669 research outputs found

    Inflaton Decay in an Alpha Vacuum

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    We study the alpha vacua of de Sitter space by considering the decay rate of the inflaton field coupled to a scalar field placed in an alpha vacuum. We find an {\em alpha dependent} Bose enhancement relative to the Bunch-Davies vacuum and, surprisingly, no non-renormalizable divergences. We also consider a modified alpha dependent time ordering prescription for the Feynman propagator and show that it leads to an alpha independent result. This result suggests that it may be possible to calculate in any alpha vacuum if we employ the appropriate causality preserving prescription.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, Revtex 4 preprin

    De Sitter Breaking through Infrared Divergences

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    Just because the propagator of some field obeys a de Sitter invariant equation does not mean it possesses a de Sitter invariant solution. The classic example is the propagator of a massless, minimally coupled scalar. We show that the same thing happens for massive scalars with MS2<0M_S^2 < 0, and for massive transverse vectors with MV2≤−2(D−1)H2M_V^2 \leq -2 (D-1) H^2, where DD is the dimension of spacetime and HH is the Hubble parameter. Although all masses in these ranges give infrared divergent mode sums, using dimensional regularization (or any other analytic continuation technique) to define the mode sums leads to the incorrect conclusion that de Sitter invariant solutions exist except at discrete values of the masses.Comment: 27 pages, no figures, uses LaTeX 2epsilo

    Heralded gate search with genetic algorithms for quantum computation

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    In this paper we present genetic algorithms based search technique for the linear optics schemes, performing two-qubit quantum gates. We successfully applied this technique for finding heralded two-qubit gates and obtained the new schemes with performance parameters equal to the best currently known. The new simple metrics is introduced which enables comparison of schemes with different heralding mechanisms. The scheme performance degradation is discussed for the cases when detectors in the heralding part of the scheme are not photon-number-resolving. We propose a procedure for overcoming this drawback which allows us to restore the reliable heralding signal even with not-photon-number-resolving detectors

    Transforming to Lorentz Gauge on de Sitter

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    We demonstrate that certain gauge fixing functionals cannot be added to the action on backgrounds such as de Sitter in which a linearization instability is present. We also construct the field dependent gauge transformation which carries the electromagnetic vector potential from a convenient, non-de Sitter invariant gauge to the de Sitter invariant, Lorentz gauge. The transformed propagator agrees with the de Sitter invariant result previously found by solving the propagator equation in Lorentz gauge. This shows that the gauge transformation technique will eliminate unphysical breaking of de Sitter invariance introduced by a gauge condition. It is suggested that the same technique can be used to finally resolve the issue of whether or not free gravitons are de Sitter invariant.Comment: 45 page

    Localized Particle States and Dynamics Gravitational Effects

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    Scalar particles--i.e., scalar-field excitations--in de Sitter space exhibit behavior unlike either classical particles in expanding space or quantum particles in flat spacetime. Their energies oscillate forever, and their interactions are spread out in energy. Here it is shown that these features characterize not only normal-mode excitations spread out over all space, but localized particles or wave packets as well. Both one-particle and coherent states of a massive, minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter space, associated with classical wave packets, are constructed explicitly. Their energy expectation values and corresponding Unruh-DeWitt detector response functions are calculated. Numerical evaluation of these quantities for a simple set of classical wave packets clearly displays these novel features. Hence, given the observed accelerating expansion of the Universe, it is possible that observation of an ultralow-mass scalar particle could yield direct confirmation of distinct predictions of quantum field theory in curved spacetime.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Investigation of flat spectrum radio sources by the interplanetary scintillation method at 111 MHz

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    Interplanetary scintillation observations of 48 of the 55 Augusto et al. (1998) flat spectrum radio sources were carried out at 111 MHz using the interplanetary scintillation method on the Large Phased Array (LPA) in Russia. Due to the large size of the LPA beam (1\degr \times 0.5\degr) a careful inspection of all possible confusion sources was made using extant large radio surveys: 37 of the 48 sources are not confused. We were able to estimate the scintillating flux densities of 13 sources, getting upper limits for the remaining 35. Gathering more or improving extant VLBI data on these sources might significantly improve our results. This proof-of-concept project tells us that compact (<1′′<1'') flat spectrum radio sources show strong enough scintillations at 111 MHz to establish/constrain their spectra (low-frequency end).Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Conformally invariant wave-equations and massless fields in de Sitter spacetime

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    Conformally invariant wave equations in de Sitter space, for scalar and vector fields, are introduced in the present paper. Solutions of their wave equations and the related two-point functions, in the ambient space notation, have been calculated. The ``Hilbert'' space structure and the field operator, in terms of coordinate independent de Sitter plane waves, have been defined. The construction of the paper is based on the analyticity in the complexified pseudo-Riemanian manifold, presented first by Bros et al.. Minkowskian limits of these functions are analyzed. The relation between the ambient space notation and the intrinsic coordinates is then studied in the final stage.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, some details adde

    Two loop stress-energy tensor for inflationary scalar electrodynamics

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    We calculate the expectation value of the coincident product of two field strength tensors at two loop order in scalar electrodynamics on de Sitter background. The result agrees with the stochastic formulation which we have developed in a companion paper [2] for the nonperturbative resummation of leading logarithms of the scale factor. When combined with a previous computation of scalar bilinears [1], our current result also gives the two loop stress-energy tensor for inflationary scalar electrodynamics. This shows a secular decrease in the vacuum energy which derives from the vacuum polarization induced by the inflationary production of charged scalars.Comment: 62 pages, 1 eps figur

    The Coincidence Limit of the Graviton Propagator in de Donder Gauge on de Sitter Background

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    We explicitly work out the de Sitter breaking contributions to the recent solution for the de Donder gauge graviton propagator on de Sitter. We also provide explicit power series expansions for the two structure functions, which are suitable for implementing dimensional regularization. And we evaluate the coincidence limit of the propagator.Comment: 41 pages, uses LaTeX 2e, version 2 has some typoes correcte
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