
Frigoconservazione degli agrumi: prime esperienze in Sardegna sulla conservazione delle cultivar di arancio «Washington navel», «Tarocco» e «Valencia late»


A two-year research on cold storage of «Washington navel» «Tarocco », «Valencia late». oranges conducted in Sardinia showed considerable differences among cultivars tested. Changes in the main morpho-qualitative fruit characteristics during a two-month storage at 6° C and 85% relative humidity were studied. Among the cultivars compared, «Valencia late» orange was found the most resistant to storage conditions. Fungicide treatment with Imazalil, in wax at 1500 ppm, proved to be the bes t for controlling rot development, while TBZ (3000 ppm) was not very eftective; but the combination of OPP and TBZ in wax provided adeguate control. Weight losses during storage was also evaluated and related to wax treatment

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