7 research outputs found

    Analysis of the P. lividus sea urchin genome highlights contrasting trends of genomic and regulatory evolution in deuterostomes

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    Sea urchins are emblematic models in developmental biology and display several characteristics that set them apart from other deuterostomes. To uncover the genomic cues that may underlie these specificities, we generated a chromosome-scale genome assembly for the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and an extensive gene expression and epigenetic profiles of its embryonic development. We found that, unlike vertebrates, sea urchins retained ancestral chromosomal linkages but underwent very fast intrachromosomal gene order mixing. We identified a burst of gene duplication in the echinoid lineage and showed that some of these expanded genes have been recruited in novel structures (water vascular system, Aristotle's lantern, and skeletogenic micromere lineage). Finally, we identified gene-regulatory modules conserved between sea urchins and chordates. Our results suggest that gene-regulatory networks controlling development can be conserved despite extensive gene order rearrangement

    p38 MAPK as an essential regulator of dorsal-ventral axis specification and skeletogenesis during sea urchin development: a re-evaluation

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    International audienceDorsal-ventral axis formation in the sea urchin embryo relies on the asymmetrical expression of the TGFβ Nodal. The p38-MAPK pathway has been proposed to be essential for dorsal-ventral axis formation by acting upstream of nodal expression. Here, we report that, in contrast to previous studies that used pharmacological inhibitors of p38, manipulating the activity of p38 by genetic means has no obvious impact on morphogenesis. Instead, we discovered that p38 inhibitors strongly disrupt specification of all germ layers by blocking signalling from the Nodal receptor and by interfering with the ERK pathway. Strikingly, while expression of a mutant p38 that is resistant to SB203580 did not rescue dorsal-ventral axis formation or skeletogenesis in embryos treated with this inhibitor, expression of mutant Nodal receptors that are resistant to SB203580 fully restored nodal expression in SB203580-treated embryos. Taken together, these results establish that p38 activity is not required for dorsal-ventral axis formation through nodal expression nor for skeletogenesis. Our results prompt a re-evaluation of the conclusions of several recent studies that linked p38 activity to dorsal-ventral axis formation and to patterning of the skeleton

    Regulation of the collagen IV network by the basement membrane protein perlecan is crucial for squamous epithelial cell morphogenesis and organ architecture

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    International audienceAll epithelia are surrounded by a specialized extracellular matrix, the basement membrane (BM). During development, this BM contributes to the morphogenesis of epithelial organs through different functions, the most recently added one being the shaping of the tissue. Seminal studies highlight the importance of the mechanical properties of the BM in this process. These rely on two of its core components, Collagen type IV and Perlecan, the first one supplying the BM with rigidity to constrain the tissue, the second one antagonizing this effect. Nevertheless, the number of organs that has been inspected is still scarce, and given that epithelial tissues exhibit a wide array of shapes, their forms are bound to be regulated by distinct mechanisms. This is underscored by mounting evidence that BM composition and assembly/biogenesis is tissue-specific. Moreover, previous reports have essentially focused on the mechanical role of the BM in morphogenesis at the tissue scale, but not the cell scale. Here, we took advantage of the robust conservation of core BM proteins and the limited genetic redundancy of the Drosophila model system to address how this matrix shapes a complex organ comprising a squamous, a cuboidal and a columnar epithelium. We show that Perlecan depletion affects the morphogenesis of the three epithelia, but particularly that of the squamous one, whose planar surface becomes extremely narrow. This defect is due to no other cellular function of Perlecan than its control of the squamous shape of the cells. Furthermore, we find that the lack of Perlecan modifies the structure of the Collagen type IV lattice in the BM of the squamous epithelium, and that the global reduction of Collagen type IV in the Perlecan mutant context substantially restores the morphogenesis of this epithelium. In addition, a stronger decrease in Collagen type IV exclusively in the BM of the squamous epithelium significantly rescues the organization of the two other epithelia. Our data thus sustain a model in which Perlecan counters the rigidity conveyed by Collagen type IV to the BM of the squamous epithelium through the regulation of the assembly of its scaffold, allowing the spreading of the squamous cells, spreading which is compulsory for the architecture of the whole organ

    MAPK and GSK3/ß-TRCP-mediated degradation of the maternal Ets domain transcriptional repressor Yan/Tel controls the spatial expression of nodal in the sea urchin embryo.

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    In the sea urchin embryo, specification of the dorsal-ventral axis critically relies on the spatially restricted expression of nodal in the presumptive ventral ectoderm. The ventral restriction of nodal expression requires the activity of the maternal TGF-β ligand Panda but the mechanism by which Panda restricts nodal expression is unknown. Similarly, what initiates expression of nodal in the ectoderm and what are the mechanisms that link patterning along the primary and secondary axes is not well understood. We report that in Paracentrotus lividus, the activity of the maternally expressed ETS-domain transcription factor Yan/Tel is essential for the spatial restriction of nodal. Inhibiting translation of maternal yan/tel mRNA disrupted dorsal-ventral patterning in all germ layers by causing a massive ectopic expression of nodal starting from cleavage stages, mimicking the phenotype caused by inactivation of the maternal Nodal antagonist Panda. We show that like in the fly or in vertebrates, the activity of sea urchin Yan/Tel is regulated by phosphorylation by MAP kinases. However, unlike in the fly or in vertebrates, phosphorylation by GSK3 plays a central role in the regulation Yan/Tel stability in the sea urchin. We show that GSK3 phosphorylates Yan/Tel in vitro at two different sites including a β-TRCP ubiquitin ligase degradation motif and a C-terminal Ser/Thr rich cluster and that phosphorylation of Yan/Tel by GSK3 triggers its degradation by a β-TRCP/proteasome pathway. Finally, we show that, Yan is epistatic to Panda and that the activity of Yan/Tel is required downstream of Panda to restrict nodal expression. Our results identify Yan/Tel as a central regulator of the spatial expression of nodal in Paracentrotus lividus and uncover a key interaction between the gene regulatory networks responsible for patterning the embryo along the dorsal-ventral and animal-vegetal axes

    Annuaire 2008-2009

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    Annuaire 2009-2010

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    Annuaire 2010-2011

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