40 research outputs found

    Information-Control Software for Handling Serial Devices in an EPICS Environment

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    Each accelerator control system has a variety of measurement devices. One of the most common types of instrument interfaces used for their control is a serial (RS-232) bus. It is inexpensive and adequate for relatively simple measurement and control devices such as switchers, amplifiers, voltmeters, and steppermotors. Since the RS-232 specification is very broad and does not require uniformity above the basic communication protocol level, one of the major problems associated with the use of RS-232 is that the command protocol for each device is unique. This makes it difficult to design generic drivers for RS-232 and also hampers efforts to design generic troubleshooting methods. This paper presents software developed independently at three other labs and integrated into a single system at Jefferson Lab to handle serial devices in a generic manner. The software is based on the EPICS toolkit and uses a 3-tier architecture including a common serial driver at the bottom, a top-level protocol to specify individual device commands in a generic manner, and a mid-level of software to "glue" the two together.Comment: 3 pages, paper presented at Conference ICALEPCS-2001, San Jose, CA, November, 200

    A versatile trigger and synchronization module with IEEE1588 capabilities and EPICS support.

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    Event timing and synchronization are two key aspects to improve in the implementation of distributed data acquisition (dDAQ) systems such as the ones used in fusion experiments. It is also of great importance the integration of dDAQ in control and measurement networks. This paper analyzes the applicability of the IEEE1588 and EPICS standards to solve these problems, and presents a hardware module implementation based in both of them that allow adding these functionalities to any DAQ. The IEEE1588 standard facilitates the integration of event timing and synchronization mechanisms in distributed data acquisition systems based on IEEE 803.3 (Ethernet). An optimal implementation of such system requires the use of network interface devices which include specific hardware resources devoted to the IEE1588 functionalities. Unfortunately, this is not the approach followed in most of the large number of applications available nowadays. Therefore, most solutions are based in software and use standard hardware network interfaces. This paper presents the development of a hardware module (GI2E) with IEEE1588 capabilities which includes USB, RS232, RS485 and CAN interfaces. This permits to integrate any DAQ element that uses these interfaces in dDAQ systems in an efficient and simple way. The module has been developed with Motorola's Coldfire MCF5234 processor and National Semiconductors's PHY DP83640T, providing it with the possibility to implement the PTP protocol of IEEE1588 by hardware, and therefore increasing its performance over other implementations based in software. To facilitate the integration of the dDAQ system in control and measurement networks the module includes a basic Input/Output Controller (IOC) functionality of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) architecture. The paper discusses the implementation details of this module and presents its applications in advanced dDAQ applications in the fusion community


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    each other easily. Also, many components such as Help, A framework for high level accelerator application Search, Cut, Copy and Paste are seamlessly integrated software is being developed for the Linac Coherent Light through the Eclipse framework. Source (LCLS). The framework is based on plug-in technology developed by an open source project, Eclipse. Many existing functionalities provided by Eclipse are available to high-level applications written within this framework. The framework also contains static data storage configuration and dynamic data connectivity. Because the framework is Eclipse-based, it is highly compatible with any other Eclipse plug-ins. The entire infrastructure of the software framework will be presented. Planned applications and plug-ins based on the framework are also presented

    Tactiques individuellement adaptées du traitement de la néphroptose

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    La néphroptose est une condition de mobilité pathologique du rein, qui transmet sa mobilité physiologique au repos et avec les changements de position du corps humain. Synonyme du nom de la maladie - rein pathologiquement mobile. Elle peut être unilatérale ou bilatérale. Le problème principal et le plus difficile de la néphroptose est de déterminer le type de traitement approprié. À l'heure actuelle, selon les protocoles de traitement, une approche méthodologique de l'élimination progressive de cette pathologie a été établie. Cependant, en urologie, cette maladie a de nombreux points de vue contradictoires sur la fourniture de soins efficaces aux patients atteints de néphroptose. La néphroptose s'accompagne de troubles urodynamiques, qui comprennent le phénomène de dilatation des voies urinaires supérieures, la présence d'une infection secondaire, l'allongement de l'os vasculaire du rein avec le développement ultérieur d'une hypoxie et ses conséquences sur le parenchyme rénal. Il existe de nombreuses causes d'insuffisance rénale. Les antécédents héréditaires, les traumatismes, la perte de poids et la diminution de la pression intra-abdominale n'expliquent pas complètement les causes de l'insuffisance rénale, mais contribuent à la néphroptose. Les caractéristiques anatomiques de la structure de la forme du corps masculin et féminin expliquent le fait que la néphroptose est plus fréquente chez les femmes (en particulier bilatérales) que chez les hommes

    Advances on ELIC Design Studies

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    An electron-ion collider of a center-of-mass energy up to 90 GeV at luminosity up to 1035 cm-2s-1 with both beams highly polarized is essential for exploring the new QCD frontier of strong color fields in nuclear and precisely imaging the sea-quarks and gluons in the nucleon. A conceptual design of a ring-ring collider based on CEBAF (ELIC) with energies up to 9 GeV for electrons/positrons and up to 225 GeV for protons and 100 GeV/u for ions has been proposed to fulfill the science desire and to serve as the next step for CEBAF after the planned 12 GeV energy upgrade of the fixed target program. Here, we summarize recent design progress for the ELIC complex with four interaction points (IP); including interaction region optics with chromatic aberration compensation scheme and complete lattices for the Figure-8 collider rings. Further optimization of crab crossing angles at the IPs, simulations of beam-beam interactions and electron polarization in the Figure-8 ring and its matching at the IPs are also discussed

    Science Requirements and Conceptual Design for a Polarized Medium Energy Electron-Ion Collider at Jefferson Lab

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    This report presents a brief summary of the science opportunities and program of a polarized medium energy electron-ion collider at Jefferson Lab and a comprehensive description of the conceptual design of such a collider based on the CEBAF electron accelerator facility.Comment: 160 pages, ~93 figures This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177, DE-AC02-06CH11357, DE-AC05-060R23177, and DESC0005823. The U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce this manuscript for U.S. Government purpose

    A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam

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    We present the first lasing results of SwissFEL, a hard X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) that recently came into operation at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. SwissFEL is a very stable, compact and cost-effective X-ray FEL facility driven by a low-energy and ultra-low-emittance electron beam travelling through short-period undulators. It delivers stable hard X-ray FEL radiation at 1-Å wavelength with pulse energies of more than 500 μJ, pulse durations of ~30 fs (root mean square) and spectral bandwidth below the per-mil level. Using special configurations, we have produced pulses shorter than 1 fs and, in a different set-up, broadband radiation with an unprecedented bandwidth of ~2%. The extremely small emittance demonstrated at SwissFEL paves the way for even more compact and affordable hard X-ray FELs, potentially boosting the number of facilities worldwide and thereby expanding the population of the scientific community that has access to X-ray FEL radiation