496 research outputs found

    Online Peer Review in Writing Intensive Courses

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    An important development of P331 Advanced Experimental Physics in the last three years is to use the “workshop” function of Moodle to set up an online manuscript submission and review system that resembles the real journal paper submission and review process in physics. This online system has many advantages, including the anonymous peer review process, high efficiency for assigning review tasks, automatic numerical grading, and convenient statistics analysis. This online manuscript submission and review system is a powerful pedagogical tool for designing progressive writing assignments, providing students explicit grading rubrics, and integrating peer instructions

    Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial Mn-doped ZnO Thin Films

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    Epitaxial ZnO thin film doped with 7% Mn have been made by reactive rf magnetron sputtering onto (1120) sapphire substrates at 400 °C. X-ray diffraction measurements reveal that the Zn0.93Mn0.07O film has a (0001) wurtzite single-crystal structure with a rocking curve width od 0.98°. UV-VIS absorption spectra show a band gap of 3.25 eV for pure ZnO films and 3.31 eV for the Zn0.93Mn0.07O film with states extending into the gap. The Auger electron spectroscopy shows homogeneous distribution of Mn in the film. The magnetic properties of the Zn0.93Mn0.07O film have been measured by a superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer at various temperatures with fields up to 5 T. No ferromagnetic ordering has been observed at temperature at 5 K. Instead, paramagnetic characteristics with a Curie-Weiss behavior have been observed


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    Hyperspectral band selection and band combination has become a powerful tool and have gained enormous interest among researchers. An important task in hyperspectral data processing is to reduce the redundancy of the spectral and spatial information without losing any valuable details that are needed for the subsequent detection, discrimination and classification processes. An integrated principal component analysis (PCA) and Fisher linear discriminant (FLD) method has been developed for feature band selection, and other pattern recognition technologies have been applied and compared with the developed method. The results on different types of defects from cucumber and apple samples show that the integrated PCA-FLD method outperforms PCA, FLD and canonical discriminant methods when they are used separately for classification. The integrated method adds a new tool for the multivariate analysis of hyperspectral images and can be extended to other hyperspectral imaging applications. Dimensionality reduction not only serves as the first step of data processing that leads to a significant decrease in computational complexity in the successive procedures, but also a research tool for determining optimal spectra requirement for online automatic inspection of fruit. In this study, the hyperspectral research shows that the near infrared spectrum at 753nm is best for detecting apple defect. When applied for online apple defect inspection, over 98% of good apple detection rate is achieved. However, commercially available apple sorting and inspection machines cannot effectively solve the stem-calyx problems involved in automatic apple defects detection. In this study, a dual-spectrum NIR/MIR sensing method is applied. This technique can effectively distinguish true defects from stems and calyxes, which leads to a potential solution of the problem. The results of this study will advance the technology in fruit safety and quality inspection and improve the cost-effectiveness of fruit packing processes

    Online Peer Review in Writing Intensive Courses

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    An important development of P331 Advanced Experimental Physics in the last three years is to use the “workshop” function of Moodle to set up an online manuscript submission and review system that resembles the real journal paper submission and review process in physics. This online system has many advantages, including the anonymous peer review process, high efficiency for assigning review tasks, automatic numerical grading, and convenient statistics analysis. This online manuscript submission and review system is a powerful pedagogical tool for designing progressive writing assignments, providing students explicit grading rubrics, and integrating peer instructions

    Magnetic Properties of One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Co/Pt Multilayers

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    We have fabricated Fibonacci [Co/Pt] multilayers with two constituent Co/Pt bilayers, as well as periodic multilayers of the same Co/Pt bilayers, all of which exhibit perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Magnetic properties of the quasiperiodic and periodic [Co/Pt] multilayers have been studied macroscopically by vibrating sample magnetometry and microscopically by magnetic force microscopy. The Fibonacci [CoPt] multilayers show enhanced squareness in magnetic hysteresis loops compared to the corresponding periodic [Co/Pt]n multilayers, due to a smaller density of isolated nucleation sites in the saturation state

    Magnetic Properties of One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Co/Pt Multilayers

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    We have fabricated Fibonacci [Co/Pt] multilayers with two constituent Co/Pt bilayers, as well as periodic multilayers of the same Co/Pt bilayers, all of which exhibit perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Magnetic properties of the quasiperiodic and periodic [Co/Pt] multilayers have been studied macroscopically by vibrating sample magnetometry and microscopically by magnetic force microscopy. The Fibonacci [CoPt] multilayers show enhanced squareness in magnetic hysteresis loops compared to the corresponding periodic [Co/Pt]n multilayers, due to a smaller density of isolated nucleation sites in the saturation state

    Polarity Reversal of a Magnetic Vortex Core by a Unipolar, Nonresonant In-plane Pulsed Magnetic Field

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    We report the polarity reversal of a magnetic vortex core using a nonresonant in-plane pulsed magnetic field of arbitrary waveform studied using time-resolved x-ray photoemission electron microscopy and micromagnetic simulations. The imaging and simulations show that a 5 mT pulse, higher than the critical field for nonlinear effects, effectively leads to the randomization of the vortex core polarity. The micromagnetic simulations further show that the onset of stochastic core polarity randomization does not necessarily coincide with the critical reversal field, leading to a field window for predictable core reversal

    Polarity Reversal of a Magnetic Vortex Core by a Unipolar, Nonresonant In-plane Pulsed Magnetic Field

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    We report the polarity reversal of a magnetic vortex core using a nonresonant in-plane pulsed magnetic field of arbitrary waveform studied using time-resolved x-ray photoemission electron microscopy and micromagnetic simulations. The imaging and simulations show that a 5 mT pulse, higher than the critical field for nonlinear effects, effectively leads to the randomization of the vortex core polarity. The micromagnetic simulations further show that the onset of stochastic core polarity randomization does not necessarily coincide with the critical reversal field, leading to a field window for predictable core reversal

    Two RNA binding proteins, HEN4 and HUA1 act in the processing of AGAMOUS pre-mRNA in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    AGAMOUS, a key player in floral morphogenesis, specifies reproductive organ identities and regulates the timely termination of stem cell fates in the floral meristem. Here, we report that strains carrying mutations in three genes, HUA1, HUA2, and HUA ENHANCER4 (HEN4), exhibit floral defects similar to those in agamous mutants: reproductive-to-perianth organ transformation and loss of floral determinacy. HEN4 codes for a K homology (KH) domain-containing, putative RNA binding protein that interacts with HUA1, a CCCH zinc finger RNA binding protein in the nucleus. We show that HUA1 binds AGAMOUS pre-mRNA in vitro and that HEN4, HUA1, and HUA2 act in floral morphogenesis by specifically promoting the processing of AGAMOUS pre-mRNA. Our studies under-score the importance of RNA processing in modulating plant development

    Origin of Pinning Enhancement in a Ferromagnet-Superconductor Bilayer

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    Vortex pinning has been studied for the superconducting Nb film covering ferromagnetic Co/Pt multilayer with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, in which the magnetization reversal proceeds via domain-wall motion. Large enhancement of pinning in the Nb film has been observed in the final stages of the reversal process, and we demonstrate that it is caused by residual uninverted dendrite-shaped magnetic domains
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