242 research outputs found

    On-Bottom Stability of Umbilicals and Power Cables for Offshore Wind Applications

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    With the increase in offshore wind farms, the demands for umbilicals and power cables have increased. The on-bottom stability of umbilicals and power cables under the combined wave and current loading is the most challenging design issue, due to their light weight and the complex fluid–cable–soil interaction. In the present study, the methodology for dynamic lateral stability analysis is first discussed; and the reliable hydrodynamic load model and cable–soil interaction model based on large experimental test data are described in detail. The requirement of the submerged weight of a cable w s ws to obtain on-bottom stability is investigated for three types of soil (clay, sand and rock), using the finite element program PONDUS, and the results are w s,rock >w s,clay >w s,sand ws,rock>ws,clay>ws,sand under the same load conditions. Several different aspects related to optimization design of the on-bottom stability are explored and addressed. There is a significant benefit for the on-bottom stability analysis to consider the reduction factors, due to penetration for clay and sand soil. The on-bottom stability is very sensitive to the relative initial embedment z 0 /D z0/D for clay and sand soil, due to the small diameter of the cables, and therefore, reliable prediction of initial embedment is required. In the energy-based cable–soil interaction model, the friction coefficient μ μ and the development of penetration affect each other and the total effect of friction force F f Ff and passive resistance F r Fr is complicated. The effect of the friction coefficient μ μ on the on-bottom stability is different from engineering judgement based on the Coulomb friction model. The undrained shear strength of clay is an important parameter for the on-bottom stability of umbilicals and cables. The higher the undrained shear strength of the clay, the larger the lateral displacement. Meanwhile, the submerged weight of sand has a minor effect on the lateral displacement of cables. The method used in the present study significantly improves the reliability of the on-bottom stability analysis of umbilicals and power cables for offshore wind applicationpublishedVersio

    Numerical simulation of piggyback pipelaying under current loadings

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    For piggyback pipelaying operations, current-induced force and its effect on the piggyback pipe have not been thoroughly studied. In the present study, an improved method in hydrodynamic load calculation and structural modelling is proposed to simulate the pipelaying of a piggyback pipeline. In order to obtain the mean drag and lift force coefficients for the piggyback pipeline subjected to different inflow angles, two-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are performed by modelling the piggyback pipeline as two cylinders attached to each other without gap. Then, the acquired force coefficients are used to calculate the hydrodynamic loads through a user-defined function in OrcaFlex based on a cross-flow principle approach. The interaction between the pipeline and the piggyback cable is modelled using two types contact elements which are ring penetrator and non-penetrating contact. The present proposed method is compared with other two widely used engineering methods based on (1) the equivalent diameter and (2) two separate cylinders without accounting for hydrodynamic interaction, in terms of the top tension, and the bending moments at Hang-off Clamps (HOC) and sagbend of the pipeline. The comparison shows that the two widely used engineering methods are not always conservative in force and response predictions. Hence, it is important to consider the hydrodynamic and structural interactions between the piggyback cable and the pipeline. With different current directions, the bending moments at the HOC predicted by the present method vary from 40% lower to 100% higher than those predicted by the two widely used engineering methods.publishedVersio

    Intelligent Decision Support Algorithm Based on Self-Adaption Reasoning

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    This paper analyzes the logic deduction and reasoning techniques used in several intelligent decision support algorithms, and proposes a flexible planning method GARIv using fuzzy descriptive logic in media enterprise management. Combined with experiments, the above methods are illustrated in terms of effectiveness and feasibility. In the end, the challenges and possible solutions of intelligent decision support algorithms with self-adaption reasoning are discussed

    Construction and Characterization of a Chimeric Virus (BIV/HIV-1) Carrying the Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus \u3ci\u3egag\u3c/i\u3e-\u3ci\u3epol\u3c/i\u3e Gene: Research Letters

