526 research outputs found

    Threshold corrections in orbifold models and superstring unification of gauge interactions

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    The string one loop renormalization of the gauge coupling constants is examined in abelian orbifold models. The contributions to string threshold corrections independent of the compactification moduli fields are evaluated numerically for several representative examples of orbifold models. We consider cases with standard and non-standard embeddings as well as cases with discrete Wilson lines background fields which match reasonably well with low energy phenomenology. We examine one loop gauge coupling constants unification in a description incorporating the combined effects of moduli dependent and independent threshold corrections, an adjustable Kac-Moody level for the hypercharge group factor and a large mass threshold associated with an anomalous U(1)U(1) mechanism.Comment: 24 pages. 2 figures. Revised version: Several misprints corrected. Few minor additions

    Implications of vacuum stability constraints on the nonminimal supersymmetric standard model with lepton number violation

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    We carry out a detailed analysis of the scalar sector of the nonminimal supersymmetric standard model with lepton number violation, and study the constraints imposed on it by the stability of the electroweak symmetry breaking vacuum. The model contains a trilinear lepton mumber violating term in the superpotential together with the associated \susy breaking interactions which can give rise to neutrino masses. We evaluate the mass matrices for the various boson and fermion modes and then discuss the effect that the lepton number violating interactions have on the mass spectra using a phenomenological precription to implement the experimental constraints on the light neutrinos mass matrix. We also discuss qualitatively the conditions on the lepton number violating parameters set by the unbounded from below directions, and from the absence of the charge and color breaking minima in this model.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figures, Latex file, ps figure

    Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in Two Higgs Doublet Model

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    We study the effect of the "chromo-electric" dipole moment on the electric dipole moment(EDM) of the neutron in the two Higgs doublet model. We systematically investigate the Weinberg's operator O_{3g}=GG\t G and the operator O_{qg}=\bar q\sigma\t Gq, in the cases of \tan\b\gg 1, \tan\b\ll 1 and \tan\b\simeq 1. It is shown that OsgO_{sg} gives the main contribution to the neutron EDM compared to the other operators, and also that the contributions of OugO_{ug} and O3gO_{3g} cancel out each other. It is pointed out that the inclusion of second lightest neutral Higgs scalar adding to the lightest one is of essential importance to estimate the neutron EDM. The neutron EDM is considerably reduced due to the destructive contribution with each other if the mass difference of the two Higgs scalars is of the order O(50\G).Comment: 20 pages with 12 figures. Figures will be sent by postal mail if requested. Late

    Contact interactions in low scale string models with intersecting D6D6-branes

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    We evaluate the tree level four fermion string amplitudes in the TeV string mass scale models with intersecting D6D6-branes. The coefficient functions of contact interactions subsuming the contributions of string Regge resonance and winding mode excitations are obtained by subtracting out the contributions from the string massless and massive momentum modes. Numerical applications are developed for the Standard Model like solution of Cremades, Ibanez, and Marchesano for a toroidal orientifold with four intersecting D6D6-brane stacks. The chirality conserving contact interactions of the quarks and leptons are considered in applications to high energy collider and flavor changing neutral current phenomenology. The two main free parameters consist of the string and compactification mass scales, ms m_s and Mc M_c. Useful constraints on these parameters are derived from predictions for the Bhabha scattering differential cross section and for the observables associated to the mass shifts of the neutral meson systems KKˉ,BBˉ,DDˉ K-\bar K, B-\bar B, D-\bar D and the lepton number violating three-body leptonic decays of the charged leptons μ\mu and τ \tau .Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Timescales and mechanisms of formation of amorphous silica coatings on fresh basalts at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai’i

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    Young basalts from Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, frequently feature opaque surface coatings, 1–80 μm thick, composed of amorphous silica and Fe-Ti oxides. These coatings are the product of interaction of the basaltic surface with volcanically-derived acidic fluids. Previous workers have identified these coatings in a variety of contexts on Hawai'i, but the timescales of coating development, coating growth rates, and factors controlling lateral coating heterogeneity were largely unconstrained. We sampled and analyzed young lava flows (of varying ages, from hours to ~ 40 years) along Kilauea's southwest and east rift zones to characterize variation in silica coating properties across the landscape. Coating thickness varies as a function of flow age, flow surface type, and proximity to acid sources like local fissure vents and regional plumes emitted from Kilauea Caldera and Pu'u O'o. Silica coatings that form in immediate proximity to acid sources are more chemically pure than those forming in higher pH environments, which contain significant Al and Fe. Incipient siliceous alteration was observed on basalt surfaces as young as 8 days old, but periods of a year or more are required to develop contiguous coatings with obvious opaque coloration. Inferred coating growth rates vary with environmental conditions but were typically 1-5 μm/year. Coatings form preferentially on flow surfaces with glassy outer layers, such as spatter ramparts, volcanic bombs and dense pahoehoe breakouts, due to glass strain weakening during cooling. Microtextural evidence suggests that the silica coatings form both by in situ dissolution-reprecipitation and by deposition of silica mobilized in solution. Thin films of water, acidified by contact with volcanic vapors, dissolved near-surface basalt, then precipitated amorphous silica in place, mobilizing more soluble cations. Additional silica was transported to and deposited on the surface by silica-bearing altering fluids derived from the basalt interior

