16 research outputs found

    Order enables efficient electron-hole separation at an organic heterojunction with a small energy loss.

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    Donor-acceptor organic solar cells often show low open-circuit voltages (V OC) relative to their optical energy gap (E g) that limit power conversion efficiencies to ~12%. This energy loss is partly attributed to the offset between E g and that of intermolecular charge transfer (CT) states at the donor-acceptor interface. Here we study charge generation occurring in PIPCP:PC61BM, a system with a very low driving energy for initial charge separation (E g-E CT ~ 50 meV) and a high internal quantum efficiency (η IQE ~ 80%). We track the strength of the electric field generated between the separating electron-hole pair by following the transient electroabsorption optical response, and find that while localised CT states are formed rapidly (<100 fs) after photoexcitation, free charges are not generated until 5 ps after photogeneration. In PIPCP:PC61BM, electronic disorder is low (Urbach energy <27 meV) and we consider that free charge separation is able to outcompete trap-assisted non-radiative recombination of the CT state

    100 fs photo-isomerization with vibrational coherences but low quantum yield in Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin

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    Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin (ASR) stands out among the microbial retinal proteins in that, under light-adaptation (LA) conditions, it binds both the 13-cis isomer and the all-trans isomer of the protonated Schiff base of retinal (PSBR). In the dark-adapted (DA) state, more than 95% of the proteins bear all-trans PSBR, and the protein environment adopts a different equilibrium state. We report the excited state and photo-isomerization kinetics of ASR under different LA conditions. The full data set allows confirming that the photoisomerization of the 13C isomer occurs within 100 fs and indications of an excited and ground state wavepacket launched by the ultrafast non-adiabatic reaction are reported. Even though this recalls the record isomerization time and the coherent reaction scenario of 11-cis PSBR in rhodopsin, the photoisomerization quantum yield (QY) is much lower, actually the lowest value ever reported for retinal proteins (<15%). Noticeably, in ASR the excited state lifetime (ESL) is at least five times larger and the QY is more than twice as large for AT PSBR as compared to 13C PSBR. We argue that ESL and QY cannot be expected to be correlated at all, but that the latter is decided on, as often anticipated, by the wavepacket pathways leading to the conical intersection seam

    Processus de conversion d'énergie ultra-rapide dans des protéines photosensibles et nanostructures organiques à visée photovoltaïque

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    Femtosecond transient spectroscopies are used to investigate photonic energy conversion inorganic systems. These techniques allow to observe the ground and excited states of themolecules at the timescale of the photoreactions. It is used to understand the inter- andintramolecular energy and charge transfers leading to the desired photochemical process.The natural photoswiching retinal protein Anabaena sensory Rhodopsin is studied to understand the key parameters ruling the isomerisation quantum yield. We could determine the isomerisation quantum yield of both stable forms and their dynamics in the very same experimental conditions.Charge generation is investigated in small molecule bulk heterojunction active layers for organic solar cells made of PCBM and a BODIPY dye-derivative donor. The influence of the active layer morphology on charge generation is studied. The charge generation is limited by charge recombination but also by exciton diffusion to the donor-acceptor interface. The active layer morphology has to be improved to achieve more efficient organic solar cells with these materials.Les techniques de spectroscopie femtoseconde permettent d’étudier les processus de conversion d’énergie dans les système organiques. Elles permettent d’étudier les populations photo-générées et leur évolution à l’échelle de ces photoréactions. Elles permettent de comprendre les transferts d’énergie et de charge intra- et inter-moléculaires à l’origine du fonctionnement de ces systèmes.La protéine de rétinal Anabaena sensroy Rhodopsin est un photocommutateur naturel, qui est étudié afin de comprendre les paramètres à l’origine de l’efficacité quantique d’isomérisation. Nous avons pu déterminer cette efficacité quantique pour les deux formes stables du rétinal ainsi que leur dynamique d’isomérisation dans les mêmes conditions expérimentales.La génération de charge dans des couches actives pour le photovoltaique organique est étudiée dans un système composé d’un mélange de PCBM et d’un donneur organique dérivé du colorant BODIPY. L’influence de la nanostructuration de la couche active sur la génération de charge est étudiée. La génération de charge est limitée dans ce système par la recombinaison des charges générées et par la diffusion des excition aux interfaces donneur-accepteur. Ces observations indiquent que l’amélioration de la nanostructuration de la couche active peut permettre d’augmenter les rendements de photo-génération de charge

    Steady state emission of the fluorescent intermediate of Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin as a function of light adaptation conditions

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    Steady-state fluorescence measurements of the first excited state of the anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR), and Bacteriorhodopsin are reported for different light stabilization conditions, including the dark-adapted state. We determine the fluorescence spectra of both all-trans (AT), and 13-cis (13C) protonated Schiff base of retinal, and compare the effect of the proteins. Referenced against the fluorescence quantum yield of AT-bR (2.5 x 10(-4)) we find for AT-ASR, 13C-ASR, and 13C-bR the values of 3.3 x 10(-4), 0.8 x 10(-4), and 1.7 x 10(-4), respectively. Using reported excited state lifetimes, the radiative rates are deduced, and their differences discussed on the basis of a configuration-dependent oscillator strength

    Ultrafast Photoisomerization in Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin

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    International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomen