92 research outputs found

    Interpersonal communication about politics among Russian migrants in Finland

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    This study is aimed to analyse interpersonal communication on politics among Russian migrants in Finland, and to find an answer to the question: What are the essentials of the interpersonal communication on politics among Russian migrants in Finland? The study presents an exploration of scientific discussion on political communication. The research focuses political communication among citizens on interpersonal level, and considers different approaches, theories and findings in that field. Works of Huckfeldt et al. 2003, Kim and Kim 2008, Merelman 1998, Scheufele 2000, Schudson 1997 etc. were analysed and applied to current research. There is a considerable lack of research which would look at an intersection of political communication in interpersonal communication among migrants. This study attempts to fill in this theoretical gap. This study seeks to contribute to the research field by investigating the following three aspects: first, the correlation between migrants' use of mass media and communication about politics within their social network; second, the tone of conversation in their social network and third, focus of their interest in the field of politics. Primary qualitative data was gathered among Russian migrants in Finland with interpersonal and group interview method. The findings were investigated with the purpose of discovering to what extent political issues are a subject of interest of Russian migrants in Finland. The aspects of interpersonal communication of migrants about politics were analysed: discussions with social circles (family, friends, at work), approach towards mass media and political behaviour. Analysis was based on qualitative research method. One of the most important findings of this analysis is that communication about politics among Russian migrants in Finland is various, and its focus depends on the field of one's interest and is limited by communication competence, especially language skills. Also it was necessary to build a new framework for future studies since the material available on the topic is limited. The following types of migrants were identified in terms of their approach towards politics: active, idle and blocking. While use of internet, newspaper and active deliberation was typical for active migrants, TV and home discussion were the most prominent instruments neutral and neither use of media nor discussions were utilised by those with a negative relation towards politics

    Ordered Dissipative Structures in Exciton Systems in Semiconductor Quantum Wells

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    A phenomenological theory of exciton condensation in conditions of inhomogeneous excitation is proposed. The theory is applied to the study of the development of an exciton luminescence ring and the ring fragmentation at macroscopical distances from the central excitation spot in coupled quantum wells. The transition between the fragmented and the continuous ring is considered. With assumption of a defect in the structure, a possibility of a localized island of the condensed phase in a fixed position is shown. Exciton density distribution is also analyzed in the case of two spatially separated spots of the laser excitation

    Chemical treatment of monocrystalline cadmium telluride and Cd₁₋xMnxTe solid solutions by Н₂О₂–НІ–citric acid etchant compositions

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    Dissolution of CdTe and Cd₁₋xMnxTe single crystals in aqueous solutions of Н₂О₂–НІ–citric acid system has been studied. The surfaces of equal etching rates were constructed and the limiting stages of the dissolution process were ascertained. Also determined were the concentration limits for the solutions that can be used for chemical polishing the above-mentioned semiconductor materials


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    The analysis of properties of conducting porous environments is conducted in the article. The methods of design of structurally-geometrical forms of stochastic porous environments are lighted up. The basic geometrical parameters of stochastic conducting structures, influencing on their conductivity, are certain. The method of design of conducting porous environment, based on the theory of fractal geometry, is offered to the use.В статье проведен анализ свойств проводящих пористых сред. Освещены методы моделирования структурно-геометрических форм стохастических пористых сред. Определены основные геометрические параметры стохастических проводящих структур, влияющие на их проводимость. Предложен к использованию метод моделирования проводящей пористой среды, основанный на теории фрактальной геометрии.У статті проведений аналіз властивостей пористих середовищ, що проводять електричний струм. Висвітлені методи моделювання структруно-геометрических форм стохастичних пористих середовищ. Визначені основні геометричні параметри стохастичних структур, що проводять, які впливають на їх провідність. Запропонований до використання метод моделювання пористого середовища, заснований на теорії фрактальної геометрії

    Exciton density pattern formation in laser irradiated quantum wells under electrodes of various shapes

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    The condensation of indirect excitons in double quantum wells is studied in an electric field created by electrodes of different shapes. The finite value of the exciton lifetime, the pumping and nonuniformity of the electric field under the electrode are taken into account. It is shown that islands of exciton condensed phase emerge under electrodes when the pumping exceeds a certain threshold value. They appear first under the rim where the potential energy of excitons has a dip. Calculations predict a complicated evolution of the exciton density distribution: from the gaseous phase at low laser intensities to the condensed phase in the whole area under the electrode at larger intensities. Therefore, the configurations of the exciton condensed phase may be manipulated by choosing the setups with conductive electrodes of different shapes via forming specific potentials of the electrical field and controlled by the level of the laser irradiation


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    The analysis of methods of decline of mass and size indexes of synchronous generators and increase of their tecnik and economic descriptions is conducted in the article. Possible changes are certain in the modes of operations of machine as a result of change of its массо-габаритных indexes. Dependence of dynamic stability of work of machine as function of moment of inertia of its rotor is shown. Descriptions of speed of change of corner of ä of synchronous generator are got depending on the moment of inertia of rotor of machine.В статье проведен анализ методов снижения массо-габаритных показателей синхронных генераторов и повышения их технико-экономических характеристик. Определены возможные изменения в режимах работы машины в результате изменения её массо-габаритных показателей. Показана зависимость динамической устойчивости работы машины как функция момента инерции её ротора. Получены характеристики скорости изменения угла δ синхронного генератора в зависимости от момента инерции ротора машины.У статті проведений аналіз методів зниження массо-габаритных показників синхронних генераторів і підвищення їх техніко-економічних характеристик. Визначені можливі зміни в режимах роботи машини в результаті зміни її массо-габаритных показників. Показана залежність динамічної стійкості роботи машини як функція моменту інерції її ротора. Отримані характеристики швидкості зміни кута δ синхронного генератора залежно від моменту інерції ротора машини


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    In the article, going is considered near the design of informative space of technological process on energyobjects for control real-time of dynamics of change of descriptions of technological parameters and exposure nonpermanent emergency to the situations at the different modes of functioning on energyobjectsВ статье рассмотрены подходы к моделированию информационного пространства технологического процесса на энергообъектах для контроля в режиме реального времени динамики изменения характеристик технологических параметров и выявления нештатных аварийный ситуаций при различных режимах функционирования на энергообъектах.У статті розглянуті підходи до моделювання інформаційного простору технологічного процесу на енергооб'єктах для контролю в режимі реального часу динаміки зміни характеристик технологічних параметрів і виявлення нештатних аварійний ситуацій при різних режимах функціонування на енергооб'єкта

    Ring-shaped spatial pattern of exciton luminescence formed due to the hot carrier transport in a locally photoexcited electron-hole bilayer

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    A consistent explanation of the formation of a ring-shaped pattern of exciton luminescence in GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum wells is suggested. The pattern consists of two concentric rings around the laser excitation spot. It is shown that the luminescence rings appear due to the in-layer transport of hot charge carriers at high photoexcitation intensity. Interestingly, one of two causes of this transport might involve self-organized criticality (SOC) that would be the first case of the SOC observation in semiconductor physics. We test this cause in a many-body numerical model by performing extensive molecular dynamics simulations. The results show good agreement with experiments. Moreover, the simulations have enabled us to identify the particular kinetic processes underlying the formation of each of these two luminescence rings.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures. Final versio