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    This paper investigates the uncanniness of the decolonizing projects conducted by the local and global agents in Jessica Hagedorn’s Dream Jungle to accentuate the spectral afterlife of imperialism that haunts the Asia-Pacific in the age of globalization. Linking the uncanniness of the jungle with the formation of the subjugated and subjectivized body of the Filipina, the paper argues that the uncanny projects of nation-building and failed attempts of decolonization mark the beginning of the impoverishment of the Philippines in the restructuring of global capitalism in the 1980s. The outcome of the impoverishment is especially acute for Filipinas, for they are the group that bears the brunt of the economic change in the Philippines. My reading of the text consists of two parts. In the first part I draw upon Amy Kaplan’s conceptualization of “manifest domesticity” and the Freudian concept of the uncanny to examine the Filipino male characters’ nation-building and domestic managements, as well as the neocolonial tendency that belies America’s self-reflection on its overseas expansion in the Asia-Pacific, which I call “uncanny domesticity.” In the second part I trace the lower class female character Rizalina’s life story to analyze the way in which she is biopolitically produced to serve as a provider of sexual and affective labor. I explore the outcome of the process in which her sex and affect are commodified to conceptualize her as a subject of shame and suggest that, despite its excruciating effect, shame has the positive force of motivating the subject to run away from the intimate governance of uncanny domesticity. In this sense, running away destabilizes the power structures at home, while drawing a unique trajectory of global mobility.本論文討論潔西卡‧海格彤《夢叢林》小說中,在地與全球人士所從事 的抵殖民大業如何呈現ㄧ種詭異性,藉以強調亞太全球化過程中縈繞不去的 帝國主義餘緒。本文連結叢林的詭異性與菲律賓女性通過屈從來進行主體化 的過程,主張國家建構及抵殖民大業的功敗垂成,標誌著八零年代菲律賓在 全球資本主義結構變動中,國家體質一落千丈的開端。而國家的衰敗,首當 其衝的是菲律賓的下層女性。本文分兩部分,首先我援用艾美‧卡普蘭(Amy Kaplan)所謂的「天命家帝國」(manifest domesticity), 13 以及佛洛伊德的「詭異」 (uncanny)概念,來檢視菲律賓男性角色的國家建構所包含的家務管理,以及 美國在反省其亞太擴張之餘,所進行的新殖民,我稱這些大業為「詭異家帝 國」(uncanny domesticity)。第二部分轉向小說中下層女性角色莉娜(Rizalina)故 事的探討,分析她如何透過親密政治的形塑,被生產為性勞力與情感勞力的 提供者,並討論她成為羞恥主體的過程,但羞恥同時也產生正向的動力,驅 使主體不斷逃家,逃脫家帝國的親密規訓治理,這種結局開放的移動鬆動了 「家」的權力結構,也拉出ㄧ道獨特的全球移動軌跡

    Fostering foreign language learning through technology-enhanced intercultural projects

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    Interest Rate Rules, Target Policies, and Endogenous Economic Growth in an Open Economy

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    This paper sets up an endogenous growth model of an open economy in which the monetary authority implements a gradualist interest-rate rule with targets for inflation and economic growth. We show that, under a passive rule, a monetary equilibrium exists and is unique; moreover, the equilibrium is locally determinate. Under an active rule, the open economy either generates multiple equilibria or does not have any equilibrium. If equilibria exist, the high-growth equilibrium is locally determinate while the low-growth equilibrium is a source. Besides these, the stabilization and growth effects of alternative target policies are also explored in this study.Nominal interest rate rules, gradualism, endogenous economic growth

    An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts of WTO Tiered Formula for Tariff Reduction on Taiwan

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    In this study we use Taiwan as a case study to provide an economy-wide analysis of impacts on Taiwan of WTO tariff reduction schemes with different combinations of thresholds and reduction rates. The model we utilized in this study is Taiwan General Equilibrium Model with a WTO module (TAIGEM-WTO, hereafter) that is a multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Taiwan's economy derived from Australian ORANI model (Dixon, Parmenter, Sutton and Vincent, 1982). Simulation results show that results are more sensitive to the scheme of tariff-reduction (i.e., Category 1, 2, and 3) than the tiered levels (i.e., A, B, C, and D) and as a strategy we should pay more attention to the arguments related to the amounts of tariff-reduction. Moreover, changes in nominal average tariff rates are more sensitive and shocks to the economy are more severe when we change the tariff reduction categories rather than the tiered levels. This conclusion also applies to the tiered reduction case when only sensitive products are considered. Finally, simulations with sector's bound rate calculated using arithmetic means have bigger effects than those using import values as weights. Therefore, sector's bound rate using import values as weights would be preferred.International Relations/Trade,

    Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography—A Promising Imaging Modality in Diagnosing Coronary Artery Disease

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    BackgroundTraditionally, information on coronary artery lesions is obtained from invasive coronary angiography (CAG). The clinical applicability and diagnostic performance of the newly developed 64-slice multislice computed tomography (MSCT) scanner in coronary angiographic evaluation is not well evaluated.MethodsCoronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) was performed in 345 patients (119 women, 226 men; mean age, 59.64 ±11.67 years). Concomitant CAG was performed in 53 patients. The diagnostic performance of CCTA for detecting significant lesions was compared with that of CAG by 3 independent cardiologists.ResultsAll CCTA was performed without complication. Comparison between CCTA and CAG was made in the 53 patients who underwent both studies. Sensitivity, specificity and the positive and negative predictive values for the 53 patients were: 81%, 99%, 87% and 99%, respectively.ConclusionThe 64-slice MSCT, developed in recent years, allows reliable noninvasive evaluation of coronary artery morphology, including plaque, stenosis and congenital anomaly. The diagnostic accuracy of MSCT scans for detecting lesions makes it a good imaging substitute for CAG in the evaluation of these coronary segments. [J Chin Med Assoc 2008;71(5):241–246

    Financial Reporting for Electronic Resource and Service Expenditures: The Case of University Libraries in Taiwan

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    Through a qualitative research procedure, this paper intends to explore useful accounting classification relating to electronic resource and service expenditures necessarily disclosed in a library annual report. As a result, based on line item structure emerged in this paper, an appropriate direction to develop library-specific Generally Accepted Accounting Principle for reporting electronic resource and service expenditures can be evolved in the future