3 research outputs found

    Methods of Formation of Digital Bioclusters Based on Logistic Chains of Brest Region

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    Goal – the main purpose of this article is to substantiate the organizational capabilities of the formation of digital bioclusters in the Brest region. In this regard, the issues of building supply chains during the period of technological structure change are considered, especially on the basis of bioproduct specifics, since they become the most relevant in the general spectrum of scientific problems of economic theory and practice. Research methodology – the authors of the study focused on descriptive and monographic methods, cluster analysis and assessment of institutional effectiveness. Score/results – in this article, the authors present conclusions and results on the systematization of the whole complex of problems in the formation of supply chains of bioproducts and the possibility of the formation of bioclusters in the Brest region. Originality/value – the article presents original original material, since it is published for the first time and has a high potential for practical application, which leads to the presence of a corresponding added value within the framework of the study and confirms its scientific value.Pavel Chernovalov: [email protected] Chernovalova: [email protected] Chernovalov - Brest State Technical UniversityZanna Chernovalova - Brest State A. S. Pushkin UniversityAdamowicz M., 2014, Europejska koncepcja biogospodarki i jej przełożenie na działania praktyczne, „Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne”, nr 7 (4), s. 5–21.Andrews P., Hahn J., 1998, Transforming Supply chains into Value Webs, “Strategy & Leadership” No. 26 (3), pp. 7–11.Chernovalov P. A., 2017, Razvitie infrastruktury finansovykh potokov s ispolzovaniem blokcheina v logistike, [v:] Ekonomika goroda v period strukturnykh preobrazovanii: teoriya, metodologi, praktika: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., Moskva, 30 noyabrya 2017 g., v 2 ch., red. L. G. Rudenko, ch. 2, Moskva || Черновалов П. А., 2017, Развитие инфраструктуры финансовых потоков с использованием блокчейна в логистике, [в:] Экономика города в период структурных преобразований: теория, методологи, практика: материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Москва, 30 ноября 2017 г., в 2 ч., ред. Л. Г. Руденко, ч. 2, Москва.Chernovalov P. A., Chernovalova Zh. V., 2019, Bioekonomika: istoriya, soderzhanie, ekonomicheskaya mysl, “Vestnik Brestskogo universiteta”, No. 2, s. 70–75 || Черновалов П. А., Черновалова Ж. В., 2019, Биоэкономика: история, содержание, экономическая мысль, «Вестник Брестского университета», № 2, с. 70–75.Chernovalov A. V., Solodukha P. V., 2017, Institucionalnoe izmerenie cifrovoi ekonomiki, “Socialnaya politika i sociologiya”, t. 16, No. 2, s. 104–112 || Черновалов А. В., Солодуха П. В., 2017, Институциональное измерение цифровой экономики, «Социальная политика и социология», т. 16, № 2, с. 104–112.Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.COM (2011), 2012, European Commission, 808 final, Brussels 30.11.2011.Molochnaya otrasl, 2014 || Молочная отрасль, [online] https://investinbelarus.by/docs/-21979.pdf [date of access: 14.02.2020].Pilipuk A. V., 2018, Konkurentosposobnost predpriyatij pishchevoj promyshlennosti Belarusi v usloviyakh postroeniya Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza, Minsk || Пилипук А. В., 2018, Конкурентоспособность предприятий пищевой промышленности Беларуси в условиях построения Евразийского экономического союза, Минск.Schmid O., Padel S., Levidow L., 2012, The Bio‑Economy Concept and Knowledge Base in a Public Goods and Farmer Perspective, “Biobased and Applied Economics”, No. 1 (1), pp. 47–63.The Bioeconomy to 2030 – Designing the Policey Agenda, 2009, OECD, Raport, [online] http:// www.europabio.org [date of access: 14.02.2020].492

    Impact of information-infrastructure mechanism of self-development management at industrial enterprises on employee engagement: empirical evidence

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    The work deals with the problems of a self-development organization considered as a self-organization system without hierarchy and employee position. Such kind of management is realized by self-management teams having full authority, responsibility and focus on the result. An individual and group motivation mechanism uses the employee potential to achieve one’s ambition targets. The employee and one’s potential are engaged with a maximum power in all fields of activity. Enterprises management explores employee engagement to estimate and manage this process. Each manager has enough cases when employee goes far beyond job responsibilities to achieve the result. This employee is engaged taking an initiative and informal responsibility. Engagement is a multidimensional construction, which demonstrates employee wishes to invest self-resources (knowledge, skills, competences, emotions and power) in enterprises activity. Engagement is a positive moment implying active involvement, loyalty and direct work. A lot of engagement investigations are aimed at management, result and employee’s participation in organization management. The study of employee’s initiative is a part of employee’s engagement according to infrastructure and information factors at industrial enterprises in Perm region described in the article


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