2,799 research outputs found

    Photorealistic Audio-driven Video Portraits

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    Video portraits are common in a variety of applications, such as videoconferencing, news broadcasting, and virtual education and training. We present a novel method to synthesize photorealistic video portraits for an input portrait video, automatically driven by a person’s voice. The main challenge in this task is the hallucination of plausible, photorealistic facial expressions from input speech audio. To address this challenge, we employ a parametric 3D face model represented by geometry, facial expression, illumination, etc., and learn a mapping from audio features to model parameters. The input source audio is first represented as a high-dimensional feature, which is used to predict facial expression parameters of the 3D face model. We then replace the expression parameters computed from the original target video with the predicted one, and rerender the reenacted face. Finally, we generate a photorealistic video portrait from the reenacted synthetic face sequence via a neural face renderer. One appealing feature of our approach is the generalization capability for various input speech audio, including synthetic speech audio from text-to-speech software. Extensive experimental results show that our approach outperforms previous general-purpose audio-driven video portrait methods. This includes a user study demonstrating that our results are rated as more realistic than previous methods

    Fabrication and Performance of MEMS-Based Pressure Sensor Packages Using Patterned Ultra-Thick Photoresists

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    A novel plastic packaging of a piezoresistive pressure sensor using a patterned ultra-thick photoresist is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Two pressure sensor packages of the sacrifice-replacement and dam-ring type were used in this study. The characteristics of the packaged pressure sensors were investigated by using a finite-element (FE) model and experimental measurements. The results show that the thermal signal drift of the packaged pressure sensor with a small sensing-channel opening or with a thin silicon membrane for the dam-ring approach had a high packaging induced thermal stress, leading to a high temperature coefficient of span (TCO) response of −0.19% span/°C. The results also show that the thermal signal drift of the packaged pressure sensors with a large sensing-channel opening for sacrifice-replacement approach significantly reduced packaging induced thermal stress, and hence a low TCO response of −0.065% span/°C. However, the packaged pressure sensors of both the sacrifice-replacement and dam-ring type still met the specification −0.2% span/°C of the unpackaged pressure sensor. In addition, the size of proposed packages was 4 × 4 × 1.5 mm3 which was about seven times less than the commercialized packages. With the same packaging requirement, the proposed packaging approaches may provide an adequate solution for use in other open-cavity sensors, such as gas sensors, image sensors, and humidity sensors

    Cobalt-Catalyzed alpha-Arylation of Substituted alpha-Bromo alpha-Fluoro beta-Lactams with Diaryl Zinc Reagents : Generalization to Functionalized Bromo Derivatives

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    A cobalt-catalyzed cross-coupling of alpha-bromo alpha-fluoro beta-lactams with diarylzinc or diallylzinc reagents is herein disclosed. The protocol proved to be general, chemoselective and operationally simple allowing the C4 functionalization of beta-lactams. The substrate scope was expanded to alpha-bromo lactams and amides, alpha-bromo lactones and esters as well asN- and O-containing heterocycles.Peer reviewe

    The intra-nucleus integration of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)in cervical mucosa cells and its relation with c-myc expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To explore the relationship between the integration of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) in the nuclei of cervical epithelium cells and the expression of c-myc.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expression of c-myc protein was measured by immunohistochemical test in 40 cases of the uterine cervix cancer, 30 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and 30 cases of normal cervical epithelium; the sequence of mtDNA in the nuclei was detected by in situ hybridization technique.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The detection rates of mtDNA in the nuclei of cervical epithelium cells were 27.5%, 13.3% and 0% in cervical carcinoma, CIN, and normal cervical epithelium respectively. The expression rate of c-myc in cervical mucoma cells was 67% in the mtDNA sequence positive group and was significantly higher than that in the negative group (36%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The integration of mtDNA into the nuclei of cervical epithelium cells may be involved in the carcinogenesis of cervical epithelium cells and the expression of c-myc might be related to the integration of mtDNA sequence into nuclei of cervical epithelium cells.</p

    Precore Mutation of Hepatitis B Virus May Contribute to Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk: Evidence from an Updated Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Studies focused on the correlation of mutations in the genome of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) like Pre-S mutation, Basal Core promoter (BCP), Enhancer II (EnhII), especially Precore mutation, with the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have triggered stiff controversies. With an increasing number of studies in this field recently, we conducted this meta-analysis to appraise the correlations. METHODS: We searched the commonly used databases both in English and Chinese till February 1(st), 2012. Meta-analysis was performed in fixed/random-effects models using STATA 10.0. Publication bias was examined through Egger's test and Begg's funnel plot. RESULTS: In total, 85 case-control studies were included involving 16745 HBV-infected patients, of whom 5781 had HCC. Statistically significant correlations were observed in Precore mutation G1896A (OR = 1.46, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15-1.85, P(OR) = 0.002), G1899A (OR = 3.13, 95%CI = 2.38-4.13, P(OR)<0.001) and Pre-S mutation especially Pre-S1 deletion (OR = 2.94, 95%CI = 2.22 to 3.89) and Pre-S2 deletion (OR = 3.02, 95%CI = 2.03 to 4.50). Similar correlation existed between BCP double mutation A1762T/G1764A, T1753V, C1653T and HCC. In subgroup analysis, the Asians, genotype C or HBeAg positive patients with certain above mutations may be more susceptible to HCC. Besides, the mutations like G1896A and BCP double mutation may be associated with the progression of the liver diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Precore mutation G1896A, G1899A, deletions in Pre-S region as well as the other commonly seen mutations correlated with the increased risk of HCC, especially in Asians and may predict the progression of the liver disease

