470 research outputs found

    AFLP analysis of genetic differentiation in CpGV resistant and susceptible Cydia pomonella (L.) populations

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    The codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lep., Tortricidae), is a significant pest of orchard crops such as apple and pear in Southern Germany, and can cause severe economic damage to apple crops. Due to resistance to conventional pesticides and the growing market for organic fruit, Cydia pomonella Granulovirus (CpGV) has been used to control C. pomonella in Germany for over 10 years. Recently, populations exhibiting resistance to CpGV have been reported. In this study, we have used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to estimate genetic variations between eight different C. pomonella populations, which were obtained from different locations exhibiting varying levels of resistance to CpGV. Three different AFLP primer combinations generated a total of 194 AFLP fragments, ranging from 57.84 to 424.11 bp, with an average of 59.23 amplified fragments per primer combination. The total number of segregating fragments ranged from 181 to 115 and resulted in a high loci polymorphism of 100% in most cases, except for two populations, where it was found to be 88.1% and 93.3%. An analysis of genetic variation based on the obtained AFLP markers resulted in high gene diversity (Hj) values, ranging between 0.2884 to 0.3508. Hj values also indicated a loss in gene diversity within a population over time. The Wright Fixation Index (FST) values indicated a low to moderate genetic differentiation in the populations. The cluster analysis (UPGMA), based on genetic distance values, showed that the majority of C. pomonella populations from different locations were clearly distributed into distinct groups and showed a large genetic variability

    Toward Provenance-Based Security for Configuration Languages

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    Large system installations are increasingly configured using high-level, mostly-declarative languages. Often, different users contribute data that is compiled centrally and distributed to individual systems. Although the systems themselves have been developed with reliability and availability in mind, the configuration compilation process can lead to unforeseen vulnerabilities because of the lack of access control on the different components combined to build the final configuration. Even if simple change-based access controls are applied to validate changes to the final version, changes can be lost or incorrectly attributed. Based on the growing literature on provenance for database queries and other models of computation, we identify a potential application area for provenance to securing configuration languages.

    Demand for Information Technology Workers in Central Florida

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    This is a study which attempts to determine the current and future demand for Information technology (IT) employees. A total of fifty-two (52) organizations from Central Florida responded to this study. Several interesting findings included: 1) seventy-five percent of the companies surveyed have a current hiring freeze in place for IT positions; 2) by 2006 forty percent of the companies are expected to resume hiring some IT personnel; 3) the areas of security, client support, systems analysis and consulting show the greatest demand and; 4) the most essential skills for an entry level IT position include: communications (verbal and written), database, system analysis and project management

    Increasing trends in fecundity and calf survival of bottlenose dolphins in a marine protected area

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    We are indebted to Bill Kendall who provided critical input to the development of these analyses while LSC was visiting Colorado State University. Scottish Natural Heritage, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd., Department of Energy and Climate Change, Chevron, Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd., Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd., Marine Scotland, The Crown Estate and Highlands and Islands Enterprise all provided funding for photo-identification surveys. Many thanks to all the colleagues who have helped collect data for this long-term study. Survey work was conducted under Scottish Natural Heritage Animal Scientific Licences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Skill Requirements for Entry-Level IS Graduates: A Report from Industry

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    Determining what skills employers of new IS graduates desire is important in guiding IS educators in designing curriculum and in advising students. This study reports the results of a pilot study which attempts to gain insight into the previously mentioned question. The findings indicate that basic technical skills, such as systems analysis and design, and database concepts, and non-technical skills, such as teamwork and communications skills, are more important than specific technical skills

    Photoacoustic detection of functional responses in the motor cortex of awake behaving monkey during forelimb movement

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2012 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation EngineersPhotoacoustic (PA) imaging was applied to detect the neuronal activity in the motor cortex of an awake, behaving monkey during forelimb movement. An adult macaque monkey was trained to perform a reach-to-grasp task while PA images were acquired through a 30-mm diameter implanted cranial chamber. Increased PA signal amplitude results from an increase in regional blood volume and is interpreted as increased neuronal activity. Additionally, depth-resolved PA signals enabled the study of functional responses in deep cortical areas. The results demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing PA imaging for studies of functional activation of cerebral cortex in awake monkeys performing behavioral tasks

    Économie politique et rĂ©volution française

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    Le titre Économie politique et rĂ©volution française donnĂ© Ă  l’ensemble des articles qu’on va prĂ©senter renvoie Ă  deux notions qu’on peut fatiguer Ă  rapprocher au premier abord, en Ă©voquant, l’une, la thĂ©orie, l’autre, la pratique. On considĂšre communĂ©ment que la pĂ©riode rĂ©volutionnaire n’a pas apportĂ© des acquisitions significatives au niveau de la science de l’économie, mĂȘme si aussi bien des Ă©conomistes que des historiens ont contribuĂ© Ă  l’avancement de la recherche sur la culture Ă©conomique des rĂ©volutionnaires. Au-delĂ  du lien entre Ă©conomie et rĂ©volution, nous partageons l’idĂ©e que ce recueil d’articles peut reprĂ©senter un dĂ©fi qui nous amĂšne Ă  reconsidĂ©rer les notions mĂȘmes d’économie politique et de RĂ©volution française. Deux idĂ©es clĂ© ont dirigĂ© notre travail : l’attention aux implications politiques de la rĂ©flexion Ă©conomique et une notion Ă©largie de RĂ©volution française au niveau aussi bien gĂ©ographique que chronologique

    Contrasting Properties of Motor Output from the Supplementary Motor Area and Primary Motor Cortex in Rhesus Macaques

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    The goal of this study was to assess the motor output capabilities of the forelimb representation of the supplementary motor area (SMA) in terms of the sign, latency and strength of effects on electromyographic (EMG) activity. Stimulus triggered averages of EMG activity from 24 muscles of the forelimb were computed in SMA during a reach-to-grasp task. Poststimulus facilitation (PStF) from SMA had two distinct peaks (15.2 and 55.2 ms) and one poststimulus suppression (PStS) peak (32.4 ms). The short onset latency PStF and PStS of SMA were 5.5 and 16.8 ms longer than those of the primary motor cortex (M1). The average magnitudes (peak increase or decrease above baseline) of the short and long latency PStF and PStS from SMA at 60 ÎŒA were 13.8, 11.3 and −11.9% respectively. In comparison, M1 PStF and PStS magnitudes at 15 ÎŒA were 50.2 and −23.8%. Extrapolating M1 PStF magnitude to 60 ÎŒA yields a mean effect that is nearly 15 times greater than the mean PStF from SMA. Moreover, unlike M1, the facilitation of distal muscles from SMA was not significantly greater than the facilitation of proximal muscles. We conclude that the output from SMA to motoneurons is markedly weaker compared with M1 raising doubts about the role of SMA corticospinal neurons in the direct control of muscle activit

    Far-field effects of impulsive noise on coastal bottlenose dolphins

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Bill Ruck, Moray First Marine and colleagues from the University of Aberdeen for assistance with the data collection. We are also grateful to Drs. Nathan Merchant and Adrian Farcas (CEFAS) for the provision of the data on the noise modeling and their valuable comments during the development of this work. The project benefited at all stages from input provided by the scientific steering groups and stakeholder groups established by UK and Scottish Governments to support the work conducted around these regional oil and gas and renewables projects. FUNDING Financial support for this study was provided through a series of consortia funded projects that involved the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), Scottish Government, Oil and Gas UK Ltd., COWRIE, NatureScot, The Crown Estate, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Beatrice Offshore Wind Ltd., and Moray Offshore Wind Farm (East) Ltd. OFB was funded by the Fundación “la Caixa” (Becas Posgrado, 2015) and their support was greatly appreciated. The authors declare that this study received funding from three commercial developers: Oil and Gas UK Ltd., Beatrice Offshore Wind Ltd., and Moray Offshore Wind Farm (East) Ltd. However, these funding bodies had no input into the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article or the decision to submit it for publication.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
