728 research outputs found

    Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments

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    Mobile technologies are enabling access to information in diverse environ.ments, and are exposing a wider group of individuals to said technology. Therefore, this paper proposes that a wider view of user relations than is usually considered in information systems research is required. Specifically, we examine the potential effects of emerging mobile technologies on end-­‐user relations with a focus on the ‘secondary user’, those who are not intended to interact directly with the technology but are intended consumers of the technology’s output. For illustration, we draw on a study of a U.K. regional Fire and Rescue Service and deconstruct mobile technology use at Fire Service incidents. Our findings provide insights, which suggest that, because of the nature of mobile technologies and their context of use, secondary user relations in such emerging mobile environments are important and need further exploration

    Introducing systems approaches

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    Systems Approaches to Managing Change brings together five systems approaches to managing complex issues, each having a proven track record of over 25 years. The five approaches are: System Dynamics (SD) developed originally in the late 1950s by Jay Forrester Viable Systems Model (VSM) developed originally in the late 1960s by Stafford Beer Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA: with cognitive mapping) developed originally in the 1970s by Colin Eden Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) developed originally in the 1970s by Peter Checkland Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) developed originally in the late 1970s by Werner Ulrich

    A holistic multi-methodology for sustainable renovation

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    A review of the barriers for building renovation has revealed a lack of methodologies, which can promote sustainability objectives and assist various stakeholders during the design stage of building renovation/retrofitting projects. The purpose of this paper is to develop a Holistic Multi-methodology for Sustainable Renovation, which aims to deal with complexity of renovation projects. It provides a framework through which to involve the different stakeholders in the design process to improve group learning and group decision-making, and hence make the building renovation design process more robust and efficient. Therefore, the paper discusses the essence of multifaceted barriers in building renovation regarding cultural changes and technological/physical changes. The outcome is a proposal for a multi-methodology framework, which is developed by introducing, evaluating and mixing methods from Soft Systems Methodologies (SSM) with Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). The potential of applying the proposed methodology in renovation projects is demonstrated through a case study

    Chapter 1: Introducing systems approaches

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    The five approaches covered in Systems Approaches to Making Change – System Dynamics (SD) Viable Systems Model (VSM), Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA: with cognitive mapping), Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), and Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) – are introduced. The rationale for their inclusion is described based on their (i) common historic emergence in dealing with complex situations of change and uncertainty, (ii) shared potential and actual constructivist use of the systems idea, and (iii) pedigree of adaptability and versatility of tools in working with other approaches to making change

    Augmented reality meeting table: a novel multi-user interface for architectural design

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    Immersive virtual environments have received widespread attention as providing possible replacements for the media and systems that designers traditionally use, as well as, more generally, in providing support for collaborative work. Relatively little attention has been given to date however to the problem of how to merge immersive virtual environments into real world work settings, and so to add to the media at the disposal of the designer and the design team, rather than to replace it. In this paper we report on a research project in which optical see-through augmented reality displays have been developed together with prototype decision support software for architectural and urban design. We suggest that a critical characteristic of multi user augmented reality is its ability to generate visualisations from a first person perspective in which the scale of rendition of the design model follows many of the conventions that designers are used to. Different scales of model appear to allow designers to focus on different aspects of the design under consideration. Augmenting the scene with simulations of pedestrian movement appears to assist both in scale recognition, and in moving from a first person to a third person understanding of the design. This research project is funded by the European Commission IST program (IST-2000-28559)

    Theorizing healthy settings: a critical discussion with reference to Healthy Universities

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    The settings approach appreciates that health determinants operate in settings of everyday life. Whilst subject to conceptual development, we argue that the approach lacks a clear and coherent theoretical framework to steer policy, practice and research. Aims: To identify what theories and conceptual models have been used in relation to the implementation and evaluation of Healthy Universities. Methods: A scoping literature review was undertaken between 2010-2013, identifying 26 papers that met inclusion criteria. Findings: Seven theoretical perspectives or conceptual frameworks were identified: the Ottawa Charter; a socio-ecological approach (which implicitly drew on sociological theories concerning structure and agency); salutogenesis; systems thinking; whole system change; organisational development; and a framework proposed by Dooris. These were used to address interrelated questions on the nature of a setting, how health is created in a setting, why the settings approach is a useful means of promoting health, and how health promotion can be introduced into and embedded within a setting. Conclusion: Although distinctive, the example of Healthy Universities drew on common theoretical perspectives that have infused the settings discourse more generally. This engagement with theory was at times well-developed and at other times a passing reference. The paper concludes by pointing to other theories that offer value to healthy settings practice and research and by arguing that theorisation has a key role to play in understanding the complexity of settings and guiding the planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes

    Charity Fundraising Project:A Team-Based Project for Developing Problem-Structuring Skills

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    Increasingly, graduates of business schools will face business and organizational situations with a high degree of complexity and ambiguity. In this context, teaching and learning strategies need to develop students’ abilities in problem structuring and complex problem solving. This article describes a team-based project set to teams of four or five students, who are required to design and deliver a fundraising event for their chosen charity. The goal of the fundraising activity is to raise as much money as they can in a 24-hour period. Using ideas from problem-based learning (PBL), students learn frameworks and tools to increase their confidence in these situations. This article describes this activity and will be of interest to teachers of final-year undergraduate and master’s programs looking for a fun and inspiring activity to do with students.Increasingly, graduates of business schools will face business and organizational situations with a high degree of complexity and ambiguity. In this context, teaching and learning strategies need to develop students’ abilities in problem structuring and complex problem solving. This article describes a team-based project set to teams of four or five students, who are required to design and deliver a fundraising event for their chosen charity. The goal of the fundraising activity is to raise as much money as they can in a 24-hour period. Using ideas from problem-based learning (PBL), students learn frameworks and tools to increase their confidence in these situations. This article describes this activity and will be of interest to teachers of final-year undergraduate and master’s programs looking for a fun and inspiring activity to do with students

    Responsibility modelling for civil emergency planning

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    This paper presents a new approach to analysing and understanding civil emergency planning based on the notion of responsibility modelling combined with HAZOPS-style analysis of information requirements. Our goal is to represent complex contingency plans so that they can be more readily understood, so that inconsistencies can be highlighted and vulnerabilities discovered. In this paper, we outline the framework for contingency planning in the United Kingdom and introduce the notion of responsibility models as a means of representing the key features of contingency plans. Using a case study of a flooding emergency, we illustrate our approach to responsibility modelling and suggest how it adds value to current textual contingency plans

    PEArL: a systems approach to demonstrating authenticity in information systems design

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    The process of information systems (IS) design has been dominated by the demands inherent in providing a technical solution to a perceived problem or need. Engineering IS design methods applied in order to satisfy the problem situation tend to have a preoccupation with verifying specifications as being mathematically correct. Diffculties arise when the ideas underpinning verification are extended in an attempt to ‘prove’ the validity of a proposed design for an IS. A pure engineering approach does not facilitate a response to the subjective elements within social situations, which experience has shown to be essential in demonstrating the pertinence of new designs to those concerned. We suggest that, by applying interpretivist systems ideas, it is possible to support concerned individuals in reflecting upon crucial aspects of the inquiry, enabling those individuals to judge the relevance or ‘authenticity’ of the learning, according to their own values and beliefs. The elements of participants, engagement, authority, relationships and learning are suggested as being crucial. These make up the mnemonic PEArL, which is offered as an aide-mĂ©moire for those concerned with IS design