    YAP1 Recruits c-Abl to Protect Angiomotin-Like 1 from Nedd4-Mediated Degradation

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    Tissue development and organ growth require constant remodeling of cell-cell contacts formed between epithelial cells. The Hippo signaling cascade curtails organ growth by excluding the transcriptional co-activator Yes Associated Protein 1 (YAP1) from the nucleus. Angiomotin family members recruit YAP1 to tight junctions [1], but whether YAP1 plays a specific role outside of the nucleus is currently unknown.The present study demonstrates that the E3 ubiquitin ligase Nedd4.2 targets Angiomotin-like 1 (AMOTL1), a family member that promotes the formation of epithelial tight junctions, for ubiquitin-dependent degradation. Unexpectedly, YAP1 antagonizes the function of Nedd4.2, and protects AMOTL1 against Nedd4.2-mediated degradation. YAP1 recruits c-Abl, a tyrosine kinase that binds and phosphorylates Nedd4.2 on tyrosine residues, thereby modifying its ubiquitin-ligase activity.Our results uncover a novel function for cytoplasmic YAP1. YAP1 recruits c-Abl to protect AMOTL1 against Nedd4.2-mediated degradation. Thus, YAP1, excluded from the nucleus, contributes to the maintenance of tight junctions

    Fifteen-Year Population Attributable Fractions and Causal Pies of Risk Factors for Newly Developed Hepatocellular Carcinomas in 11,801 Men in Taiwan

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    Development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a multi-factorial process. Chronic infections with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are important risk factors of HCC. Host factors, such as alcohol drinking, may also play a role. This study aims to provide a synthesis view on the development of HCC by examining multiple risk factors jointly and collectively. Causal-pie modeling technique was applied to analyze a cohort of 11,801 male residents (followed up for 15 years) in Taiwan, during which a total of 298 incident HCC cases were ascertained. The rate ratios adjusted by age were further modeled by an additive Poisson regression. Population attributable fractions (PAFs) and causal-pie weights (CPWs) were calculated. A PAF indicates the magnitude of case-load reduction under a particular intervention scenario, whereas a CPW for a particular class of causal pies represents the proportion of HCC cases attributable to that class. Using PAF we observed a chance to reduce around 60% HCC risk moving from no HBV-related intervention to the total elimination of the virus. An additional ∼15% (or ∼5%) reduction can be expected, if the HBV-related intervention is coupled with an HCV-related intervention (or an anti-drinking campaign). Eight classes of causal pies were found to be significant, including four dose-response classes of HBV (total CPW=52.7%), one independent-effect class of HCV (CPW=14.4%), one HBV-alcohol interaction class (CPW=4.2%), one HBV-HCV interaction class (CPW=1.7%), and one all-unknown class (CPW=27.0%). Causal-pie modeling for HCC helps clarify the relative importance of each viral and host factor, as well as their interactions

    Sabotage in Contests: A Survey

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    A contest is a situation in which individuals expend irretrievable resources to win valuable prize(s). ‘Sabotage’ is a deliberate and costly act of damaging a rival’s' likelihood of winning the contest. Sabotage can be observed in, e.g., sports, war, promotion tournaments, political or marketing campaigns. In this article, we provide a model and various perspectives on such sabotage activities and review the economics literature analyzing the act of sabotage in contests. We discuss the theories and evidence highlighting the means of sabotage, why sabotage occurs, and the effects of sabotage on individual players and on overall welfare, along with possible mechanisms to reduce sabotage. We note that most sabotage activities are aimed at the ablest player, the possibility of sabotage reduces productive effort exerted by the players, and sabotage may lessen the effectiveness of public policies, such as affirmative action, or information revelation in contests. We discuss various policies that a designer may employ to counteract sabotage activities. We conclude by pointing out some areas of future research

    Exogenous interleukin-6, interleukin-13, and interferon-gamma provoke pulmonary abnormality with mild edema in enterovirus 71-infected mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neonatal mice developed neurological disease and pulmonary dysfunction after an infection with a mouse-adapted human Enterovirus 71 (EV71) strain MP4. However, the hallmark of severe human EV71 infection, pulmonary edema (PE), was not evident.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To test whether EV71-induced PE required a proinflammatory cytokine response, exogenous pro-inflammatory cytokines were administered to EV71-infected mice during the late stage of infection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After intracranial infection of EV71/MP4, 7-day-old mice developed hind-limb paralysis, pulmonary dysfunction, and emphysema. A transient increase was observed in serum IL-6, IL-10, IL-13, and IFN-γ, but not noradrenaline. At day 3 post infection, treatment with IL-6, IL-13, and IFN-γ provoked mild PE and severe emphysema that were accompanied by pulmonary dysfunction in EV71-infected, but not herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1)-infected control mice. Adult mice did not develop PE after an intracerebral microinjection of EV71 into the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). While viral antigen accumulated in the ventral medulla and the NTS of intracerebrally injected mice, neuronal loss was observed in the ventral medulla only.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Exogenous IL-6, IL-13, and IFN-γ treatment could induce mild PE and exacerbate pulmonary abnormality of EV71-infected mice. However, other factors such as over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system may also be required for the development of classic PE symptoms.</p