    Resonant sneutrino production at Tevatron Run II

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    We consider the single chargino production at Tevatron ppˉν~iχ~1±lip \bar p \to \tilde \nu_i \to \tilde \chi^{\pm}_1 l_i^{\mp} as induced by the resonant sneutrino production via a dominant \RPV coupling of type \l'_{ijk} L_i Q_j D_k^c. Within a supergravity model, we study the three leptons final state. The comparison with the expected background demonstrate that this signature allows to extend the sensitivity on the \susyq mass spectrum beyond the present LEP limits and to probe the relevant \RPV coupling down to values one order of magnitude smaller than the most stringent low energy indirect bounds. The trilepton signal offers also the opportunity to reconstruct the neutralino mass in a model independent way with good accuracy.Comment: 4 page

    Quenching of the Deuteron in Flight

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    We investigate the Lorentz contraction of a deuteron in flight. Our starting point is the Blankenbecler-Sugar projection of the Bethe-Salpeter equation to a 3-dimensional quasi potential equation, wqhich we apply for the deuteron bound in an harmonic oscillator potential (for an analytical result) and by the Bonn NN potential for a more realistic estimate. We find substantial quenching with increasing external momenta and a significant modification of the high momentum spectrum of the deuteron.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Nonminimal supersymmetric standard model with lepton number violation

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    We carry out a detailed analysis of the nonminimal supersymmetric standard model with lepton number violation. The model contains a unique trilinear lepton number violating term in the superpotential which can give rise to neutrino masses at the tree level. We search for the gauged discrete symmetries realized by cyclic groups which preserve the structure of the associated trilinear superpotential of this model, and which satisfy the constraints of the anomaly cancellation. The implications of this trilinear lepton number violating term in the superpotential and the associated soft supersymmetry breaking term on the phenomenology of the light neutrino masses and mixing is studied in detail. We evaluate the tree and loop level contributions to the neutrino mass matrix in this model. We search for possible suppression mechanism which could explain large hierarchies and maximal mixing angles.Comment: Latex file, 43 pages, 2 figure

    Nucleon decay in gauge unified models with intersecting D6-branes

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    Baryon number violation is discussed in gauge unified orbifold models of type II string theory with intersecting Dirichlet branes. We consider setups of D6-branes which extend along the flat Minkowski space-time directions and wrap around 3-cycles of the internal 6-d manifold. The discussion is motivated by the enhancement effect of low energy amplitudes anticipated for M-theory and type II string theory models with matter modes localized at points of the internal manifold. The conformal field theory formalism is used to evaluate the open string amplitudes at tree level. We study the single baryon number violating processes of dimension 6 and 5, involving four quarks and leptons and in supersymmetry models, two pairs of matter fermions and superpartner sfermions. The higher order processes associated with the baryon number violating operators of dimension 7 and 9 are also examined, but in a qualitative way. We discuss the low energy representation of string theory amplitudes in terms of infinite series of poles associated to exchange of string Regge resonance and compactification modes. The comparison of string amplitudes with the equivalent field theory amplitudes is first studied in the large compactification radius limit. Proceeding next to the finite compactification radius case, we present a numerical study of the ratio of string to field theory amplitudes based on semi-realistic gauge unified non-supersymmetric and supersymmetric models employing the Z3 and Z2xZ2 orbifolds. We find a moderate enhancement of string amplitudes which becomes manifest in the regime where the gauge symmetry breaking mass parameter exceeds the compactification mass parameter, corresponding to a gauge unification in a seven dimensional space-time.Comment: 63 pages revtex4. 8 postscript figures. 4 tables. Subsection II.B revised. Several new references added. To appear in Physical Review