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    HIV-1HXB2 5′LTR region, most of BIVR29 gag-pol segment and HIV-1HXB2 pol IN-3′LTR region were respectively amplified. A chimeric clone, designated as pHBIV3753, was constructed by cloning three fragments sequentially into pUC18. MT4 cells were transfected with pHBIV3753. The replication and expressions of the chimeric virus (HBIV3753) were monitored by RT activity and IFA. The results firstly demonstrated that it is possible to generate a new type of the BIV/HIV-1 chimeric virus containing BIV gag-pol gene

    KASP-IEva: an intelligent typing evaluation model for KASP primers

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    KASP marker technology has been used in molecular marker-assisted breeding because of its high efficiency and flexibility, and an intelligent evaluation model of KASP marker primer typing results is essential to improve the efficiency of marker development on a large scale. To this end, this paper proposes a gene population delineation method based on NTC identification module and data distribution judgment module to improve the accuracy of K-Means clustering, and introduces a decision tree to construct the KASP-IEva primer typing evaluation model. The model firstly designs the NTC identification module and data distribution judgment module to extract four types of data, grouping and categorizing to achieve the improvement of the distinguishability of amplification product signals; secondly, the K-Means algorithm is used to aggregate and classify the data, to visualize the five aggregated clusters and to obtain the morphology location eigenvalues; lastly, the evaluation criteria for the typing effect level are constructed, and the logical decision tree is used to make conditional discrimination on the eigenvalues in order to realize the score prediction. The performance of the model was tested by the KASP marker typing test results of 2519 groups of cotton varieties, and the following conclusions were obtained: the model is able to visualize the aggregation and classification effects of the amplification products of NTC, pure genotypes, heterozygous genotypes, and untyped genotypes, enabling rapid and accurate KASP marker typing evaluation. Comparing and analyzing the model evaluation results with the expert evaluation results, the average accuracy rate of the four grades evaluated by the model was 87%, and the overall evaluation results showed an uneven distribution of the grades with significant differential characteristics. When evaluating 2519 KASP fractal maps, the expert evaluation consumes 15 hours, and the model evaluation only uses 8min27.45s, which makes the model intelligent evaluation significantly better than the expert evaluation from the perspective of time. The establishment of the model will further enhance the application of KASP markers in molecular marker-assisted breeding and provide technical support for the large-scale screening and identification of excellent genotypes

    An Efficient Code-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme with a Leader-Participant Model

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    Digital signature schemes with additional properties have broad applications, such as in protecting the identity of signers allowing a signer to anonymously sign a message in a group of signers (also known as a ring). While these number-theoretic problems are still secure at the time of this research, the situation could change with advances in quantum computing. There is a pressing need to design PKC schemes that are secure against quantum attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel code-based threshold ring signature scheme with a leader-participant model. A leader is appointed, who chooses some shared parameters for other signers to participate in the signing process. This leader-participant model enhances the performance because every participant including the leader could execute the decoding algorithm (as a part of signing process) upon receiving the shared parameters from the leader. The time complexity of our scheme is close to Courtois et al.’s (2001) scheme. The latter is often used as a basis to construct other types of code-based signature schemes. Moreover, as a threshold ring signature scheme, our scheme is as efficient as the normal code-based ring signature

    Temporal dynamic effects of meteorological factors and air quality on the physical health of the older adults in Shenzhen, China

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    IntroductionMeteorological and environmental factors can affect people’s lives and health, which is crucial among the older adults. However, it is currently unclear how they specifically affect the physical condition of older adults people.MethodsWe collected and analyzed the basic physical examination indicators of 41 older adults people for two consecutive years (2021 and 2022), and correlated them with meteorological and environmental factors. Partial correlation was also conducted to exclude unrelated factors as well.ResultsWe found that among the physical examination indicators of the older adults for two consecutive years, five indicators (HB, WBC, HbAlc, CB, LDL-C) showed significant differences across the population, and they had significantly different dynamic correlation patterns with six meteorological (air pressure, temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, and sunshine duration) and seven air quality factors (NO2, SO2, PM10, O3-1h, O3-8h, CO, PM2.5).DiscussionOur study has discovered for the first time the dynamic correlation between indicators in normal basic physical examinations and meteorological factors and air quality indicators, which will provide guidance for the future development of policies that care for the healthy life of the older adults
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