308 research outputs found

    DeepFT: Fault-tolerant edge computing using a self-supervised deep surrogate model

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    The emergence of latency-critical AI applications has been supported by the evolution of the edge computing paradigm. However, edge solutions are typically resource-constrained, posing reliability challenges due to heightened contention for compute capacities and faulty application behavior in the presence of overload conditions. Although a large amount of generated log data can be mined for fault prediction, labeling this data for training is a manual process and thus a limiting factor for automation. Due to this, many companies resort to unsupervised fault-tolerance models. Yet, failure models of this kind can incur a loss of accuracy when they need to adapt to non-stationary workloads and diverse host characteristics. Thus, we propose a novel modeling approach, DeepFT, to proactively avoid system overloads and their adverse effects by optimizing the task scheduling decisions. DeepFT uses a deep-surrogate model to accurately predict and diagnose faults in the system and co-simulation based self-supervised learning to dynamically adapt the model in volatile settings. Experimentation on an edge cluster shows that DeepFT can outperform state-of-the-art methods in fault-detection and QoS metrics. Specifically, DeepFT gives the highest F1 scores for fault-detection, reducing service deadline violations by up to 37% while also improving response time by up to 9%

    Oscillatory disintegration of a trans-Alfvenic shock: A magnetohydrodynamic simulation

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    Nonlinear evolution of a trans-Alfvenic shock wave (TASW), at which the flow velocity passes over the Alfven velocity, is computed in a magnetohydrodynamic approximation. The analytical theory suggests that an infinitesimal perturbation of a TASW results in its disintegration, i.e., finite variation of the flow, or transformation into some other unsteady configuration. In the present paper, this result is confirmed by numerical simulations. It is shown that the disintegration time is close to its minimum value equal to the shock thickness divided by a relative velocity of the emerging secondary structures. The secondary TASW that appears after the disintegration is again unstable with respect to disintegration. When the perturbation has a cyclic nature, the TASW undergoes oscillatory disintegration, during which it repeatedly transforms into another TASW. This process manifests itself as a train of shock and rarefaction waves, which consecutively emerge at one edge of the train and merge at the other edge.Comment: REVTEX, 8 pages, 13 PostScript figures, uses epsfig.st

    Dealing with Burstiness in Multi-Tier Applications: Models and Their Parameterization

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    Abstract—Workloads and resource usage patterns in enterprise applications often show burstiness resulting in large degradation of the perceived user performance. In this paper, we propose a methodology for detecting burstiness symptoms in multi-tier applications but, rather than identifying the root cause of burstiness, we incorporate this information into models for performance prediction. The modeling methodology is based on the index of dispersion of the service process at a server, which is inferred by observing the number of completions within the concatenated busy times of that server. The index of dispersion is used to derive a Markov-modulated process that captures well burstiness and variability of the service process at each resource and that allows us to define queueing network models for performance prediction. Experimental results and performance model predictions are in excellent agreement and argue for the effectiveness of the proposed methodology under both bursty and non-bursty workloads. Furthermore, we show that the methodology extends to modeling flash crowds that create burstiness in the stream of requests incoming to the application. Index Terms—Capacity planning, multi-tier applications, bursty workload, bottleneck switch, index of dispersion.

    Temperature effects in low-frequency Raman spectra of corticosteroid hormones

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    Experimental Raman spectra of the corticosteroid hormones corticosterone and desoxycorticosterone are recorded at different temperatures (in the range of 30–310 K) in the region of low-frequency (15–120 cm−1) vibrations using a solid-state laser at 532.1 nm. The intramolecular vibrations of both hormones are interpreted on the basis of Raman spectra calculated by the B3LYP/6-31G(d) density functional theory method. The intermolecular bonds in tetramers of hormones are studied with the help of the topological theory of Bader using data of X-ray structural analysis for crystalline samples of hormones. The total energy of intermolecular interactions in the tetramer of desoxycorticosterone (−49.1 kJ/mol) is higher than in the tetramer of corticosterone (−36.9 kJ/mol). A strong intramolecular hydrogen bond O21-H⋯O=C20 with an energy of −42.4 kJ/mol was revealed in the corticosterone molecule, which is absent in the desoxycorticosterone molecule. This fact makes the Raman spectra of both hormones somewhat different. It is shown that the low-frequency lines in the Raman spectra are associated with skeletal vibrations of molecules and bending vibrations of the substituent at the C17 atom. The calculated Raman spectrum of the desoxycorticosterone dimer allows one to explain the splitting and shift of some lines and to interpret new strong lines observed in the spectra at low temperatures, which are caused by the intermolecular interaction and mixing of normal vibrations in a crystal cell. On the whole the calculated frequencies are in a good agreement with the experimental results


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    Materials and methods. The population-based cohort analysis was performed of the database of primary disabled in Irkutsk region due to the DDS for the period of 2013-2015. Morbidity rate of primary disablement was calculated for 10 000 of the population; nosology, age, gender specific structure of primary disablement was calculated in percentage. Results. The level of primary disablement due to DDs in the Irkutsk region was higher (2013, 2015 - 1.7; 2014 - 1.9) than in the Russian Federation (2013,2014 -1.2 per 10 000 of population). Working-age persons prevailed (in 2013, 2015 - 71.3 %, in 2014 - 73.9 %). The level was higher among the urban residents of the Irkutsk region (2015 - 1.8) than in rural areas (1.1 per 10 000 of people). In 2015, the share of men began to dominate (52.3 %, in 2013 - 45.4 %). Structure of primary disablement due to DDS deteriorated with increasing share of persons with the first and the second group disabilities - from 47.3 % in 2013 to 56.1 % in 2015. Liver cirrhosis is the most common cause for primary disability among DDS, its share increased from 66.8 % in 2013 to 75.2 % in 2015. The rate increased from 1.1 in 2013 to 1.3 per 10 000 people in 2015. Bowel disease has the second place with its share reduced from 23.0 % in 2013 to 12.3 % in 2015. The third place belongs to chronic pancreatitis

    Клиническое значение лептина при системной красной волчанке

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    Objective: to study the frequency of hyperleptinemia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), its relationship with clinical and laboratory manifestations of the disease, drug therapy, and other metabolic disorders.Patients and methods. The cross-sectional study included 46 women with a definite diagnosis of SLE (median age 40 [31; 48] years) and disease duration 3.0 [0.9; 9.0] years. Glucocorticoids (GC) were received by 38 (83%) patients, hydroxychloroquine – by 35 (76%), immunosuppressants – by 10 (22%), biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs – by 5 (11%). In all patients, fasting levels of glucose, leptin, apoliproprotein B (ApoB) and immunoreactive insulin were determined, and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated. Concentration of leptin ≥11.1 ng/ml, ApoB – >1.6 mg/ml were considered an elevated level. HOMA-IR index ≥2.77 corresponded to the presence of insulin resistance (IR).Results and discussion. Hyperleptinemia was found in 34 (74%) patients with SLE, an increased level of ApoB – in 19 (41%), IR – in 10 (22%). In patients with hyperleptinemia, serositis, positivity for anti-double-stranded DNA (aDNA) and hypocomplementemia were less common, overweight and obesity were more frequent, the SLEDAI-2K index was lower, the aDNA level was lower, and the concentration of the C3 component of complement, insulin, HOMA-IR index, body mass index (BMI) and disease duration were higher (p<0.05 for all cases). BMI <25 kg / m2 had 26 (57%) women, 14 (54%) of whom had hyperleptinemia. In patients with BMI <25 kg / m2, we found a relationship between leptin concentration and disease duration (r=0.4, p=0.04), SLE activity according to SLEDAI-2K (r=-0.6, p=0.003), levels of aDNA (r=-0.6, p<0.001), C3 component of complement (r=0.5, p=0.01), maximum (r=0.7, p<0.001) and supporting (r=0,5, p=0.023) GC doses.In patients with BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (n=20), no such relationship was observed.Conclusion. Hyperleptinemia was found in the majority of women with SLE; elevated levels of ApoB and IR were much less common. Patients with hyperleptinemia are characterized by a longer duration and less activity of the disease, as well as the presence of overweight and obesity and an increase in the HOMA-IR index. In SLE patients with normal body weight, the concentration of leptin increased along with GC dose elevation.Цель исследования – изучение частоты гиперлептинемии у пациентов с системной красной волчанкой (СКВ), ее взаимосвязи с клинико-лабораторными проявлениями заболевания, лекарственной терапией, а также другими метаболическими нарушениями.Пациенты и методы. В поперечное исследование включено 46 женщин с достоверным диагнозом СКВ (медиана возраста 40 [31; 48] лет) и длительностью заболевания 3,0 [0,9; 9,0] года. Глюкокортикоиды (ГК) получали 38 (83%) больных, гидроксихлорохин – 35 (76%), иммуносупрессанты – 10 (22%), генно-инженерные биологические препараты – 5 (11%). У всех больных определены натощак уровни глюкозы, лептина, аполипропротеина В (АпоВ) и иммунореактивного инсулина, рассчитан индекс оценки гомеостатической модели резистентности к инсулину (HOMA-IR). Повышенной считали концентрацию лептина ≥11,1 нг/мл, АпоВ – >1,6 мг/мл.Индекс HOMA-IR ≥2,77 соответствовал наличию инсулинорезистентности (ИР).Результаты и обсуждение. Гиперлептинемия обнаружена у 34 (74%) больных СКВ, повышенный уровень АпоВ – у 19 (41%), ИР – у 10 (22%). При гиперлептинемии реже встречались серозит, позитивность по антителам к двуспиральной ДНК (аДНК) и гипокомплементемия, чаще – избыточная масса тела и ожирение, были ниже индекс SLEDAI-2K, уровень аДНК, выше – концентрация С3-компонента комплемента, инсулина, индекс HOMA-IR, индекс массы тела (ИМТ) и длительность заболевания (р<0,05 для всех случаев). ИМТ<25 кг/м2 имели 26 (57%) женщин, у 14 (54%) из которых обнаружена гиперлептинемия. У пациенток с ИМТ <25 кг/м2 выявлена взаимосвязь концентрации лептина с длительностью заболевания (r=0,4, p=0,04), активностью СКВ по SLEDAI-2K (r=-0,6, p=0,003), уровнем аДНК (r=-0,6, p<0,001), С3-компонента комплемента (r=0,5, p=0,01), максимальной (r=0,7, p<0,001) и поддерживающей (r=0,5, p=0,023) дозами ГК. У больных с ИМТ ≥25 кг/м2 (n=20) подобной взаимосвязи не отмечено.Заключение. Гиперлептинемия выявлена у большинства женщин с СКВ, повышенный уровень АпоВ и ИР встречались гораздо реже.Для пациенток с гиперлептинемией характерны большая длительность и меньшая активность заболевания, а также наличие избыточной массы тела и ожирения, увеличение индекса HOMA-IR. У больных СКВ с нормальной массой тела концентрация лептина нарастала по мере увеличения дозы ГК

    Metabolic syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis: role of adiponectin (preliminary results)

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    The clinical value of the disorders and diseases integrated within the metabolic syndrome (MS) is in the combination of traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which significantly accelerates the development of cardiovascular events (CVEs). The detection rate for MS in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is shown to be higher than in the controls regardless of the diagnostic criteria for MS. At present, there are confusing data on the role of adipokins in RA. Objective: to determine the rate of MS and its components in RA patients and the association of the level of adipokin (adiponectin) with the components of MS in relation to the duration of RA. Subjects and methods: The investigation enrolled 69 RA patients divided into two groups: 1) 34 patients with early-stage (<2-year) RA and 2) 35 patients with end-stage (>2-year) RA. Results. MS occurred in 12 (17.4%) of the 69 patients with RA. There was central (abdominal) obesity in 37 (53.6%) patients with RA, hypertension in 29 (42%), low high-density cholesterol levels in 20 (29%), hyperglycemia in 11 (15.9%), and hypertriglyceridemia in 10 (14.5%). According to the presence or absence of MS, the patients were divided into 2 groups: 1) 12 patients with MS; 2) 57 without MS. In the patients with RA and MS, the duration of the disease was shorter; DAS28 and CDAI were higher than in those without MS: 15.4 [7; 24] months versus 51.8 [6; 72] months; DAS28 was 5.8 [4.9; 6.7] scores versus 5.1 [4.5; 5.8] scores; CDAI: 34.8 [21.8; 41.4] scores versus 24.2 [18; 31] scores, respectively (p < 0.05 in all cases). The serum level of adiponectin was lower: 13.1 [5.7; 10.7] ng/ml versus 20.6 [6.9; 30.9] ng/ml in the patients with RA and MS as compared to those without MS; but there were no significant differences. In the patients with early-end RA, the rate of MS was twice higher than that in those with end-stage RA; however, the differences were statistically insignificant (p = 0.1). The components of MS were encountered with the same frequency in early- and end-stage RA. The early RA group showed a correlation between SDAI (r = -0.34), body mass index (r = -0.41), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (r = 0.33), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (r =-0.35), and adiponectin. The >2-year RA group displayed no relationship between adipokins, activity markers, and metabolic disturbances. Conclusion. The preliminary results suggest the high rate of MS in patients with a high level of early RA disease activity untreated with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, thus determining the high risk of CVEs just at disease onset. The role of adiponectin in the development of MS, CVEs in rheumatic diseases remains to be solved, which is the subject of further investigations. It is possible that normalization of adiponectin concentrations may promote reductions in the incidence of CVD, mortality rates due to atherosclerosis-induced CVEs, and the prevalence of MS and insulin resistance

    UGC Video Sharing: Measurement and Analysis

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    User-generated content (UGC) site has become a new killer Internet application in the recent four years. Among those popular sites, YouTube is the most representative and successful one providing a new generation of short video sharing service. Today, YouTube is a dominant provider of online video in the Internet, and is still growing fast. Understanding the features of YouTube and similar video sharing sites is thus crucial to their sustainable development and to network traffic engineering.We investigate the YouTube site from two perspectives, internal and external. Using traces crawled in a 1.5-year span, we systematic measure the characteristics of YouTube videos. We find that YouTube videos have noticeably different statistics compared to traditional streaming videos, ranging from length, access pattern, to their active life span. The series of datasets also allows us to identify the growth trend of this fast evolving Internet site in various aspects, which has seldom been explored before. We also look closely at the social networking aspect of YouTube, as this is a key driving force toward its success. In particular, we find that the links to related videos generated by uploaders’ choices form a small-world network. This suggests that the videos have strong correlations with each other, and creates opportunities for developing novel caching or peer-to-peer distribution schemes to efficiently deliver videos to end users.We also provide an in-depth study into the effects of the external links of YouTube. We collected nearly one million videos’ external link information, and traced different types of videos for more than two months. Our study shows interesting characteristics of external links of YouTube. In particular, we find that views from external links are independent from total views in each category. Also, videos benefit more from external links in the early stage. Our work can serve as a initial step for the study of the external environment.Department of Computin