766 research outputs found

    Blind joint maximum likelihood channel estimation and data detection for single-input multiple-output systems

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    A blind adaptive scheme is proposed for joint maximum likelihood (ML) channel estimation and data detection of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) systems. The joint ML optimization of the channel and data estimation is decomposed into an iterative optimization loop. An efficient global optimization algorithm termed as the repeated weighted boosting aided search is employed first to identify the unknown SIMO channel model, and then the Viterbi algorithm is used for the maximum likelihood sequence estimation of the unknown data sequence. A simulation example is used for demonstrating the efficiency of this joint ML optimization scheme designed for blind adaptive SIMO systems

    Space-Time Equalisation Assisted Minimum Bit-Error Ratio Multiuser Detection for SDMA Systems

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    This contribution investigates a space-time equalisation assisted multiuser detection scheme designed for multiple receiver antenna aided space division multiple access (SDMA) systems. A novel minimum bit error ratio (MBER) design is invoked for the multiuser detector (MUD), which is shown to be capable of improving the attainable performance and enhancing system capacity in comparison to that of the standard minimum mean square error (MMSE) design. The adaptive MUD coefficient adjustment procedure of the MBER space-time MUD is implemented using a stochastic gradient based least bit error rate (LBER) algorithm, which consistently outperforms the classic least mean square (LMS) algorithm, while maintaining a lower computational complexity than the latter

    Dynamic modelling for ecological and economic sustainability in a rapid urbanizing region

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    AbstractRecently years, most of China's rapidly developed regions are becoming China's large industrial cities and drawing the attention of the world. Consequently, the impacts of rapid urbanization to urban ecosystem will be greatly increased with the increasing economic development. If relationship between economic development and ecological sustainability is not fully realized, urban ecosystem will be degraded at a high rate. Therefore, study on ecological and economic sustainability for this area is of great importance. The objectives of this study are: (1) to find a balance between economic development and ecological protection in these regions; (2) to develop a process-based ecological and economic sustainable development model; (3) to supply the optimal controls for these reigns by conducting a policy analysis. To this end, a system dynamic model for urban sustainable development was constructed. The model was based on the analysis of many index and three subsystems, which are society system, economic system, and environmental system. We also selected typical development policies for a rapidly urbanizing region, Tianjin, in the future

    Investigation of Roll-to-Roll Gravure Printing for Printed Electronics with Fine Features

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    Gravure printing is known to be cost competitive in manufacturing of printed electronic devices due to its capability to mass produce at lower costs. Current standard of gravure printed feature sizes is in a range of around 50 μm down to sub-10 μm, predominantly through small scale setups and specialized engraving. However, reliance on gravure cell design limits the scalability of printing over a large area due to the setup cost. In this study, ink viscoelastic behavior was modified to improve replication of gravure printed features over a large printing area of 300 mm web-width without a reduction in gravure cell dimension. Fine lines were printed using a high viscosity ink with a good replication of the nominal line width. Control over the printed features was performed through the variation of printing speed and the alteration of ink viscosity. The effects of ink viscosity and printing speed on the printed ink particle distribution and size were also examined. New methodologies of characterizing ink transfer were also developed to help understand the ink transfer processes: mass transfer and particle transfer. A deeper understanding of the thixotropic effect and shear recovery behavior of inks was achieved through simulations of shearing conditions

    Nanoparticle-Induced Unusual Melting and Solidification Behaviours of Metals

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    Effective control of melting and solidification behaviours of materials is significant for numerous applications. It has been a long-standing challenge to increase the melted zone (MZ) depth while shrinking the heat-affected zone (HAZ) size during local melting and solidification of materials. In this paper, nanoparticle-induced unusual melting and solidification behaviours of metals are reported that effectively solve this long-time dilemma. By introduction of Al(2)O(3) nanoparticles, the MZ depth of Ni is increased by 68%, while the corresponding HAZ size is decreased by 67% in laser melting at a pulse energy of 0.18 mJ. The addition of SiC nanoparticles shows similar results. The discovery of the unusual melting and solidification of materials that contain nanoparticles will not only have impacts on existing melting and solidification manufacturing processes, such as laser welding and additive manufacturing, but also on other applications such as pharmaceutical processing and energy storage

    Теоретичні аспекти процесу реструктуризації в умовах антикризового управління

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    У статті розкрито сутність поняття "реструктуризація", окреслено чинники, які викликають необхідність реструктуризаційних змін, визначено цілі та види реструктуризації, а також запропоновано ряд перспективних напрямів та відповідних заходів її проведення.Essence of concept "restructuring" is exposed in the article, outlined factors which cause the necessity of restrukturizaciynikh changes, certainly aims and types of restructuring, and also the row of perspective directions and proper measures of its leadthrough is offered

    Exclusion Statistics of Quasiparticles in Condensed States of Composite Fermion Excitations

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    The exclusion statistics of quasiparticles is found at any level of the hierarchy of condensed states of composite fermion excitations (for which experimental indications have recently been found). The hierarchy of condensed states of excitations in boson Jain states is introduced and the statistics of quasiparticles is found. The quantum Hall states of charged α\alpha-anyons (α\alpha -- the exclusion statistics parameter) can be described as incompressible states of (α+2p)(\alpha+2p)-anyons (2p2p -- an even number).Comment: 4 page

    The superconductivity at 18 K in LiFeAs system

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    A new iron arsenide superconducting system LiFeAs was found that crystallizes into a tetragonal structure with space group P4/nmm. The superconductivity with Tc up to 18 K was observed in the compounds. This simple 111 type layered iron arsenide superconductor can be viewed as an analogue of the infinite layer structure of copper oxides.Comment: 11 pages 3 Figure

    Multiple superconducting gap and anisotropic spin fluctuations in iron arsenides: Comparison with nickel analog

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    We present extensive 75As NMR and NQR data on the superconducting arsenides PrFeAs0.89F0.11 (Tc=45 K), LaFeAsO0.92F0.08 (Tc=27 K), LiFeAs (Tc = 17 K) and Ba0.72K0.28Fe2As2 (Tc = 31.5 K) single crystal, and compare with the nickel analog LaNiAsO0.9F0.1 (Tc=4.0 K) . In contrast to LaNiAsO0.9F0.1 where the superconducting gap is shown to be isotropic, the spin lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 in the Fe-arsenides decreases below Tc with no coherence peak and shows a step-wise variation at low temperatures. The Knight shift decreases below Tc and shows a step-wise T variation as well. These results indicate spinsinglet superconductivity with multiple gaps in the Fe-arsenides. The Fe antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations are anisotropic and weaker compared to underdoped copper-oxides or cobalt-oxide superconductors, while there is no significant electron correlations in LaNiAsO0.9F0.1. We will discuss the implications of these results and highlight the importance of the Fermi surface topology.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figure