49 research outputs found

    New Wintering Places of the Greater Spotted Eagle in Xinjiang, China

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    From January 2020 to early 2022, for the first time, several Greater Spotted Eagles were recorded wintering in Xinjiang between the Tien Shan and Kunlun mountains

    Organocatalytic Conjugate-Addition Polymerization of Linear and Cyclic Acrylic Monomers by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Mechanisms of Chain Initiation, Propagation, and Termination

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    This contribution presents a full account of experimental and theoretical/computational investigations into the mechanisms of chain initiation, propagation, and termination of the recently discovered N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-mediated organocatalytic conjugate-addition polymerization of acrylic monomers. The current study specifically focuses on three commonly used NHCs of vastly different nucleophilicity, 1,3-di-tert-butylimidazolin-2-ylidene (ItBu), 1,3-dimesitylimidazolin-2-ylidene (IMes), and 1,3,4-triphenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-ylidene (TPT), and two representative acrylic monomers, the linear methyl methacrylate (MMA) and its cyclic analog, biomass-derived renewable γ-methyl-α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone (MMBL). For MMA, there exhibits an exquisite selectivity of the NHC structure for the three types of reactions it promotes: enamine formation (single-monomer addition) by IMes, dimerization (tail-to-tail) by TPT, and polymerization by ItBu. For MMBL, all three NHCs promote no dimerization but polymerization, with the polymerization activity being highly sensitive to the NHC structure and the solvent polarity. Thus, ItBu is the most active catalyst of the series and converts quantitatively 1000–3000 equiv of MMBL in 1 min or 10 000 equiv in 5 min at room temperature to MMBL-based bioplastics with a narrow range of molecular weights of Mn = 70–85 kg/mol, regardless of the [MMBL]/[ItBu] ratio employed. The ItBu-catalyzed MMBL polymerization reaches an exceptionally high turnover frequency up to 122 s–1 and a high initiator efficiency value up to 1600%. Unique chain-termination mechanisms have been revealed, accounting for the production of relative high-molecular-weight linear polymers and the catalytic nature of this NHC-mediated conjugate-addition polymerization. Computational studies have provided mechanistic insights into reactivity and selectivity between two competing pathways for each NHC-monomer zwitterionic adduct, namely enamine formation/dimerization through proton transfer vs polymerization through conjugate addition, and mapped out extensive energy profiles for chain initiation, propagation, and termination steps, thereby satisfactorily explaining the experimental observations

    Occurrence, Antibiotic Resistance, and Population Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated From Fresh Aquatic Products in China

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    Listeria monocytogenes is an important Gram-positive foodborne pathogen. However, limited information is available on the comprehensive investigation and potential risk of L. monocytogenes in fresh aquatic products, which are popular to consumers in China. This study aimed to determine the occurrence, virulence profiles, and population diversity of L. monocytogenes isolated from aquatic products in China. In total, 846 aquatic product samples were collected between July 2011 and April 2016 from 43 cities in China. Approximately 7.92% (67/846) aquatic product samples were positive for L. monocytogenes, 86.57% positive samples ranged from 0.3 to 10 MPN/g, whereas 5.97% showed over 110 MPN/g by the Most Probable Number method, which included two samples of products intended to be eaten raw. Serogroups I.1 (serotype 1/2a), I.2 (serotype 1/2b), and III (serotype 4c) were the predominant serogroups isolated, whereas serogroup II.1 (serotype 4b) was detected at much lower frequencies. Examination of antibacterial resistance showed that nine antibacterial resistance profiles were exhibited in 72 isolates, a high level susceptibility of 16 tested antibiotics against L. monocytogenes were observed, indicating these common antibacterial agents are still effective for treating L. monocytogenes infection. Multilocus sequence typing revealed that ST299, ST87, and ST8 are predominant in aquatic products, indicating that the rare ST299 (serotype 4c) may have a special ecological niche in aquatic products and associated environments. Except llsX and ptsA, the 72 isolates harbor nine virulence genes (prfA, actA, hly, plcA, plcB, iap, mpl, inlA, and inlB), premature stop codons (PMSCs) in inlA were found in four isolates, three of which belonged to ST9. A novel PMSC was found in 2929-1LM with a nonsense mutation at position 1605 (TGG→TGA). All ST87 isolates harbored the ptsA gene, whereas 8 isolates (11.11%) carried the llsX gene, and mainly belonged to ST1, ST3, ST308, ST323, ST330, and ST619. Taken together, these results first reported potential virulent L. monocytogenes isolates (ST8 and ST87) were predominant in aquatic products which may have implications for public health in China. It is thus necessary to perform continuous surveillance for L. monocytogenes in aquatic products in China

