810 research outputs found

    Qualitative characterization of healthcare wastes

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    The biological hazard inherent in the clinical wastes should be considered during the management and treatment process as well as the disposal into the environment. In this chapter, the risks associated with the clinical wastes as well as the management of these wastes are discussed. The chapter focused on reviewing the types of healthcare wastes generated from hospitals and clinics as well as the regulations and management practices used for these wastes. Moreover, the health risk associated with the infectious agents which have the potential to be transmitted into the environment. It has appeared that the clinical wastes represent real hazards for the human health and the environment if they were not managed properly

    Physical mapping of a powdery mildew resistance related gene Hv-S/TPK by FISH with a TAC clone in wheat

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Hematologia), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra.A Policitemia Vera (PV) é uma doença clonal de etiologia desconhecida, na maior parte dos casos, que envolve a célula estaminal progenitora hematopoiética multipotencial. É uma neoplasia mieloproliferativa crónica (NMP) que se caracteriza pela expansão das três linhas celulares hematopoiéticas: eritróide, granulocítica e megacariocítica, com predomínio da primeira, de modo independente dos mecanismos normais de regulação da eritropoiese. Além disso, as células têm aspecto morfológico normal, a fibrose medular é pouco significativa e os níveis de eritropoietina (Epo) são habitualmente normais a baixos. Além da hipercelularidade medular com sobreprodução de uma ou de todas as linhas celulares, a doença cursa com hematopoiese extramedular, hiperviscosidade, propensão para complicações como trombose ou hemorragia e risco de desenvolvimento de mielofibrose ou transformação em leucemia aguda. A descrição relativamente recente da associação de uma mutação no gene JAK2, localizado no cromosoma 9p24, com as doenças mieloproliferativas clássicas negativas para BCR-ABL, como a PV, veio permitir avanços significativos na compreensão da patofisiologia deste grupo de doenças hematológicas. A mutação provoca uma alteração do aminoácido V (valina) para F (fenilalanina) na posição 617 (JAK2V617F). De acordo com os dados publicados, a frequência da detecção da mutação JAK2V617F em doentes com PV é de cerca de 95%. A proteína JAK2 é uma tirosina cinase citoplasmática, que se encontra associada ao domínio intracelular dos receptores de citocinas (como a Epo e trombopoietina - Tpo), e de factores de crescimento, essenciais para a função destes receptores. A mutação da JAK2 conduz à activação constitutiva dos receptores, independente da ligação à respectiva citocina e/ou hipersensibilidade a factores de crescimento, com consequente activação de múltiplas vias de sinalização intracelulares como a JAK/STAT (Janus Kinase/Signal Transductor and activator of transcription), a PI3K (fosfatidilinositol 3 cinase) e a MAPK (proteína cinase activadora de mitose), envolvidas na transformação e proliferação dos progenitores hematopoiéticos. Por outro lado, as células evidenciam alteração na diferenciação terminal e resistência à apoptose in vitro que poderá estar relacionada com o aumento da expressão da proteína anti-apoptótica Bcl-XL. Além dos avanços no diagnóstico, a detecção da mutação JAK2V617F tem contribuido para melhorar a classificação e a terapêutica dos doentes com PV. Deste modo, o conhecimento dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na PV tem levado os investigadores à descoberta de novos fármacos dirigidos ao defeito molecular, permitindo novas abordagem terapêuticas mais eficazes e provavelmente de menor toxicidade. Este trabalho procura fazer uma revisão sobre o actual conhecimento da caracterização molecular e clínica da PV e quais as suas implicações no diagnóstico e abordagem terapêutica desta NMP.Polycythemia Vera (PV) is a clonal disease of unknown etiology, which often involves the pluripotential hematopoietic stem cell. This disease integrates the family of chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) and is characterized by the growth of the three hematopoietic celular lineages: granulocytic, megakaryocytic and erythroid, with predominance of the last one and regardless the normal mechanisms of erythropoiesis regulation. Moreover, cells have normal morphological aspect, bone marrow shows slight fibrosis and the levels of erythropoietin (Epo) usually vary from normal to low. Besides marrow hypercellularity with overproduction of one or all the celular lineages, the disease courses with extramedullary hematopoiesis, hyperviscosity, leading to complications such as thrombosis or bleeding and risk of transformation to myelofibrosis or acute leukemia. Recently it has been described the association between the mutation in the JAK2 gene, located on chromosome 9p24, with the classic myeloproliferative disorders BCR-ABL negative, such as PV, which has brought significant advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of this group of hematologic malignancies. The mutation causes a change of amino acid V (valine) to F (phenylalanine) at position 617 (JAK2V617F). According to published data, the frequency of JAK2V617F mutation detected in patients with PV is about 95%. JAK2 protein is a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase, which is associated to the intracelular domain of cytokine receptors, such as Epo and thrombopoietin (Tpo), and growth factors which are essential to the function of these receptors. JAK2 mutation leads to the constitutive receptors activation, independent of connection to their cytokine and / or hypersensitivity to growth factors, with consequent activation of multiple intracellular signaling pathways such as JAK / STAT (Janus Kinase / Signal transducer and transcription activator), the PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase) and MAPK (Mitogen-activated protein), involved in the transformation and proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors. Moreover, the cells show changes in terminal differentiation and resistance to in vitro apoptosis which is possibly related to the increasing expression of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-XL. In addition to the advances in diagnosis, detection of JAK2V617F mutation has contributed to the improvement of classification and treatment in patients with PV. Thus, knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in PV has led investigators to the discovery of new drugs targeting molecular defects, allowing new therapeutic approach more efficient and probably less toxic. The aim of this article is to review the current knowledge of clinical and molecular characterization of PV, and its implications on the diagnosis and therapeutic approach of this myeloproliferative disorder

    A System Dynamics Approach for Hospital Waste Management in a City in a Developing Country: The Case of Nablus, Palestine

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    Hospitals and health centers provide a variety of healthcare services and normally generate hazardous waste as well as general waste. General waste has a similar nature to that of municipal solid waste and therefore could be disposed of in municipal landfills. However, hazardous waste poses risks to public health, unless it is properly managed. The hospital waste management system encompasses many factors, i.e., number of beds, number of employees, level of service, population, birth rate, fertility rate, and not in my back yard (NIMBY) syndrome. Therefore, this management system requires a comprehensive analysis to determine the role of each factor and its influence on the whole system. In this research, a hospital waste management simulation model is presented based on the system dynamics technique to determine the interaction among these factors in the system using a software package, ithink. This model is used to estimate waste segregation as this is important in the hospital waste management system to minimize risk to public health. Real data has been obtained from a case study of the city of Nablus, Palestine to validate the model. The model exhibits wastes generated from three types of hospitals (private, charitable, and government) by considering the number of both inpatients and outpatients depending on the population of the city under study. The model also offers the facility to compare the total waste generated among these different types of hospitals and anticipate and predict the future generated waste both infectious and non-infectious and the treatment cost incurred

    Bcl-2 protein family: Implications in vascular apoptosis and atherosclerosis

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    Apoptosis has been recognized as a central component in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, in addition to the other human pathologies such as cancer and diabetes. The pathophysiology of atherosclerosis is complex, involving both apoptosis and proliferation at different phases of its progression. Oxidative modification of lipids and inflammation differentially regulate the apoptotic and proliferative responses of vascular cells during progression of the atherosclerotic lesion. Bcl-2 proteins act as the major regulators of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis signalling pathways and more recently it has become evident that they mediate the apoptotic response of vascular cells in response to oxidation and inflammation either in a provocative or an inhibitory mode of action. Here we address Bcl-2 proteins as major therapeutic targets for the treatment of atherosclerosis and underscore the need for the novel preventive and therapeutic interventions against atherosclerosis, which should be designed in the light of molecular mechanisms regulating apoptosis of vascular cells in atherosclerotic lesions

    Development and Validation of an Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Method for Determination of Zn2+ Ions in Brain Microdialysate Samples

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    An easy, rapid, and sensitive anodic stripping voltammetric method with a controlled growth mercury drop electrode has been developed and validated for the determination of Zn2+ ions in brain microdialysate samples obtained from rats. The considered level of the zinc concentration in the dialysate was 0.5–6 ppb. In the investigated method, the stripping step was carried out by using a differential pulse potential-time voltammetric excitation signal. The optimal experimental conditions as well as the instrumental and accumulation parameters and supporting electrolyte composition were investigated. The optimized method was validated for precision, linearity, and accuracy. Mean recovery 82–110% was achieved, the precision expressed by CV not greater than 7.6% and the linearity given by correlation coefficient not lower than 0.9988. The limit of detection was 0.1 ppb. No interferences were observed. Due to high linearity, precision, and sensitivity, the developed method may be successfully applied in the determination of zinc ions in microdialysate brain samples. The results obtained for the first time demonstrate detailed characteristics of the determination of zinc in the brain microdialysate fluid by the ASV method. It may be applied in a wide range of physiological and pharmacological studies which focus on very low zinc concentration/alteration in various compartments of the organisms
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