, while the second independent 4,4′-bipyridine mol­ecule is located on a centre of inversion. One of the two rings of one 4,4′-bipyridine ligand is disordered over two orientations and was refined using a split model [occupancy ratio 0.68 (2):0.32 (2)]. The CoII atoms are connected by the 4,4′-bipyridine ligands into layers, which are located parallel to the ab plane

    Quantum-Inspired Sublinear Algorithm for Solving Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming

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    Semidefinite programming (SDP) is a central topic in mathematical optimization with extensive studies on its efficient solvers. In this paper, we present a proof-of-principle sublinear-time algorithm for solving SDPs with low-rank constraints; specifically, given an SDP with mm constraint matrices, each of dimension nn and rank rr, our algorithm can compute any entry and efficient descriptions of the spectral decomposition of the solution matrix. The algorithm runs in time O(m⋅poly(log⁡n,r,1/ε))O(m\cdot\mathrm{poly}(\log n,r,1/\varepsilon)) given access to a sampling-based low-overhead data structure for the constraint matrices, where ε\varepsilon is the precision of the solution. In addition, we apply our algorithm to a quantum state learning task as an application. Technically, our approach aligns with 1) SDP solvers based on the matrix multiplicative weight (MMW) framework by Arora and Kale [TOC '12]; 2) sampling-based dequantizing framework pioneered by Tang [STOC '19]. In order to compute the matrix exponential required in the MMW framework, we introduce two new techniques that may be of independent interest: ∙\bullet Weighted sampling: assuming sampling access to each individual constraint matrix A1,…,AτA_{1},\ldots,A_{\tau}, we propose a procedure that gives a good approximation of A=A1+⋯+AτA=A_{1}+\cdots+A_{\tau}. ∙\bullet Symmetric approximation: we propose a sampling procedure that gives the \emph{spectral decomposition} of a low-rank Hermitian matrix AA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first sampling-based algorithm for spectral decomposition, as previous works only give singular values and vectors.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2020

    Quantum-Inspired Algorithms for Solving Low-Rank Linear Equation Systems with Logarithmic Dependence on the Dimension

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    We present two efficient classical analogues of the quantum matrix inversion algorithm [16] for low-rank matrices. Inspired by recent work of Tang [27], assuming length-square sampling access to input data, we implement the pseudoinverse of a low-rank matrix allowing us to sample from the solution to the problem Ax = b using fast sampling techniques. We construct implicit descriptions of the pseudo-inverse by finding approximate singular value decomposition of A via subsampling, then inverting the singular values. In principle, our approaches can also be used to apply any desired “smooth” function to the singular values. Since many quantum algorithms can be expressed as a singular value transformation problem [15], our results indicate that more low-rank quantum algorithms can be effectively “dequantised” into classical length-square sampling algorithms

    On the Quantum Complexity of Closest Pair and Related Problems

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    The closest pair problem is a fundamental problem of computational geometry: given a set of nn points in a dd-dimensional space, find a pair with the smallest distance. A classical algorithm taught in introductory courses solves this problem in O(nlog⁥n)O(n\log n) time in constant dimensions (i.e., when d=O(1)d=O(1)). This paper asks and answers the question of the problem's quantum time complexity. Specifically, we give an O~(n2/3)\tilde{O}(n^{2/3}) algorithm in constant dimensions, which is optimal up to a polylogarithmic factor by the lower bound on the quantum query complexity of element distinctness. The key to our algorithm is an efficient history-independent data structure that supports quantum interference. In polylog(n)\mathrm{polylog}(n) dimensions, no known quantum algorithms perform better than brute force search, with a quadratic speedup provided by Grover's algorithm. To give evidence that the quadratic speedup is nearly optimal, we initiate the study of quantum fine-grained complexity and introduce the Quantum Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (QSETH), which is based on the assumption that Grover's algorithm is optimal for CNF-SAT when the clause width is large. We show that the na\"{i}ve Grover approach to closest pair in higher dimensions is optimal up to an no(1)n^{o(1)} factor unless QSETH is false. We also study the bichromatic closest pair problem and the orthogonal vectors problem, with broadly similar results.Comment: 46 pages, 3 figures, presentation improve
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