53 research outputs found

    Sedimentation of Ultradispersed Diamonds in the Citrate Copper-Plating Electrolyte

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    Abstract—The aggregation and sedimentation of ultradispersed diamonds (UDDs) in a citrate copper-plating electrolyte (CCPE) used to fabricate composite electrochemical coatings are investigated. The sedimentation and aggregation stability is investigated in order to select the UDD concentration in the CCPE. This is necessary to fabricate composite copper coatings with improved operational characteristics (increased hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance), as well as impart them new properties (antifriction and catalytic). The UDD content in the electrolyte varies in limits from 0.2 to 2.0 g/L. The size distribution of the UDD particles in the electrolyte immediately after the suspension preparation and after the 10-day holding is determined using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 laser diffraction analyzer. The aggregation and sedimentation stability of the UDD suspension in the CCPE is investigated by the gravimetric method with the continuous weighing of a quartz small cap immersed into this suspension. The quartz cap is associated with a Sartorius R200D analytical balance with the help of a quartz wire. The experimentally determined time dependence of the weight of settling UDD particles is Q = f(t). The relative size distribution of the particles is determined from this dependence. It is established that the sedimentation stability is substantially affected by the aggregation of the particles, the intensity of which increases with an increase in the UDD concentration. The results satisfying the requirements on the aggregation and sedimentation stability are found for the UDD suspension in the CCPE with a concentration of 1.0 g/L. In this case, the high content of the dispersed phase is combined with aggregation and sedimentation stability, which makes it possible to fabricate copper composite coatings with improved operational properties. © 2019, Allerton Press, Inc

    Analysis of Microcrafters in Materials Specimens after Long-Term Exposure on ISS Surface

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    The "Komplast" experiment has been carried out on the ISS by the Khrunichev Space Center jointly with other Russian scientific centers since 1998. The experiment incorporates the "Komplast" cartridges on the FGB exterior, which are fitted with materials specimens and sensors. The cartridges were sent into orbit together with FGB on 20 November 1998. In March 2011, two of the cartridges were taken back from the ISS by the "Discovery" American space shuttle after being exposed in the open space for 12 years. In the framework of this experiment the subject of analysis is the effect of the space environment on the exposed specimens of various materials. This report covers the analysis results of the surface morphology of various materials taken from the "Komplast" cartridges exposed to hits of micrometeors and micronic particles of space debris. Analysis is made of microcraters of 5 to 250 mcm in specimens of polished metals and silicone comprised in the sensor for micrometeoric particles. The report represents optic and scanning electron microscope images of craters formed in the specimens by high-velocity and low-velocity particles impacting the surface. By virtue of the electronic microscope, data on composition of the substance in the craters and of the substance of the low-velocity particles are obtained. The data make it possible to differentiate the particles as the natural-origin particles or anthropogenic-origin space debris particles. Distribution of craters and low-velocity particles in the size range of 5 to 50 mcm is obtained. The data are compared with the existing models of fluxes of natural-origin and artificial-origin microparticles on the ISS orbit. Inhomogeneous particles of complicated configuration are discovered on the surface of the analyzed specimens, whose origin are not uniquely determined and are to be the subject of further study

    A Study of Micro Craters in Material Samples after Long Duration Exposure on ISS Komplast Panels

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    The Komplast materials experiment was designed by the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, together with other Russian scientific institutes, and has been carried out by Mission Control Moscow since 1998. Komplast panels fitted with material samples and sensors were located on the International Space Station (ISS) Functional Cargo Block (FGB) module exterior surface. Within the framework of this experiment, the purpose was to study the effect of the low earth orbit (LEO) environment on exposed samples of various materials. The panels were sent into orbit with the FGB when it launched on November 20, 1998.


