
Studi sui danni da raffreddamento dell'arancio «Valencia late» in relazione allo stadio di maturazione dei frutti e alle temperature di conservazione


The Authors refert on «Valencia late» orange susceptibility to chilling injury in relation to picking period and storage temperature. Four fortnightly pickings have been carried out and two temperatures, 3° and 6°C, have been adopted. The results show a close relation between chilling injury and period of picking, particularly if the fruit are stored at 3°C. The fruits of the first and, in minor extent, those of the forth picking have been more resistant to the disorders than the second and third ones. At 6°C the percentage of affected fruits have been low with exception of the second picking. Therefore it appears that the optimal temperature, for «Valencia late» orange long-term storage, is 6°C which may vary depending upon fruit maturation stage

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