12 research outputs found

    Efficiency Estimation of the Bacal Siderites Using to Increase Stability of Steel-Melting Agregates Lining

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    During the melting processes in steel-melting aggregates, lining destruction takes place due to the Magnesium oxide of lining dissolution in slag. In this study, different materials containing Magnesium oxide have been introduced into slag to increase lining stability. Efficiency estimation of raw siderite (10-0 mm class) using for this aim is considered in the present work. Initial slag (basic capacity СаО/SiO2=2,1) of industrial ASM (Arc Steel Melting) was corrected by high magnesia introduction additives (siderite). Slag has been loaded into a magnesia crucible, heated up to 1700∘C, aged during 1 hour and cooled with the furnace. The final slag phase composition analysis detected considerable changes in it: increase of MeO-phase refractory with MgO prevalence (melting temperature 2800 ∘С) and replacement of monocellitic silicate component (CaO⋅MgO⋅SiO2, melting temperature 1498 ∘С) by larnite (β-2CaO ⋅SiO2 melting temperature 2130 ∘С). Crucible slag resistance was estimated by thinning of it walls. Experiment results confirmed affect of MgO content in slag to linings solubility in it. It was determined that siderite additives increase MeO-phase (melting temperature more than 2000 ∘С) content in slag approximately by 30 % that is rather essential for lining service period increasing. It is confirmed that siderite additives prolongate magnesia lining stability of steel-making aggregates. Keywords: Bacal siderite, refractory lining, steel-making aggregates, crucible, monocellit, magnesi

    Thermodynamic Modeling of Iron and Nickel Reduction from B2O3-CaO-FeO-NiO Melts

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    At present, during solving theoretical and applied problems of metallurgical technologies improving, thermodynamic modeling (TDM) methods are widely used to calculate multicomponent and multiphase systems. However, existing methodology TДM are intended for the balance analysis in the ”closed” systems. The authors of [9] proposed a technique that allows, using TDMs, to describe metal reduction processes during gas bubbling of multicomponent oxide melts in approximation to “open” real systems. The applicability of the methods is estimated using the example of joint Nickel and Iron reduction modeling in the B2O3-CaO-FeO-NiO system by Carbon monoxide for ”open” and ”closed” systems. The data obtained comparison for ”open” and ”closed” systems show that the consecutive output of products (gas and metal) from working medium promotes achievement of the best parameters for Nickel extraction to alloy and to its residual content in oxide melt. Using this technique, the TДM process of joint reduction of Nickel and Iron in system B2O3-CaO-FeO-NiO by Carbon monoxide in ”open” system was undertaken at various temperatures in the 1273-1773K interval. Keywords: thermodynamic modeling, ”closed” system, ”open” system, joint reduction, Carbon monoxide, oxide melt, gas bubblin

    Сравнительная оценка эффективности методов заместительной почечной терапии при тяжелом течении геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом

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    A comparative assessment of the effectiveness of renal replacement therapy methods is presented in the article with examples of clinical cases: prolonged venovenous hemodiafiltration and hemodialysis in patients with severe hemorrhagic fever and renal syndrome complicated by acute renal failure.В статье на примере клинических случаев, представлена сравнительная оценка эффективности методов заместительной почечной терапии: продленной вено-венозной гемодиафильтрации и гемодиализа у больных с тяжелым течением геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом, осложненной острой почечной недостаточностью

    Problems of clinical diagnosis and treatment of P. Falciparum malaria in Russian Federation

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    Aim. To study the causes of falciparum malaria deaths in Russian Federation and to optimize therapy for severe forms of the disease. Materials and methods. The analysis of falciparum malaria cases with deaths recorded in Russian Federation from 2013 to 2017 was conducted. The results of optimization of pathogenetic therapy of severe forms of falciparum malaria for the prevention of adverse outcomes in the intensive care unit of the Infectious Clinical Hospital №2 of Moscow in 44 patients with severe course are presented. Treatment, clinical laboratory and instrumental investigations were carried out in accordance with our intensive care protocol, which took into account the current WHO recommendations. Results. From 2013 to 2017 there were nine deaths from falciparum malaria reported in patients from African countries (6) and India (3). In Russia, due to the lack of effective drugs of artemisinin group, quinine with tetracycline or doxycycline is used for etiotropic therapy of patients with complicated form of falciparum malaria. In the management of such patients, the basis for treatment was the prevention of is-chemic, reperfusion injuries of organs and hemorrhagic complications. In the infectious clinical hospital №2 of Moscow, since 2007, the intensive care unit has developed and tested a protocol for intensive therapy in patients with severe and complicated forms of falciparum malaria, including preventive methods of extracorporeal hemocorrection with prolonged veno-venous hemodiafiltration therapy and plasmapheresis, as a result of which the mortality rate decreased from 84 to 6.8% Conclusion. The country's lack of anti-malarial drugs, the insufficient awareness of the population about the risk of infection and measures to prevent malaria, late referral of cases for medical care and errors of clinical diagnosis and treatment annually lead to fatal outcomes. In such situation, the experience of optimizing the treatment of severe falciparum malaria is particularly useful, allowing decreasing the mortality. © 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group.All Rights Reserved

    Сравнительная оценка эффективности методов заместительной почечной терапии при тяжелом течении геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом

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    A comparative assessment of the effectiveness of renal replacement therapy methods is presented in the article with examples of clinical cases: prolonged venovenous hemodiafiltration and hemodialysis in patients with severe hemorrhagic fever and renal syndrome complicated by acute renal failure.В статье на примере клинических случаев, представлена сравнительная оценка эффективности методов заместительной почечной терапии: продленной вено-венозной гемодиафильтрации и гемодиализа у больных с тяжелым течением геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом, осложненной острой почечной недостаточностью

    Law of Cosines and Shannon-Pythagorean theorem for quantum information

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    The concept of information distance in non-commutative setting is re-considered. Additive information, such as Kullback-Leibler divergence, is defined using convex functional with gradient having the property of homomorphism between multiplicative and additive subgroups. We review several geometric properties, such as the logarithmic law of cosines, Pythagorean theorem and a lower bound given by squared Euclidean distance. We also prove a special case of Pythagorean theorem for Shannon information, which finds applications in informationtheoretic variational problems

    Human babesiosis: Clinical cases in the european part of the Russian Federation

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    The article describes four clinical observations of patients with babesiosis detected in the European part of the Russian Federation, two of whom were under the direct supervision of the authors. The analysis of epidemiological data, clinical picture, results of laboratory studies in the dynamics of the disease. Differential diagnosis and treatment are discussed. © 2019 Consilium Medikum. All rights reserved