135 research outputs found

    Diffuse scattering in ice Ih

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    Single crystals of ice Ih, extracted from the subglacial Lake Vostok accretion ice layer (3621 m depth) were investigated by means of diffuse x-ray scattering and inelastic x-ray scattering. The diffuse scattering was identified as mainly inelastic and rationalized in the frame of ab initio calculations for the ordered ice XI approximant. Together with Monte-Carlo modelling our data allowed reconsidering previously available neutron diffuse scattering data of heavy ice as the sum of thermal diffuse scattering and static disorder contribution

    Preliminary observations of the interplay of radiation damage with spin crossover

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    Intense synchrotron radiation makes time-resolved structural experiments with increasingly finer time sampling possible. On the other hand, radiation heating, radiation-induced volume change and structural disorder become more frequent. Temperature, volume change and disorder are known to be coupled with equilibrium in molecular spin complexes, balancing between two or more spin state configurations. Combining single-crystal diffraction and synchrotron radiation it is illustrated how the radiation damage and associated effects can affect the spin crossover process and may serve as yet another tool to further manipulate the spin crossover properties.publishedVersio

    Giant Kohn anomaly and the phase transition in charge density wave ZrTe_3

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    A strong Kohn anomaly in ZrTe_3 is identified in the mostly transverse acoustic phonon branch along the modulation vector q_P with polarization along the a* direction. This soft mode freezes to zero frequency at the transition temperature T_P and the temperature dependence of the frequency is strongly affected by fluctuation effects. Diffuse x-ray scattering of the incommensurate superstructure shows a power law scaling of the intensity and the correlation length that is compatible with an order parameter of dimension n = 2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. accepted at Phys. Rev. Let

    Diffuse scattering in metallic tin polymorphs

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    The lattice dynamics of the metallic tin {\beta} and {\gamma} polymorphs has been studied by a combination of diffuse scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering and density functional perturbation theory. The non-symmorphic space group of the {\beta}-tin structure results in unusual asymmetry of thermal diffuse scattering. Strong resemblance of the diffuse scattering intensity distribution in {\beta} and {\gamma}-tin were observed, reflecting the structural relationship between the two phases and revealing the qualitative similarity of the underlying electronic potential. The strong influence of the electron subsystem on inter-ionic interactions creates anomalies in the phonon dispersion relations. All observed features are described in great detail by density functional perturbation theory for both {\beta}- and {\gamma}-tin at arbitrary momentum transfers. The combined approach delivers thus a complete picture of the lattice dynamics in harmonic description

    Synchrotron diffraction study of the crystal structure of Ca(UO2)6(SO4)2O2(OH)6·12H2O, a natural phase related to Uranopilite

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    The crystal structure of a novel natural uranyl sulfate, Ca(UO2)6(SO4)2O2(OH)6·12H2O (CaUS), has been determined using data collected under ambient conditions at the Swiss–Norwegian beamline BM01 of the European Synchrotron Research Facility (ESRF). The compound is monoclinic, P21/c, a = 11.931(2), b = 14.246(6), c = 20.873(4) Å, β = 102.768(15), V = 3460.1(18) Å3, and R1 = 0.172 for 3805 unique observed reflections. The crystal structure contains six symmetrically independent U6+ atoms forming (UO7) pentagonal bipyramids that share O…O edges to form hexamers oriented parallel to the (010) plane and extended along [1–20]. The hexamers are linked via (SO4) groups to form [(UO2)6(SO4)2O2(OH)6(H2O)4]2− chains running along the c-axis. The adjacent chains are arranged into sheets parallel to (010). The Ca2+ ions are coordinated by seven O atoms, and are located in between the sheets, providing their linkage into a three-dimensional structure. The crystal structure of CaUS is closely related to that of uranopilite, (UO2)6(SO4)O2(OH)6·14H2O, which is also based upon uranyl sulfate chains consisting of hexameric units formed by the polymerization of six (UO7) pentagonal bipyramids. However, in uranopilite, each (SO4) tetrahedron shares its four O atoms with (UO7) bipyramids, whereas in CaUS, each sulfate group is linked to three uranyl ions only, and has one O atom (O16) linked to the Ca2+ cation. The chains are also different in the U:S ratio, which is equal to 6:1 for uranopilite and 3:1 for CaUS. The information-based structural complexity parameters for CaUS were calculated taking into account H atoms show that the crystal structure of this phase should be described as very complex, possessing 6.304 bits/atom and 1991.995 bits/cell. The high structural complexity of CaUS can be explained by the high topological complexity of the uranyl sulfate chain based upon uranyl hydroxo/oxo hexamers and the high hydration character of the phase

    Short-Range Correlations in Magnetite above the Verwey Temperature

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    Magnetite, Fe3_3O4_4, is the first magnetic material discovered and utilized by mankind in Ancient Greece, yet it still attracts attention due to its puzzling properties. This is largely due to the quest for a full and coherent understanding of the Verwey transition that occurs at TV=124T_V=124 K and is associated with a drop of electric conductivity and a complex structural phase transition. A recent detailed analysis of the structure, based on single crystal diffraction, suggests that the electron localization pattern contains linear three-Fe-site units, the so-called trimerons. Here we show that whatever the electron localization pattern is, it partially survives up to room temperature as short-range correlations in the high-temperature cubic phase, easily discernible by diffuse scattering. Additionally, {\it ab initio} electronic structure calculations reveal that characteristic features in these diffuse scattering patterns can be correlated with the Fermi surface topology.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Spectroscopic assessment of charge mobility in organic semiconductors

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    Rapid progress in organic electronics demands new highly efficient organic semiconducting materials. Nevertheless, only few materials have been created so far that show reliable band-like transport with high charge mobilities, which reflects the two main obstacles in the field: the poor understanding of charge transport in organic semiconductors (OSs) and the difficulty of its quantification in devices. Here, we present a spectroscopic method for assessment of the charge transport in organic semiconductors. We show that the intensities of the low-frequency Raman spectrum allow calculation of the dynamic disorder that limits the charge carrier mobility. The spectroscopically evaluated mobility clearly correlates with the device charge mobility reported for various OSs. The proposed spectroscopic method can serve as a powerful tool for a focused search of new materials and highlights the disorder bottleneck in the intrinsic charge transport in high-mobility organic semiconductors

    New insights into the lattice dynamics of α-quartz

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    The lattice dynamics of α-quartz has been studied in great details by combining inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) from single- and polycrystalline samples, 3D mapping of thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) and ab initio calculations. Pronounced features in TDS patterns have been identified and the origin of first peak in vibrational density of states is unambiguously reveale

    Аlexey V. Samtsov is 70 years old

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