2,056 research outputs found

    Log-periodic drift oscillations in self-similar billiards

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    We study a particle moving at unit speed in a self-similar Lorentz billiard channel; the latter consists of an infinite sequence of cells which are identical in shape but growing exponentially in size, from left to right. We present numerical computation of the drift term in this system and establish the logarithmic periodicity of the corrections to the average drift

    Billiards with polynomial mixing rates

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    While many dynamical systems of mechanical origin, in particular billiards, are strongly chaotic -- enjoy exponential mixing, the rates of mixing in many other models are slow (algebraic, or polynomial). The dynamics in the latter are intermittent between regular and chaotic, which makes them particularly interesting in physical studies. However, mathematical methods for the analysis of systems with slow mixing rates were developed just recently and are still difficult to apply to realistic models. Here we reduce those methods to a practical scheme that allows us to obtain a nearly optimal bound on mixing rates. We demonstrate how the method works by applying it to several classes of chaotic billiards with slow mixing as well as discuss a few examples where the method, in its present form, fails.Comment: 39pages, 11 figue

    Persistence effects in deterministic diffusion

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    In systems which exhibit deterministic diffusion, the gross parameter dependence of the diffusion coefficient can often be understood in terms of random walk models. Provided the decay of correlations is fast enough, one can ignore memory effects and approximate the diffusion coefficient according to dimensional arguments. By successively including the effects of one and two steps of memory on this approximation, we examine the effects of ``persistence'' on the diffusion coefficients of extended two-dimensional billiard tables and show how to properly account for these effects, using walks in which a particle undergoes jumps in different directions with probabilities that depend on where they came from.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Stable regimes for hard disks in a channel with twisting walls

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    We study a gas of NN hard disks in a box with semi-periodic boundary conditions. The unperturbed gas is hyperbolic and ergodic (these facts are proved for N=2 and expected to be true for all N2N\geq 2). We study various perturbations by twisting the outgoing velocity at collisions with the walls. We show that the dynamics tends to collapse to various stable regimes, however we define the perturbations and however small they are.Comment: 30 pages, final version to appear in "Chaos

    Deterministic Walks in Quenched Random Environments of Chaotic Maps

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    This paper concerns the propagation of particles through a quenched random medium. In the one- and two-dimensional models considered, the local dynamics is given by expanding circle maps and hyperbolic toral automorphisms, respectively. The particle motion in both models is chaotic and found to fluctuate about a linear drift. In the proper scaling limit, the cumulative distribution function of the fluctuations converges to a Gaussian one with system dependent variance while the density function shows no convergence to any function. We have verified our analytical results using extreme precision numerical computations.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    A simple piston problem in one dimension

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    We study a heavy piston that separates finitely many ideal gas particles moving inside a one-dimensional gas chamber. Using averaging techniques, we prove precise rates of convergence of the actual motions of the piston to its averaged behavior. The convergence is uniform over all initial conditions in a compact set. The results extend earlier work by Sinai and Neishtadt, who determined that the averaged behavior is periodic oscillation. In addition, we investigate the piston system when the particle interactions have been smoothed. The convergence to the averaged behavior again takes place uniformly, both over initial conditions and over the amount of smoothing.Comment: Accepted by Nonlinearity. 27 pages, 2 figure

    Beam propagation in a Randomly Inhomogeneous Medium

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    An integro-differential equation describing the angular distribution of beams is analyzed for a medium with random inhomogeneities. Beams are trapped because inhomogeneities give rise to wave localization at random locations and random times. The expressions obtained for the mean square deviation from the initial direction of beam propagation generalize the "3/2 law".Comment: 4 page

    Evolution of collision numbers for a chaotic gas dynamics

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    We put forward a conjecture of recurrence for a gas of hard spheres that collide elastically in a finite volume. The dynamics consists of a sequence of instantaneous binary collisions. We study how the numbers of collisions of different pairs of particles grow as functions of time. We observe that these numbers can be represented as a time-integral of a function on the phase space. Assuming the results of the ergodic theory apply, we describe the evolution of the numbers by an effective Langevin dynamics. We use the facts that hold for these dynamics with probability one, in order to establish properties of a single trajectory of the system. We find that for any triplet of particles there will be an infinite sequence of moments of time, when the numbers of collisions of all three different pairs of the triplet will be equal. Moreover, any value of difference of collision numbers of pairs in the triplet will repeat indefinitely. On the other hand, for larger number of pairs there is but a finite number of repetitions. Thus the ergodic theory produces a limitation on the dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Random billiards with wall temperature and associated Markov chains

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    By a random billiard we mean a billiard system in which the standard specular reflection rule is replaced with a Markov transition probabilities operator P that, at each collision of the billiard particle with the boundary of the billiard domain, gives the probability distribution of the post-collision velocity for a given pre-collision velocity. A random billiard with microstructure (RBM) is a random billiard for which P is derived from a choice of geometric/mechanical structure on the boundary of the billiard domain. RBMs provide simple and explicit mechanical models of particle-surface interaction that can incorporate thermal effects and permit a detailed study of thermostatic action from the perspective of the standard theory of Markov chains on general state spaces. We focus on the operator P itself and how it relates to the mechanical/geometric features of the microstructure, such as mass ratios, curvatures, and potentials. The main results are as follows: (1) we characterize the stationary probabilities (equilibrium states) of P and show how standard equilibrium distributions studied in classical statistical mechanics, such as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and the Knudsen cosine law, arise naturally as generalized invariant billiard measures; (2) we obtain some basic functional theoretic properties of P. Under very general conditions, we show that P is a self-adjoint operator of norm 1 on an appropriate Hilbert space. In a simple but illustrative example, we show that P is a compact (Hilbert-Schmidt) operator. This leads to the issue of relating the spectrum of eigenvalues of P to the features of the microstructure;(3) we explore the latter issue both analytically and numerically in a few representative examples;(4) we present a general algorithm for simulating these Markov chains based on a geometric description of the invariant volumes of classical statistical mechanics