    Lewis pair polymerization by classical and frustrated Lewis pairs: acid, base and monomer scope and polymerization mechanism

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    Classical and frustrated Lewis pairs (LPs) of the strong Lewis acid (LA) Al(C6F5)3 with several Lewis base (LB) classes have been found to exhibit exceptional activity in the Lewis pair polymerization (LPP) of conjugated polar alkenes such as methyl methacrylate (MMA) as well as renewable α-methylene- γ-butyrolactone (MBL) and γ-methyl-α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone (γ-MMBL), leading to high molecular weight polymers, often with narrow molecular weight distributions. This study has investigated a large number of LPs, consisting of 11 LAs as well as 10 achiral and 4 chiral LBs, for LPP of 12 monomers of several different types. Although some more common LAs can also be utilized for LPP, Al(C6F5)3-based LPs are far more active and effective than other LA-based LPs. On the other hand, several classes of LBs, when paired with Al(C6F5)3, can render highly active and effective LPP of MMA and γ-MMBL; such LBs include phosphines (e.g., PtBu3), chiral chelating diphosphines, N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs), and phosphazene superbases (e.g., P4-tBu). The P4-tBu/Al(C6F5)3 pair exhibits the highest activity of the LP series, with a remarkably high turn-over frequency of 9.6 × 104 h−1 (0.125 mol% catalyst, 100% MMA conversion in 30 s, Mn = 2.12 × 105 g mol−1, PDI = 1.34). The polymers produced by LPs at RT are typically atactic (PγMMBL with ∼47% mr) or syndio-rich (PMMAwith ∼70–75% rr), but highly syndiotactic PMMAwith rr ∼91% can be produced by chiral or achiral LPs at −78 °C. Mechanistic studies have identified and structurally characterized zwitterionic phosphonium and imidazolium enolaluminates as the active species of the current LPP system, which are formed by the reaction of the monomer·Al(C6F5)3 adduct with PtBu3 and NHC bases, respectively. Kinetic studies have revealed that the MMA polymerization by the tBu3P/Al(C6F5)3 pair is zero-order in monomer concentration after an initial induction period, and the polymerization is significantly catalyzed by the LA, thus pointing to a bimetallic, activated monomer propagation mechanism. Computational study on the active species formation as well as the chain initiation and propagation events involved in the LPP of MMAwith some of the most representative LPs has added our understanding of fundamental steps of LPP. The main difference between NHC and PR3 bases is in the energetics of zwitterion formation, with the NHC-based zwitterions being remarkably more stable than the PR3-based zwitterions. Comparison of the monometallic and bimetallic mechanism

    Prevalence, Potential Virulence, and Genetic Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes Isolates From Edible Mushrooms in Chinese Markets

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    Listeria monocytogenes, an intracellular foodborne pathogen, is capable of causing listeriosis, such as meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and abortion. In recent years, the occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in edible mushroom products has been reported in several countries. There are no guidelines for qualitative and quantitative detection of L. monocytogenes in mushroom products in China. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence and contamination level of L. monocytogenes in edible mushrooms in Chinese markets and to determine the antibiotic resistance and sequence types (STs) of these isolates to provide data for risk assessments. Approximately 21.20% (141/665) of edible mushroom samples were positive for L. monocytogenes, while 57.44% (81/141) of positive samples contained contamination levels of less than 10 MPN/g. The 180 isolates derived from positive samples belonged to serogroup I.1 (1/2a-3a, n = 111), followed by serogroup II.2 (1/2b-3b-7, n = 66), and serogroup III (4a-4c, n = 3). Antibiotic susceptibility testing showed that over 95% of L. monocytogenes isolates were resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, oxacillin, and clindamycin, while over 90% were susceptible to 16 antibiotic agents, the mechanisms of resistance remain to be elucidated. According to multilocus sequencing typing, the 180 isolates represented 21 STs, one of which was identified for the first time. Interestingly, ST8 and ST87 were predominant in edible mushroom products, indicating that specific STs may have distinct ecological niches. Potential virulence profiles showed that most of the isolates contained full-length inlA genes, with novel premature stop codons found in isolate 2035-1LM (position 1380, TGG→TGA) and 3419-1LM (position 1474, CAG→TAG). Five isolates belonging to serogroup II.2 carried the llsX gene from Listeria pathogenicity island (LIPI)-3, present in ST224, ST3, and ST619; 53 (29.44%) harbored the ptsA gene from LIPI-4, presenting in ST3, ST5, ST87, ST310, ST1166, and ST619. Five potential hypervirulent isolates carrying all three of these virulence factors were identified, suggesting edible mushrooms may serve as possible transmission routes of potential hypervirulent L. monocytogenes, which may be of great public health concern to consumers. Based on our findings, the exploration of novel approaches to control L. monocytogenes contamination is necessary to ensure the microbiological safety of edible mushroom products

