28 research outputs found

    Inflamm-Aging and Brain Insulin Resistance: New Insights and Role of Life-style Strategies on Cognitive and Social Determinants in Aging and Neurodegeneration

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    Over the past decades, the human life span has dramatically increased, and therefore, a steady increase in diseases associated with age (such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease) is expected. In these neurodegenerative diseases, there is a cognitive decline and memory loss, which accompany increased systemic inflammation, the inflamm-aging, and the insulin resistance. Despite numerous studies of age-related pathologies, data on the contribution of brain insulin resistance and innate immunity components to aging are insufficient. Recently, much research has been focused on the consequences of nutrients and adiposity- and nutrient-related signals in brain aging and cognitive decline. Moreover, given the role of metainflammation in neurodegeneration, lifestyle interventions such as calorie restriction may be an effective way to break the vicious cycle of metainflammation and have a role in social behavior. The various effects of calorie restriction on metainflammation, insulin resistance, and neurodegeneration have been described. Less attention has been paid to the social determinants of aging and the possible mechanism by which calorie restriction might influence social behavior. The purpose of this review is to discuss current knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of geroscience-immunosenescence, inflamm-aging, and metainflammation-which makes a significant contribution to aging. A substantial part of the review is devoted to frontiers in the brain insulin resistance in relation to neuroinflammation. In addition, we summarize new data on potential mechanisms of calorie restriction that influence as a lifestyle intervention on the social brain. This knowledge can be used to initiate successful aging and slow the onset of neurodegenerative diseases

    Pedagogical Bases of Formation of Key Information Technology Competencies Polytechnic Institute Graduates

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    The article based on the analysis of the literature and experience in the field of economic education is considered a system of key concepts on the topic, as well as features of the introduction of competence approach in teaching practice Polytechnic Institute, the problem of realization competence approach in higher education, the formation of key information technology competencies, ensuring high availability Polytechnic Institute graduates to solve problems in the practice of the specialty, modern requirements to the society and the state system of vocational education at all levels, the task of creating these pedagogical conditions, which would help improve the quality of training of future specialists. This article lists didactic, psycho-pedagogical, organizational and pedagogical conditions that are necessary to improve the level of information technology training of future specialists. Their implementation will create the necessary information technology economist competence. Keywords: economic reforms, economic education, polytechnic education, competence, professionalism JEL Classifications: A10, A29, Q1

    Determination of Cerium in Filtrates After Sorption by Stripping Voltammetry on Solid Electrodes

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    Разработана методика определения церия (III) в водных растворах методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии на графитовом электроде в виде малорастворимого соединения. Зависимость аналитического сигнала церия (III) от его концентрации в растворе линейна в диапазоне 0.5–10 мг/л и описывается уравнением I = (0.56±0.03)с + (0.54±0.10) [коэффициент корреляции > 0.99]. Предел обнаружения церия (III) составляет 0.1 мг/л. Методом «введено-найдено» показано отсутствие значимой систематической погрешности. С использованием разработанной методики определено содержание церия в фильтратах после его сорбцииА stripping voltammetry method was developed for the determination of cerium (III) on graphite electrode as a poorly soluble compound in filtrate after sorption. The cerium (III) concentration presents a good linear relationship over the range of 0.5–10 mg/l. Its linear equation is I = (0.56±0.03)с + + (0.54±0.10), with a correlation coefficient >0.99. The detection limit of cerium (III) is 0.1 mg/l. The absence of a significant systematic error is shown by the added-found method. Using the developed technique, the concentration of cerium (III) in the filtrates after sorption has been determine

    Psychological Aspects of Management and Economics of Higher Education

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    This paper considers the idea that the creative productivity of and psychological basis for achieving high results is expressed in general abilities, creativity, optimism, belief in success and motivation in all social spheres. Management education is crucial for the formation of future professionals in all areas of public life. The article contains analysis of development of new progressive models of management education which should combine the basic types of controls: administrative (command) and motivational management, project management and process management. To control dynamics, which was considered more “progressive”, there are two problems. The first is the problem of the relation of design (innovation) and process (recurring) activities, the other activities of education authorities, particularly at the municipal level, a significant proportion of time and energy which is the current routine functions - the payment of salaries to employees of educational institutions, etc. In the modernization models of management education need to move from the traditional use of two control mechanisms - planning (many “activities”), and pervasive control for the full set (cycle) mechanisms, such as: analysis of current state controlled educational system, the forecast of development of the education system, goal setting, scheduling development tasks, providing resources, monitoring the development of the educational system, which is the essence of operational management. Keywords: higher education, psychology, management of education, modernization of education, economic education JEL Classifications: A20, A29, I21, I2

    One-step immobilization of cesium and strontium from alkaline solutions via a facile hydrothermal route

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.Hydrothermal treatment of coal fly ash cenospheres (Si/Al = 2.7) as a glassy source of Si and Al was carried out in 1.5 M NaOH at 150°C in the presence of Cs+ and Sr2+ to study the possibility of Cs+ and Sr2+ immobilization in mineral-like compounds. Systems Na2O–H2O– (SiO2–Al2O3) glass, Na2O–Cs2O–H2O– (SiO2–Al2O3) glass with Cs+/Na+ ratios of 0.05 and 0.5, and Na2O–SrO–H2O– (SiO2–Al2O3) glass with Sr2+/Na+ ratios of 0.25 and 0.025 were under study. Structure, composition and morphology of solid products were characterized by PXRD, SEM-EDS and STA methods. In the Cs+/Sr2+ free systems the deep crystallization of cenosphere glass takes place resulting in hollow polycrystalline analcime microspheres. Microsphere solids including phases of ANA topology (analcime, pollucite or analcime-pollucite solid solutions) and Cs+/Sr2+ silicates are produced as Cs+ and Sr2+ immobilized forms in the Cs+/Sr2+ bearing systems. The degree of Cs+ and Sr2+ recovery from alkaline solutions was 90–99%

    Source apportionment of methane escaping the subsea permafrost system in the outer Eurasian Arctic Shelf

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    The East Siberian Arctic Shelf holds large amounts of inundated carbon and methane (CH4). Holocene warming by overlying seawater, recently fortified by anthropogenic warming, has caused thawing of the underlying subsea permafrost. Despite extensive observations of elevated seawater CH4 in the past decades, relative contributions from different subsea compartments such as early diagenesis, subsea permafrost, methane hydrates, and underlying thermogenic/ free gas to these methane releases remain elusive. Dissolved methane concentrations observed in the Laptev Sea ranged from 3 to 1,500 nM (median 151 nM; oversaturation by ∼3,800%). Methane stable isotopic composition showed strong vertical and horizontal gradients with source signatures for two seepage areas of δ13C-CH4 = (−42.6 ± 0.5)/(−55.0 ± 0.5) % and δD-CH4 = (−136.8 ± 8.0)/(−158.1 ± 5.5) %, suggesting a thermogenic/ natural gas source. Increasingly enriched δ13C-CH4 and δD-CH4 at distance from the seeps indicated methane oxidation. The Δ14C-CH4 signal was strongly depleted (i.e. old) near the seeps (−993 ± 19/−1050 ± 89%). Hence, all three isotope systems are consistent with methane release from an old, deep, and likely thermogenic pool to the outer Laptev Sea. This knowledge of what subsea sources are contributing to the observed methane release is a prerequisite to predictions on how these emissions will increase over coming decades and centuries.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Determination of Cerium in Filtrates After Sorption by Stripping Voltammetry on Solid Electrodes

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    Разработана методика определения церия (III) в водных растворах методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии на графитовом электроде в виде малорастворимого соединения. Зависимость аналитического сигнала церия (III) от его концентрации в растворе линейна в диапазоне 0.5–10 мг/л и описывается уравнением I = (0.56±0.03)с + (0.54±0.10) [коэффициент корреляции > 0.99]. Предел обнаружения церия (III) составляет 0.1 мг/л. Методом «введено-найдено» показано отсутствие значимой систематической погрешности. С использованием разработанной методики определено содержание церия в фильтратах после его сорбцииА stripping voltammetry method was developed for the determination of cerium (III) on graphite electrode as a poorly soluble compound in filtrate after sorption. The cerium (III) concentration presents a good linear relationship over the range of 0.5–10 mg/l. Its linear equation is I = (0.56±0.03)с + + (0.54±0.10), with a correlation coefficient >0.99. The detection limit of cerium (III) is 0.1 mg/l. The absence of a significant systematic error is shown by the added-found method. Using the developed technique, the concentration of cerium (III) in the filtrates after sorption has been determine

    The first data on the isotopic composition of stratal waters of the developed oil fields in Novosibirsk region

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    Актуальность исследования состоит в решении вопросов изотопной геохимии подземных вод нефтегазоносных отложений крупных артезианских бассейнов. Воды нефтегазоносных отложений рассматриваемого региона практически не изучены с точки зрения распределения стабильных изотопов ([gamma]D, [gamma]18O, [gamma]13С) и изотопных отношений 87Rb/86Sr и 87Sr/86Sr. Цель: выявление особенностей генезиса подземных вод и взаимодействия в системе "вода-горная порода" с позиций изотопной геохимии. Методы. Анализ комплекса [gamma]D, [gamma]18O, [gamma]13СDIC вод и растворенного неорганического углерода (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC)) проводился в центре коллективного пользования Института геологии и минералогии им. В. С. Соболева СО РАН с помощью прибора Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer FinniganTM MAT 253. Изотопные отношения 87Sr86/Sr и 87Rb/86Sr изучались на массспектрометре MI 1201T в двухленточном режиме с регистрацией на одном коллекторе. Результаты. Изучены [gamma]D, [gamma]18O, [gamma]13СDIC, 87Sr/86Sr и отношения изотопов и 87Rb/86Sr для вод разрабатываемых нефтяных месторождений Новосибирской области. Показано наличие в гидрогеологическом разрезе двух основных генетических типов подземных вод: древних инфильтрогенных и седиментогенных. Для большинства изученных вод пара [gamma]D-[gamma]18О указывает на сочетание двух определяющих факторов: исходное обеднение вод легким изотопом 16O в период "до захоронения" на величину до 4-5 ‰ в результате климатического воздействия; дальнейшее насыщение вод тяжелым изотопом 18O в ходе длительного WRI, приведшее к утяжелению изотопного состава при умеренных условиях на дополнительные 2-3 ‰. Значения [gamma]13CDIC ряда вод позволили предположить бактериальное происхождение водорастворенной углекислоты. Для вод, температура которых превышает 90 °C, наблюдается явный положительный сдвиг изотопного соотношения [gamma]13CDIC до величин, отвечающих "нормальным" значениям углеродных дельт в термальных водах: от -8 до +4 ‰ VPDB. Для исследованных подземных вод характерно низкое значение отношения 87Sr/86Sr относительно вод современного океана. Предполагается значительный вклад мантийных источников стронция, проявляющегося в разной степени для вод различных месторождений. The relevance of the research lies in solving the issues of isotope geochemistry of groundwater in oil and gas deposits of large artesian basins. The waters of oil and gas bearing sediments of the region under consideration are practically not studied from the point of view of the distribution of stable isotopes [sigma]D, [sigma]18O, [sigma]13С and isotopic ratios 87Sr86/Sr and 87Rb/86Sr. The aim of the research is to identify the features of the genesis of groundwater and the interaction in the "water-rock" system from the standpoint of isotopic geochemistry. Methods. The analysis of the complex of [sigma]D, [sigma]18O, [sigma]13СDIC of waters and dissolved inorganic carbon was carried out at the Center for Collective Use of the IGM SB RAS using the Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer FinniganTM MAT 253. The 87Sr86/Sr и 87Rb/86Sr isotopic ratios were studied on an MI 1201T mass spectrometer in a two-tape mode with registration on one collector. Results. The authors have studied the stable isotope composition (Results. The authors have studied the stable isotope composition ([sigma]D, [sigma]18O, [sigma]13СDIC) and isotopic ratios of 87Sr86/Sr and 87Rb/86Sr of the waters of the developed oil fields of the Novosibirsk region. The hydrogeological section shows the presence of two main genetic types of groundwater: ancient infiltrogenic and sedimentogenic. For most of the studied samples, the [sigma]D-[sigma]18О indicates a combination of two determining factors: initial depletion of water in the light isotope 16O as a result of climatic impact during the period "before disposal" up to 4-5 ‰; further saturation of waters with the heavy isotope 18O during a long WRI, which led to additional 2-3 ‰ of heavier isotopic composition. The [sigma]13CDIC values for a number of samples suggested bacterial origin of dissolved inorganic carbon. There is a clear increase in the [sigma]13CDIC in waters which temperature exceeds 90 °С, to the values corresponding to the "normal" ones in thermal waters: from -8 up to +4 ‰ VPDB. The waters are characterized by low 87Sr86/Sr ratios relative to ocean waters. A significant contribution of mantle sources of strontium is assumed, which manifests itself to different degrees for the waters of various deposits

    Forecast of oil-and-gas content in Jurassic and Paleozoic deposits of west Siberia southern regions

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    Статья посвящена перспективам нефтегазоносности палеозойских и мезозойских комплексов в южных районах Западной Сибири. Для региона характерны сложнопостроенные неантиклинальные ловушки, связанные с полифациальным генезисом вмещающих толщ, особенностями тектонического и литологического строения. В связи с этим выявление перспективных земель для поисков залежей углеводородов невозможно без применения комплексного подхода, включающего геологические, литологические, тектонические и гидрогеологические исследования. Использование гидрогеологических критериев нефтегазоносности основано на ведущей роли подземных вод в процессах генерации, миграции и аккумуляции углеводородов. В процессе исследования установлены гидрогеохимические особенности подземных вод, выделены гидрогеохимические аномалии, тесно связанные с залежами углеводородов (I, B, Br, NH4 и др.). Охарактеризованы генетические типы подземных вод и степень их катагенетической преобразованности. Приведены основные результаты палеогидрогеохимических и палеогидродинамических реконструкций, выделены зоны нефтегазообразования и нефтегазонакопления, показаны возможные пути латеральной и вертикальной миграции флюидов. Изучены особенности геологического строения, выделены зоны развития улучшенных коллекторов. Совместное использование гидрогеологических и геологических показателей продуктивности недр позволило обосновать набор критериев нефтегазоносности, несколько различных для палеозойского, среднеюрского и верхнеюрского комплексов. С помощью предложенного комплекса критериев был осуществлен прогноз нефтегазоносности и оконтурены участки различных категорий перспективности (высокоперспективные, перспективные и земли с неясными перспективами, требующие дальнейшего изучения). Применение данного подхода будет способствовать локализации геологоразведочных работ и повысит эффективность геофизических методов при поиске новых залежей углеводородов в южных районах Западно-Сибирского бассейна.The article is devoted to the prospects of hydrocarbon potential of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic complexes of the southern regions of Western Siberia. The problem of identifying and detailed mapping of oil-and-gas prospective objects in the southern regions of the West Siberian basin is associated with a complex nature of distribution of the reservoirs and their spatial relationships with impermeable rocks, which predetermines location of oil and gas deposits at complex non-anticlinal traps. To identify them, it is necessary to apply an integrated method of forecasting, which includes, in addition to the tectonic, lithological and stratigraphic studies of the enclosing rocks, hydrogeological ones as well. The application of hydrogeological criteria for regional, zonal and local assessment of petroleum potential is based on the large role of ground waters in oil-and-gas formation. We have established the hydrogeochemical features of ground waters, identified hydrogeochemical anomalies closely related to hydrocarbon accumulations (I, B, Br, NH4 etc.). The genetic types of ground waters and degree of their catagenetic maturation are characterized. We have presented the results of paleohydrogeochemical and paleohydrodynamic reconstructions, selected the most probable zones of hydrocarbon generation and accumulation, outlined the main routes of fluid migration. We have studied features of the geological structure and allocated zones of the improved collectors development. A set of somewhat differing criteria of oil-and-gas content for Paleozoic, Middle and Upper Jurassic complexes were justified on the bases of hydrogeological and geological indicators. Based on the suggested complex of criteria, forecast of oil-and-gas con- tent was carried out and sites of various categories of prospects (lands highly-perspective, perspective and without clear prospects demanding further studying) were marked. Application of this approach will promote localization of exploration works and increase efficiency of geophysical methods in search of new deposits of hydrocarbons in the southern regions of the West Siberian basin