5 research outputs found

    Formation of bachelors’ competence readiness to work in a team

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of forming the competence of bachelors' readiness to work in a team. This competence is characterized by the ability of the student to realize their role in the team and to carry out social interaction, to focus on cooperation with team members. The requirements for training modern bachelors who are capable of continuous personal and professional growth through effective collective work are reflected in regulatory documents. In the structure of the competence of readiness to work in a team, we distinguish motivational, cognitive and functional components. Their formation is carried out in the course of studying the module "Man, society, culture", the disciplines "Fundamentals of management culture", "General psychology" and others. Where a significant role is played by the use of innovative educational technologies that contribute to building effective interaction between students. Special attention is paid to the development of such qualities of the student as sociability, openness, a sense of mutual assistance, positive emotional mood. Modern educational technologies of interaction have an active impact on the process of forming the bachelor's competencies of readiness to work in a team

    Practice-oriented technologies as a means of forming students' communicative competence

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    One of the most important features of professional activity is the ability to build a dialogue, organize business communication. The possession of communicative competencies provides the student with the opportunity to quickly achieve their goals through the implementation of speech turnovers and constructions that comply with the principles and standards of speech etiquette, affecting the establishment and maintenance of the psychological climate in the process of interaction. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of forming communicative competencies with the help of practice-oriented technologies. Requirements for the formation of communicative competencies are reflected in regulatory documents. The competencies under consideration represent the student's ability to build productive professional interaction using various communication methods. We reveal the motivational, cognitive, and active components of communicative competencies, reflecting the desire for interpersonal communication and support for established interaction, the student's understanding of the value of communicative competencies in future professional activities, and the ability to organize effective cooperation. Practice-oriented technologies, including case studies and design, contribute to solving professional problems through group discussions and situation analysis. The study revealed the impact of practice-oriented technologies implemented in higher education institutions on the formation of students' communicative competence

    Formation of bachelors’ competence readiness to work in a team

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of forming the competence of bachelors' readiness to work in a team. This competence is characterized by the ability of the student to realize their role in the team and to carry out social interaction, to focus on cooperation with team members. The requirements for training modern bachelors who are capable of continuous personal and professional growth through effective collective work are reflected in regulatory documents. In the structure of the competence of readiness to work in a team, we distinguish motivational, cognitive and functional components. Their formation is carried out in the course of studying the module "Man, society, culture", the disciplines "Fundamentals of management culture", "General psychology" and others. Where a significant role is played by the use of innovative educational technologies that contribute to building effective interaction between students. Special attention is paid to the development of such qualities of the student as sociability, openness, a sense of mutual assistance, positive emotional mood. Modern educational technologies of interaction have an active impact on the process of forming the bachelor's competencies of readiness to work in a team.El propósito del artículo es analizar la experiencia de formar la competencia de la disposición de los solteros para trabajar en equipo. Esta competencia se caracteriza por la capacidad del alumno para darse cuenta de su rol en el equipo y llevar a cabo la interacción social, para centrarse en la cooperación con los miembros del equipo. Los requisitos para la formación de solteros modernos que sean capaces de un crecimiento personal y profesional continuo mediante un trabajo colectivo eficaz se reflejan en los documentos reglamentarios. En la estructura de la competencia de disposición para trabajar en equipo, distinguimos componentes motivacionales, cognitivos y funcionales. Su formación se lleva a cabo en el transcurso del estudio del módulo "Hombre, sociedad, cultura", las disciplinas "Fundamentos de la cultura gerencial", "Psicología general" y otras. Donde se juega un papel significativo mediante el uso de tecnologías educativas innovadoras que contribuyen a construir una interacción efectiva entre los estudiantes. Se presta especial atención al desarrollo de cualidades del estudiante como la sociabilidad, la apertura, el sentido de ayuda mutua, el estado de ánimo emocional positivo. Las tecnologías educativas modernas de interacción tienen un impacto activo en el proceso de formación de las competencias de preparación para trabajar en equipo del bachillerato

    Practice-oriented technologies as a means of forming students' communicative competence

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    One of the most important features of professional activity is the ability to build a dialogue, organize business communication. The possession of communicative competencies provides the student with the opportunity to quickly achieve their goals through the implementation of speech turnovers and constructions that comply with the principles and standards of speech etiquette, affecting the establishment and maintenance of the psychological climate in the process of interaction. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of forming communicative competencies with the help of practice-oriented technologies. Requirements for the formation of communicative competencies are reflected in regulatory documents. The competencies under consideration represent the student's ability to build productive professional interaction using various communication methods. We reveal the motivational, cognitive, and active components of communicative competencies, reflecting the desire for interpersonal communication and support for established interaction, the student's understanding of the value of communicative competencies in future professional activities, and the ability to organize effective cooperation. Practice-oriented technologies, including case studies and design, contribute to solving professional problems through group discussions and situation analysis. The study revealed the impact of practice-oriented technologies implemented in higher education institutions on the formation of students' communicative competence.Una de las características más importantes de la actividad profesional es la capacidad de entablar un diálogo, organizar la comunicación empresarial. La posesión de competencias comunicativas brinda al estudiante la oportunidad de lograr rápidamente sus metas a través de la implementación de cambios de discurso y construcciones que cumplen con los principios y estándares de etiqueta del habla, afectando el establecimiento y mantenimiento del clima psicológico en el proceso de interacción. El propósito del artículo es revisar la experiencia de formar competencias comunicativas con la ayuda de tecnologías orientadas a la práctica. Los requisitos para la formación de competencias comunicativas se reflejan en documentos reglamentarios. Las competencias bajo consideración representan la habilidad del estudiante para construir una interacción profesional productiva usando varios métodos de comunicación. Revelamos los componentes motivacionales, cognitivos y activos de las competencias comunicativas, reflejando el deseo de comunicación interpersonal y el apoyo para la interacción establecida, la comprensión del estudiante del valor de las competencias comunicativas en futuras actividades profesionales y la capacidad de organizar una cooperación efectiva. Las tecnologías orientadas a la práctica, incluidos los estudios de casos y el diseño, contribuyen a resolver problemas profesionales a través de discusiones grupales y análisis de situaciones. El estudio reveló el impacto de las tecnologías orientadas a la práctica implementadas en instituciones de educación superior en la formación de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes