98 research outputs found

    Studi sui danni da raffreddamento dell'arancio «Valencia late» in relazione allo stadio di maturazione dei frutti e alle temperature di conservazione

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    The Authors refert on «Valencia late» orange susceptibility to chilling injury in relation to picking period and storage temperature. Four fortnightly pickings have been carried out and two temperatures, 3° and 6°C, have been adopted. The results show a close relation between chilling injury and period of picking, particularly if the fruit are stored at 3°C. The fruits of the first and, in minor extent, those of the forth picking have been more resistant to the disorders than the second and third ones. At 6°C the percentage of affected fruits have been low with exception of the second picking. Therefore it appears that the optimal temperature, for «Valencia late» orange long-term storage, is 6°C which may vary depending upon fruit maturation stage

    Test morfoqualitativi e chimici applicabili ai frutti di agrumi frigoconservati

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    A preliminary bibliographical research provided the methods to be followed for a morpho-qualitative control of refrigerated citrus fruit. The different methods were then checked in order to determine the procedures through which the qualitative aspects and their changes in refrigerated citrus fruit are best shown. The methods which can be suggested to those in charge for this type of control are then described

    Quantum work extraction efficiency for noisy quantum batteries: the role of coherence

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    Quantum work capacitances and maximal asymptotic work/energy ratios are figures of merit characterizing the robustness against noise of work extraction processes in quantum batteries formed by collections of quantum systems. In this paper we establish a direct connection between these functionals and, exploiting this result, we analyze different types of noise models mimicking self-discharging, thermalization and dephasing effects. In this context we show that input quantum coherence can significantly improve the storage performance of noisy quantum batteries and that the maximum output ergotropy is not always achieved by the maximum available input energy.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Work extraction processes from noisy quantum batteries: the role of non local resources

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    We demonstrate an asymmetry between the beneficial effects one can obtain using non-local operations and non-local states to mitigate the detrimental effects of environmental noise in the work extraction from quantum battery models. Specifically, we show that using non-local recovery operations after the noise action can in general increase the amount of work one can recover from the battery even with separable (i.e. non entangled) input states. On the contrary, employing entangled input states with local recovery operations will not generally improve the battery performances.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, it matches the journal versio

    Quantum Work Capacitances

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    The possibility of using quantum effects to speed up the charging processes of batteries have been vastly investigated. In order to traslate these ideas into working devices it is however crucial to assess the stability of the storage phase in the quantum battery elements when they are in contact with environmental noise. In this work we formalize this problem introducing a series of operationally well defined figures of merit (the work capacitances and the Maximal Asymptotic Work/Energy Ratios) which gauge the highest efficiency one can attain in recovering useful energy from quantum battery models that are formed by large collections of identical and independent elements (quantum cells or q-cells). Explicit evaluations of such quantities are presented for the case where the energy storing system undergoes through dephasing and depolarizing noise.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Frigoconservazione degli agrumi: prime esperienze in Sardegna sulla conservazione delle cultivar di arancio «Washington navel», «Tarocco» e «Valencia late»

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    A two-year research on cold storage of «Washington navel» «Tarocco », «Valencia late». oranges conducted in Sardinia showed considerable differences among cultivars tested. Changes in the main morpho-qualitative fruit characteristics during a two-month storage at 6° C and 85% relative humidity were studied. Among the cultivars compared, «Valencia late» orange was found the most resistant to storage conditions. Fungicide treatment with Imazalil, in wax at 1500 ppm, proved to be the bes t for controlling rot development, while TBZ (3000 ppm) was not very eftective; but the combination of OPP and TBZ in wax provided adeguate control. Weight losses during storage was also evaluated and related to wax treatment

    Su un raro reperto di mesotelioma in un cinghiale

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    Il mesotelioma, neoplasia pleurica o addominale di variegata morfologia, è stato segnalato a più riprese nel cane e descritto anche nel cavallo, nel bovino e, sporadicamente nel maiale domestico. Sulla base della bibliografia consultata, la neoplasia risultava sconosciuta negli animali selvatici; abbiamo pertanto ritenuto interessante descrivere, in questa nota, un caso di mesotelioma addominale osservato su un cinghiale sardi vissuto allo stato selvatico

    Rosmarinus officinalis L.: chemical modifications of the essential oil and evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.

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    Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil was separated into its hydrocarbon and oxygenated fractions. The major compounds in the hydrocarbon fraction were α-pinene (44.2%), camphene (24.5%), and limonene (11.7%), while in the oxygenated fraction they were 1,8-cineole (37.6%), camphor (16.5%), and bornyl acetate (21.4%). The hydrocarbon fraction was submitted to a hydroformylation process and the antioxidant activity of the product was screened by the DPPH and β-carotene/linoleic acid tests. The hydroformylated fraction maintained the antioxidant activity of the whole oil. The MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration) and the MBC (minimal bactericidal concentration) of the essential oil, hydrocarbon, oxygenated and hydroformylated fractions were also tested on several microorganisms. Aeromonas sobria and Candida strains were the most susceptible micro-organisms. The hydroformylated fraction exhibited a MBC against Candida strains resistant to the other fractions

    Livelli di inquinanti organici persistenti in stenelle (<i>Stenella coeruleoalba</i>) spiaggiate nel nord Sardegna = Concentration of persistent organic pollutants in striped dolphin (<i>Stenella coeruleoalba</i>) stranded in North Sardinia

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    Long-lived apex predators, such as marine mammals, are particularly at risk from effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), e.g. polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenylethanes (e.g. DDT), due to bioaccumulation and biomagnification. POPs are lipophilic compounds that tend to accumulate in the lipid-rich blubber. In marine mammals, POPs enter the body almost exclusively through the diet. In the present study, the levels of PCBs and DDTs in the blubber of striped dolphin stranded in North Sardinia were determined. Our results showed that pollutant concentration are related to age and sex of the individuals. Considering the well known harmful consequences of bioaccumulation of POPs in marine mammals, further studies are needed to determine which POPs might be linked to effects on health