467 research outputs found

    Single step optimal block matched motion estimation with motion vectors having arbitrary pixel precisions

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    This paper proposes a non-linear block matched motion model and solves the motion vectors with arbitrary pixel precisions in a single step. As the optimal motion vector which minimizes the mean square error is solved analytically in a single step, the computational complexity of our proposed algorithm is lower than that of conventional quarter pixel search algorithms. Also, our proposed algorithm can be regarded as a generalization of conventional half pixel search algorithms and quarter pixel search algorithms because our proposed algorithm could achieve motion vectors with arbitrary pixel precisions

    Single step optimal block matched motion estimation with motion vectors having arbitrary pixel precisions

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    This paper proposes a non-linear block matched motion model with motion vectors having arbitrary pixel precisions. The optimal motion vector which minimizes the mean square error is solved analytically in a single step. Our proposed algorithm can be regarded as a generalization of conventional half pixel search algorithms and quarter pixel search algorithms because our proposed algorithm could achieve motion vectors with arbitrary pixel precisions. Also, the computational effort of our proposed algorithm is lower than that of conventional quarter pixel search algorithms because our proposed algorithm could achieve motion vectors in a single step

    Online Mixed Discrete and Continuous Optimization: Algorithms, Regret Analysis and Applications

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    We study an online mixed discrete and continuous optimization problem where a decision maker interacts with an unknown environment for a number of TT rounds. At each round, the decision maker needs to first jointly choose a discrete and a continuous actions and then receives a reward associated with the chosen actions. The goal for the decision maker is to maximize the accumulative reward after TT rounds. We propose algorithms to solve the online mixed discrete and continuous optimization problem and prove that the algorithms yield sublinear regret in TT. We show that a wide range of applications in practice fit into the framework of the online mixed discrete and continuous optimization problem, and apply the proposed algorithms to solve these applications with regret guarantees. We validate our theoretical results with numerical experiments

    Effect of magnetic field on the spin resonance in FeTe(0.5)Se(0.5) as seen via inelastic neutron scattering

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    Inelastic neutron scattering and susceptibility measurements have been performed on the optimally-doped Fe-based superconductor FeTe(0.5)Se(0.5), which has a critical temperature, Tc of 14 K. The magnetic scattering at the stripe antiferromagnetic wave-vector Q = (0.5,0.5) exhibits a "resonance" at ~ 6 meV, where the scattering intensity increases abruptly when cooled below Tc. In a 7-T magnetic field parallel to the a-b plane, Tc is slightly reduced to ~ 12 K, based on susceptibility measurements. The resonance in the neutron scattering measurements is also affected by the field. The resonance intensity under field cooling starts to rise at a lower temperature ~ 12 K, and the low temperature intensity is also reduced from the zero-field value. Our results provide clear evidence for the intimate relationship between superconductivity and the resonance measured in magnetic excitations of Fe-based superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Design of near allpass strictly stable minimal phase real valued rational IIR filters

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    In this brief, a near-allpass strictly stable minimal-phase real-valued rational infinite-impulse response filter is designed so that the maximum absolute phase error is minimized subject to a specification on the maximum absolute allpass error. This problem is actually a minimax nonsmooth optimization problem subject to both linear and quadratic functional inequality constraints. To solve this problem, the nonsmooth cost function is first approximated by a smooth function, and then our previous proposed method is employed for solving the problem. Computer numerical simulation result shows that the designed filter satisfies all functional inequality constraints and achieves a small maximum absolute phase error

    Source attack of decoy-state quantum key distribution using phase information

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) utilizes the laws of quantum mechanics to achieve information-theoretically secure key generation. This field is now approaching the stage of commercialization, but many practical QKD systems still suffer from security loopholes due to imperfect devices. In fact, practical attacks have successfully been demonstrated. Fortunately, most of them only exploit detection-side loopholes which are now closed by the recent idea of measurement-device-independent QKD. On the other hand, little attention is paid to the source which may still leave QKD systems insecure. In this work, we propose and demonstrate an attack that exploits a source-side loophole existing in qubit-based QKD systems using a weak coherent state source and decoy states. Specifically, by implementing a linear-optics unambiguous-state-discrimination measurement, we show that the security of a system without phase randomization --- which is a step assumed in conventional security analyses but sometimes neglected in practice --- can be compromised. We conclude that implementing phase randomization is essential to the security of decoy-state QKD systems under current security analyses.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrasound-assisted degradation of a new bacterial exopolysaccharide WL-26 from Sphingomonas sp.

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    Ultrasonic degradation of a new exopolysaccharide WL-26 from Sphingomonas sp. was made over the frequency range 200 to 1200 Hz and polymer concentrations of 3, 5, 10 and 20 g/L using high performance anion exchange pulsed-amperometric detection chromatography (HPAEC–PAD) and infrared spectroscopy. Sonication was more efficient with less concentrated polysaccharide solutions, high ultrasonic frequency, long duration of ultrasonic irradiation and degradation continued until a limiting molecular weight was attained. Results show that HPAEC–PAD revealed WL-26 to be an acidic polysaccharide composed of rhamnose, glucose, mannose, galactose and glucuronic acid in the molar ratio of 10:9:3:1:3 distinctly different from welan gum which does not contain galactose.Key words: Exopolysaccharide WL-26, ultrasonic degradation, infrared spectroscopy
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