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    . The paper presents results pertaining to investigations on influence of plasma jet parameters and fractional composition of initial powder on characteristics of two-layer composite coatings on the basis of nickel-chromium, and zirconium dioxide in the shielding elements. Optimization has been carried out on the basis of obtaining maximum powder use factor. A comparative analysis for dependence of the powder use factor in viscous metal layers of nickel-chrome and nickelaluminum on spraying distance shows that while having similar character of curves for the presented dependencies an absolute value of powder use factor is higher for nickel-chromium powder. It can be explained by a higher ductility of the latter and correspondingly smaller rebound of particles which are colliding with substrate. The investigation results for cross section microstructure in the formed coatings while using scanning electron microscopy are given in the paper. The paper considers cross section microstructures for ZrO2-coating and intermediate Ni–Cr layer. The submitted data reveal that an initial stage of the coating is characterized by porosity and an average pore size is of several micrometers, and in some areas its size reaches 20 mm. The microstructure of a Ni–Cr layer is characterized by lower porosity. Impact of compression plasma flows on sprayed coating leads toformation of fused oxide layer with thickness of 12–15 mm and contributes to smoothing of surface relief and formation of cracks on the surface which are preferably propagating into coating depth. Processing of oxide coatings by compression plasma also results in reduction of their porosity.В статье приведены результаты исследования влияния параметров плазменной струи и фракционного состава исходного порошка на характеристики двухслойных композиционных покрытий на основе никель-хрома и диоксида циркония на элементах защитных экранов. Проведена оптимизация на основании получения максимального коэффициента использования порошка. Сравнительный анализ зависимости коэффициента использования порошка вязких металлических слоев никель-хрома и никель-алюминия от дистанции напыления показывает, что при аналогичном характере кривых представленных зависимостей по абсолютной величине значения коэффициента использования порошка больше при оптимальных режимах для порошка никель-хрома. Это можно объяснить высокой пластичностью последнего и соответственно меньшим отскоком соударяющихся с подложкой частиц. Приведены результаты исследований микроструктуры поперечных сечений сформированных покрытий, выполненных с использованием растровой электронной микроскопии. Рассмотрены микроструктуры поперечных сечений покрытия ZrO2 и промежуточного слоя Ni–Cr. Из представленных данных видно, что в исходном состоянии покрытие характеризуется пористостью, причем средний размер пор составляет несколько микрометров и в некоторых областях достигает 20 мкм. Микроструктура слоя Ni–Cr характеризуется меньшей пористостью. Воздействие на напыленное покрытие компрессионных плазменных потоков приводит к формированию переплавленного слоя оксида толщиной 12–15 мкм, способствует сглаживанию рельефа поверхности и образованию на поверхности трещин, распространяющихся преимущественно в глубину покрытия. Обработка оксидных покрытий компрессионной плазмой приводит также к снижению их пористости


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    A novel method was developed to form a protective layer on 08KhG17T stainless steel used to make interconnectors for solid oxide fuel cells. The method was based on the electrocrystallization of metals from non-aqueous electrolyte solutions on the stainless-steel interconnector surface with subsequent thermal treatment. Chemical composition of electrolyte was selected so that the surface is coated with an oxide protective layer of the following composition: LaMn0,9Cu0,1O3. As a result, a uniform oxide layer was formed on the stainless steel interconnector surface to protect stainless steel against high-temperature oxidation resulting in degraded functional properties of the interconnector. The coatings formed were characterized by means of grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy from the surface and in the cross section. Elemental and phase composition analyses have shown that the main components of the protective coatings are compounds with perovskite and spinel structures. The protective coating in contact with cathode material based on lanthanum strontium manganite have shown significantly lowered chromium penetration from steel as a result of diffusion annealing in comparison with the sample without the protective coating. Interconnector bonding to the protective coating has shown no noticeable degradation during at least 500 h at 850 °C in ambient air.Разработан новый метод формирования защитного покрытия на нержавеющей стали марки 08Х17Т, используемой для изготовления интерконнекторов твердооксидных топливных элементов. Он основан на электрокристаллизации металлов из неводных растворов электролитов на поверхности интерконнектора из нержавеющей стали с последующей термической обработкой. Химический состав электролита подбирался из расчета получения на поверхности оксидного слоя состава LaMn0,9Cu0,1O3. В результате на поверхности нержавеющей стали-интерконнера сформировался сплошной оксидный слой, защищающий сталь от высокотемпературного окисления, ведущего к деградации функциональных свойств интерконнектора. Полученные покрытия исследованы методами рентгенофазового анализа в геометрии скользящего пучка, рентгенофотоэлектронной спектроскопии и растровой электронной микроскопии с поверхности и в поперечном сечении. Анализ элементного и фазового составов покрытия показал, что основными его компонентами являются соединения со структурой перовскита и шпинели. В контакте с катодным материалом на основе манганита лантана–стронция защитное покрытие показало заметное ухудшение проникновения хрома из стали в результате диффузионного обжига по сравнению с образцом без покрытия. Соединение интерконнектора с покрытием не показывает заметной деградации в течение не менее 500 ч при температуре 850 °C в воздушной атмосфере


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    Etching technology in formation of self-organized aluminum mesh for sensor and display applications

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    В статье описаны исследования влияния температуры и концентрации по травлению нанопористого глинозема в технологии производства самоорганизующегося алюминиевой сетки для сенсоров и дисплеев