    Evaluating the quantum optimal biased bound in a unitary evolution process

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    Seeking the available precision limit of unknown parameters is a significant task in quantum parameter estimation. One often resorts to the widely utilized quantum Cramer-Rao bound (QCRB) based on unbiased estimators to finish this task. Nevertheless, most actual estimators are usually biased in the limited number of trials. For this reason, we introduce two effective error bounds for biased estimators based on a unitary evolution process in the framework of the quantum optimal biased bound. Furthermore, we show their estimation performance by two specific examples of the unitary evolution process, including the phase encoding and the SU(2) interferometer process. Our findings will provide an useful guidance for finding the precision limit of unknown parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, welcome comment

    Isolation, Potential Virulence, and Population Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes From Meat and Meat Products in China

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a globally notorious foodborne pathogen. This study aimed to qualitatively and quantitatively detect L. monocytogenes from meat and meat products in China and to establish their virulence profiles and population diversity. From 1212 meat and meat product samples, 362 (29.9%) were positive for L. monocytogenes. Of these positive samples, 90.6% (328/362) had less than 10 MPN/g, 5.5% (20/364) samples had 10–110 MPN/g, and 3.9% (14/362) of the positive samples had over 110 MPN/g. Serogroup analysis showed that the most prevalent serogroup of L. monocytogenes was I.1 (1/2a-3a), which accounted for 45.0% (123/458) of the total, followed by serogroup I.2 (1/2c-3c) that comprised 26.9%, serogroup II.1 (4b-4d-4e) that comprised 4.8%, and serogroup II.2 (1/2b-3b-7) that comprised 23.3%. A total of 458 isolates were grouped into 35 sequence types (STs) that belonged to 25 clonal complexes (CCs) and one singleton (ST619) by multi-locus sequence typing. The most prevalent ST was ST9 (26.9%), followed by ST8 (17.9%), ST87 (15.3%), ST155 (9.4%), and ST121 (7.6%). Thirty-seven isolates harbored the llsX gene (representing LIPI-3), and they belonged to ST1/CC1, ST3/CC3, ST288/CC288, ST323/CC288, ST330/CC288, ST515/CC1, and ST619, among which ST323/CC288, ST330/CC288, and ST515/CC1 were newly reported to carry LIPI-3. Seventy-five isolates carried ptsA, and they belonged to ST87/CC87, ST88/CC88, and ST619, indicating that consumers may be exposed to potential hypervirulent L. monocytogenes. Antibiotics susceptibility tests revealed that over 90% of the isolates were susceptible to 11 antibiotics; however, 40.0% of the isolates exhibited resistance against ampicillin and 11.8% against tetracycline; further, 45.0 and 4.6% were intermediate resistant and resistant to ciprofloxacin, respectively. The rise of antibiotic resistance in L. monocytogenes suggests that stricter regulations should be formulated to restrict the use of antibiotic agents in human listeriosis treatment and livestock breeding

    Thorium-doping induced superconductivity up to 56 K in Gd1-xThxFeAsO

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    Following the discovery of superconductivity in an iron-based arsenide LaO1-xFxFeAs with a superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of 26 K[1], Tc was pushed up surprisingly to above 40 K by either applying pressure[2] or replacing La with Sm[3], Ce[4], Nd[5] and Pr[6]. The maximum Tc has climbed to 55 K, observed in SmO1-xFxFeAs[7, 8] and SmFeAsO1-x[9]. The value of Tc was found to increase with decreasing lattice parameters in LnFeAsO1-xFx (Ln stands for the lanthanide elements) at an apparently optimal doping level. However, the F- doping in GdFeAsO is particularly difficult[10,11] due to the lattice mismatch between the Gd2O2 layers and Fe2As2 layers. Here we report observation of superconductivity with Tc as high as 56 K by the Th4+ substitution for Gd3+ in GdFeAsO. The incorporation of relatively large Th4+ ions relaxes the lattice mismatch, hence induces the high temperature superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure