29 research outputs found

    Hypoxia-activated genes from early placenta are elevated in preeclampsia, but not in Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation.

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    BACKGROUND: As a first step to explore the possible relationships existing between the effects of low oxygen pressure in the first trimester placenta and placental pathologies developing from mid-gestation, two subtracted libraries totaling 2304 cDNA clones were constructed. For achieving this, two reciprocal suppressive/subtractive hybridization procedures (SSH) were applied to early (11 weeks) human placental villi after incubation either in normoxic or in hypoxic conditions. The clones from both libraries (1440 hypoxia-specific and 864 normoxia-specific) were spotted on nylon macroarrays. Complex cDNAs probes prepared from placental villi (either from early pregnancy, after hypoxic or normoxic culture conditions, or near term for controls or pathological placentas) were hybridized to the membranes. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty nine clones presenting a hybridization signal above the background were sequenced and shown to correspond to 276 different genes. Nine of these genes are mitochondrial, while 267 are nuclear. Specific expression profiles characteristic of preeclampsia (PE) could be identified, as well as profiles specific of Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR). Focusing on the chromosomal distribution of the fraction of genes that responded in at least one hybridization experiment, we could observe a highly significant chromosomal clustering of 54 genes into 8 chromosomal regions, four of which containing imprinted genes. Comparative mapping data indicate that these imprinted clusters are maintained in synteny in mice, and apparently in cattle and pigs, suggesting that the maintenance of such syntenies is requested for achieving a normal placental physiology in eutherian mammals. CONCLUSION: We could demonstrate that genes induced in PE were also genes highly expressed under hypoxic conditions (P = 5 x 10(-5)), which was not the case for isolated IUGR. Highly expressed placental genes may be in syntenies conserved interspecifically, suggesting that the maintenance of such clusters is requested for achieving a normal placental physiology in eutherian mammals

    La pré-éclampsie

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    Analysis of the Coloring and Antibacterial Effects of Natural Dye: Pomegranate Peel

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    This work aims to conduct an eco-friendly textile finishing process by applying agricultural by-products as a dye for the finishing of polyamide fabrics. A natural dye was obtained from pomegranate peel extract. Polyamide fabrics were dyed at different conditions, and four mordanting agents were tested. The finished fabrics were analyzed in terms of CIE L, a, b and color yield (K/S) values, as well as washing fastness, rubbing fastness, light fastness and antibacterial activity. Results show that pomegranate peel extract could dye polyamide fabrics. The rubbing and washing fastness of the finished samples was good. The light fastness was fair, and its antibacterial efficiency against the tested bacteria was good

    The transcription factor Rfx7 limits metabolism of NK cells and promotes their maintenance and immunity

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    Regulatory factor X 7 (Rfx7) is an uncharacterized transcription factor belonging to a family involved in ciliogenesis and immunity. Here, we found that deletion of Rfx7 leads to a decrease in natural killer (NK) cell maintenance and immunity in vivo. Genomic approaches showed that Rfx7 coordinated a transcriptional network controlling cell metabolism. Rfx7-/- NK lymphocytes presented increased size, granularity, proliferation, and energetic state, whereas genetic reduction of mTOR activity mitigated those defects. Notably, Rfx7-deficient NK lymphocytes were rescued by interleukin 15 through engagement of the Janus kinase (Jak) pathway, thus revealing the importance of this signaling for maintenance of such spontaneously activated NK cells. Rfx7 therefore emerges as a novel transcriptional regulator of NK cell homeostasis and metabolic quiescence