21,645 research outputs found

    Vocal learning promotes patterned inhibitory connectivity.

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    Skill learning is instantiated by changes to functional connectivity within premotor circuits, but whether the specificity of learning depends on structured changes to inhibitory circuitry remains unclear. We used slice electrophysiology to measure connectivity changes associated with song learning in the avian analog of primary motor cortex (robust nucleus of the arcopallium, RA) in Bengalese Finches. Before song learning, fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs) densely innervated glutamatergic projection neurons (PNs) with apparently random connectivity. After learning, there was a profound reduction in the overall strength and number of inhibitory connections, but this was accompanied by a more than two-fold enrichment in reciprocal FSI-PN connections. Moreover, in singing birds, we found that pharmacological manipulations of RA's inhibitory circuitry drove large shifts in learned vocal features, such as pitch and amplitude, without grossly disrupting the song. Our results indicate that skill learning establishes nonrandom inhibitory connectivity, and implicates this patterning in encoding specific features of learned movements

    Using Adobe Flash Lite on mobile phones for psychological research: reaction time measurement reliability and inter-device variability

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    Mobile telephones have significant potential for use in psychological research, possessing unique characteristics—not least their ubiquity—that may make them useful tools for psychologists. We examined whether it is possible to measure reaction times (RTs) accurately using Adobe Flash Lite on mobile phones. We ran simple and choice RT experiments on two widely available mobile phones, a Nokia 6110 Navigator and a Sony Ericsson W810i, using a wireless application protocol (WAP) connection to access the Internet from the devices. RTs were compared within subjects with those obtained using a Linux-based millisecond-accurate measurement system. Results show that measured RTs were significantly longer on mobile devices, and that overall RTs and distribution of RTs varied across device

    Amplitudes and Spinor-Helicity in Six Dimensions

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    The spinor-helicity formalism has become an invaluable tool for understanding the S-matrix of massless particles in four dimensions. In this paper we construct a spinor-helicity formalism in six dimensions, and apply it to derive compact expressions for the three, four and five point tree amplitudes of Yang-Mills theory. Using the KLT relations, it is a straightforward process to obtain amplitudes in linearized gravity from these Yang-Mills amplitudes; we demonstrate this by writing down the gravitational three and four point amplitudes. Because there is no conserved helicity in six dimensions, these amplitudes describe the scattering of all possible polarization states (as well as Kaluza-Klein excitations) in four dimensions upon dimensional reduction. We also briefly discuss a convenient formulation of the BCFW recursion relations in higher dimensions.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures. Minor improvements of the discussio

    Re-parameterization Invariance in Fractional Flux Periodicity

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    We analyze a common feature of a nontrivial fractional flux periodicity in two-dimensional systems. We demonstrate that an addition of fractional flux can be absorbed into re-parameterization of quantum numbers. For an exact fractional periodicity, all the electronic states undergo the re-parameterization, whereas for an approximate periodicity valid in a large system, only the states near the Fermi level are involved in the re-parameterization.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor changes, final version to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    The spectroscopic evolution of the γ\gamma-ray emitting classical nova Nova Mon 2012. I. Implications for the ONe subclass of classical novae

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    Nova Mon 2012 was the first classical nova to be detected as a high energy γ\gamma-ray transient, by Fermi-LAT, before its optical discovery. We study a time sequence of high resolution optical echelle spectra (Nordic Optical Telescope) and contemporaneous NOT, STIS UV, and CHIRON echelle spectra (Nov 20/21/22). We use [O III] and Hβ\beta line fluxs to constrain the properties of the ejecta. We derive the structure from the optical and UV line profiles and compare our measured line fluxes for with predictions using Cloudy with abundances from other ONe novae. Mon 2012 is confirmed as an ONe nova. We find E(B-V)=0.85±\pm0.05 and hydrogen column density ≈5×1021\approx 5\times 10^{21} cm−2^{-2}. The corrected continuum luminosity is nearly the same in the entire observed energy range as V1974 Cyg, V382 Mon, and Nova LMC 2000 at the same epoch after outburst. The distance, about 3.6 kpc, is quite similar to V1974 Cyg. The line profiles can be modeled using an axisymmetric bipolar geometry for the ejecta with various inclinations of the axis to the line of sight, 60 \le i \le 80 degrees, an opening angle of \approx70deg,innerradius70 deg, inner radius \Delta R/R(t)\approx 0.4forpermittedlinesandlessfilledforforbiddenlines.Thefillingfactor for permitted lines and less filled for forbidden lines. The filling factor f\approx 0.1-0.3implyingM(ejecta) implying M(ejecta) \leq 6\times 10^{-5}MM_\odot.TheONenovaeappeartocompriseasinglephysicalclasswithbipolarhighmassejecta,similarlyenhancedabundances,andacommonspectroscopicevolutionwithinanarrowrangeofluminosities.Thedetected. The ONe novae appear to comprise a single physical class with bipolar high mass ejecta, similarly enhanced abundances, and a common spectroscopic evolution within a narrow range of luminosities. The detected \gamma$-ray emission may be a generic phenomenon, common to all ONe novae, possibly to all classical novae, and connected with acceleration and emission processes within the ejecta (abstract severely truncated).Comment: Submitted to A&A 9/1/2013; Accepted 27/2/2013 (in press

    Efficient All Top-k Computation - A Unified Solution for All Top-k, Reverse Top-k and Top-m Influential Queries

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    Goldstini Can Give the Higgs a Boost

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    Supersymmetric collider phenomenology depends crucially on whether the lightest observable-sector supersymmetric particle (LOSP) decays, and if so, what the LOSP decay products are. For instance, in SUSY models where the gravitino is lighter than the LOSP, the LOSP decays to its superpartner and a longitudinal gravitino via supercurrent couplings. In this paper, we show that LOSP decays can be substantially modified when there are multiple sectors that break supersymmetry, where in addition to the gravitino there are light uneaten goldstini. As a particularly striking example, a bino-like LOSP can have a near 100% branching fraction to a higgs boson and an uneaten goldstino, even if the LOSP has negligible higgsino fraction. This occurs because the uneaten goldstino is unconstrained by the supercurrent, allowing additional operators to mediate LOSP decay. These operators can be enhanced in the presence of an R symmetry, leading to copious boosted higgs production in SUSY cascade decays.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures; v2: title change, clarifications added, version to appear in JHE

    Deep Adaptive Temporal Pooling for Activity Recognition

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    Deep neural networks have recently achieved competitive accuracy for human activity recognition. However, there is room for improvement, especially in modeling of long-term temporal importance and determining the activity relevance of different temporal segments in a video. To address this problem, we propose a learnable and differentiable module: Deep Adaptive Temporal Pooling (DATP). DATP applies a self-attention mechanism to adaptively pool the classification scores of different video segments. Specifically, using frame-level features, DATP regresses importance of different temporal segments, and generates weights for them. Remarkably, DATP is trained using only the video-level label. There is no need of additional supervision except video-level activity class label. We conduct extensive experiments to investigate various input features and different weight models. Experimental results show that DATP can learn to assign large weights to key video segments. More importantly, DATP can improve training of frame-level feature extractor. This is because relevant temporal segments are assigned large weights during back-propagation. Overall, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on UCF101, HMDB51 and Kinetics datasets
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