247 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of myopia control interventions: a systematic review of 12 randomized control trials published between 2019 and 2021

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of interventions to control myopia progression. In this systematic review, the primary outcomes were mean differences (MD) between treatment and control groups in myopia progression (D) and axial length (AL) elongation (mm). Results: The following interventions were found to be effective (p < 0.001): highly aspherical lenslets (HAL, 0.80 D, 95% CI, 0.77-0.83; -0.35 mm, 95% CI -0.36 to -0.34), MiSight contact lenses (0.66 D, 95% CI, 0.63-0.69; -0.28 mm, 95% CI -0.29 to -0.27), low dose atropine 0.05% (0.54 D, 95% CI, 0.38-0.70; -0.21 mm, 95% CI-0.28 to -0.14), Biofinity +2.50 D (0.45 D, 95% CI, 0.29, 0.61; -0.24 mm, 95% CI -0.33 to -0.15), defocus incorporated multiple segments [DIMS] (0.44 D, 95% CI, 0.42-0.46; -0.34 mm, 95% CI -0.35 to -0.33) and ortho-k lenses (-0.24 mm, 95% CI -0.33 to -01.5). Conclusion: Low-dose atropine 0.01% was not effective in reducing AL progression in two studies. Treatment efficacy with low-dose atropine of 0.05% showed good efficacy. Spectacles (HAL and DIMS) and contact lenses (MiSight and Biofinity) may confer a comparable treatment benefit compared to atropine, to slow myopia progression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utilizing Zebrafish Visual Behaviors in Drug Screening for Retinal Degeneration

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    Zebrafish are a popular vertebrate model in drug discovery. They produce a large number of small and rapidly-developing embryos. These embryos display rich visual-behaviors that can be used to screen drugs for treating retinal degeneration (RD). RD comprises blinding diseases such as Retinitis Pigmentosa, which affects 1 in 4000 people. This disease has no definitive cure, emphasizing an urgency to identify new drugs. In this review, we will discuss advantages, challenges, and research developments in using zebrafish behaviors to screen drugs in vivo. We will specifically discuss a visual-motor response that can potentially expedite discovery of new RD drugs

    Empirical Analysis of Body Constitution and Food Intake in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes from a TCM Perspective

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    This study examined the correlations between body constitution (BC) and food intake in a sample of persons with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) from a perspective of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Past research on BC of persons with diabetes (DM) from a TCM perspective revealed imbalanced state of Yin and Yang in terms of Yin-deficiency (YID), Yang-deficiency (YAD), and Yin-Yang-deficiency (YYD). However, no studies have attempted to find out if daily food intake has an influence on Yin-Yang balance. The present study adapted a mixed method, which constituted of two phases. Phase one involved an exploratory case study (n=18) conducted between May and June 2011 and phase two, a descriptive correlation study (n=210) between October and December 2013. Results showed that in phase-one, three cases showed YID and higher food intake in hot/warm nature, 12 cases with YAD and higher food intake in cold/cool nature while three cases with Yin-Yang-deficiency (YYD) and extremely high food intake in cold/cool nature. In phase-two, Spearman's correlation coefficient between food intake and YID presentations (YIDPs) (hot/warm food: rho=0.34, p=0.000; cold/cool food: rho= 0.18, p=0.006); YAD presentations (YADPs) (hot/warm food: rho=0.18, p=0.008; cold/cool food: rho=0.2, p=0.006); and YYD presentations (YYDPs) (hot/warm food: rho=0.29, p=0.006; cold/cool food: rho=0.2, p=0.003) have been noted. The findings concluded that persons with T2DM and YIDPs, YADPs, or YYDPs tend to have food intakes higher in hot/warm nature or cold/cool natur

    The effectiveness and tolerability of atropine eye drops for myopia control in non-Asian regions

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    Myopia is the most common ocular disorder worldwide with an increasing prevalence over the past few decades. It is a refractive error associated with excessive growth of the eyeball. Individuals with myopia, especially high myopia, are prone to develop sight-threatening complications. Currently, atropine is the only drug that is used to slow myopia progression in clinical practice. However, there are still areas of uncertainty such as treatment strategy, optimal concentration when considering the risk-benefit ratio, and active treatment period. Since the prevalence of myopia is much higher in Asian countries, most of the research on myopia control has been conducted in Asia. Data on the efficacy and tolerability of atropine eye drops in the non-Asian population remains limited. In this review, we summarize the results of published clinical trials on the effectiveness and tolerability of atropine eye drops for myopia control in non-Asian regions. The efficacy was evaluated by the mean change in spherical equivalent (SE) or axial length (AL). The tolerability of atropine eye drops was analyzed based on patients' complaints and adverse events. The results of this review suggest that 0.01% atropine eye drops are effective in non-Asian regions achieving fewer side effects compared to 0.5% concentration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expression profiling of the retina of pde6c, a zebrafish model of retinal degeneration

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    Retinal degeneration often affects the whole retina even though the disease-causing gene is specifically expressed in the light-sensitive photoreceptors. The molecular basis of the retinal defect can potentially be determined by gene-expression profiling of the whole retina. In this study, we measured the gene-expression profile of retinas microdissected from a zebrafish pde6cw59 (pde6c) mutant. This retinal-degeneration model not only displays cone degeneration caused by a cone-specific mutation, but also other secondary cellular changes starting from 4 days postfertilization (dpf). To capture the underlying molecular changes, we subjected pde6c and wild-type (WT) retinas at 5 dpf/ 120 h postfertilization (hpf) to RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) on the Illumina HiSeq 2,000 platform. We also validated the RNA-Seq results by Reverse Transcription Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) of seven phototransduction genes. Our analyses indicate that the RNA-Seq dataset was of high quality, and effectively captured the molecular changes in the whole pde6c retina. This dataset will facilitate the characterization of the molecular defects in the pde6c retina at the initial stage of retinal degeneration

    Normalization of large-scale behavioural data collected from zebrafish

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    Many contemporary neuroscience experiments utilize high-throughput approaches to simultaneously collect behavioural data from many animals. The resulting data are often complex in structure and are subjected to systematic biases, which require new approaches for analysis and normalization. This study addressed the normalization need by establishing an approach based on linear-regression modeling. The model was established using a dataset of visual motor response (VMR) obtained from several strains of wild-type (WT) zebrafish collected at multiple stages of development. The VMR is a locomotor response triggered by drastic light change, and is commonly measured repeatedly from multiple larvae arrayed in 96-well plates. This assay is subjected to several systematic variations. For example, the light emitted by the machine varies slightly from well to well. In addition to the light-intensity variation, biological replication also created batch-batch variation. These systematic variations may result in differences in the VMR and must be normalized. Our normalization approach explicitly modeled the effect of these systematic variations on VMR. It also normalized the activity profiles of different conditions to a common baseline. Our approach is versatile, as it can incorporate different normalization needs as separate factors. The versatility was demonstrated by an integrated normalization of three factors: light-intensity variation, batch-batch variation and baseline. After normalization, new biological insights were revealed from the data. For example, we found larvae of TL strain at 6 days post-fertilization (dpf) responded to light onset much stronger than the 9-dpf larvae, whereas previous analysis without normalization shows that their responses were relatively comparable. By removing systematic variations, our model-based normalization can facilitate downstream statistical comparisons and aid detecting true biological differences in high-throughput studies of neurobehaviour
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