134 research outputs found

    Computer terminology translation

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    Nowadays computer terminology translation becomes more and more important in introducing and assimilating advanced technology abroad. The introduction of computer terminology to the Russian language has been rapid and chaotic, and brings with it many challenges. The aim of the article is to analyze the characteristics of computer jargons and the translation methods of computer terms

    Frame "Social Activities to Achieve the Goal": Formation and Specifics of Its Representation at Language Level

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    The proposed article is devoted to describing the specifics of the frame formation "social activity to achieve the goal" represented by the verbal tokens (achieve, accomplish, attain, gain, succeed in, obtain, manage, strive, etc.) with the corresponding meaning and revealing the dependence of the modification of their meaning on the intrasystem and extra system restructuring of the proper frame

    Applicability of forecasted bankruptcy models to Russian industrial companies

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    The application of effective methods for forecasting of the bankruptcy of industrial companies is always an urgent task for businesses, especially at the present stage which is characterized by an extremely high uncertainty. The paper presents the main techniques of bankruptcy modelling used in the world's practice: logit, probit and MDA-models, as well as the special private methods developed on their basis. These tools constitute the methodological foundation of our research. To assess the practical applicability of these methods to the contemporary Russian market, two sectorial companies (bankrupt and nonbankrupt) are selected as the object of study. A feature of the research is the use of financial statements of companies developed according to Russian and international standards. In the course of the calculations, we apply external and internal restrictions related to the key rate, credit history characteristics, age and regional affiliation of companies. Based on the dynamic assessment, we draw conclusions about the practical applicability and inapplicability of certain forecast models for the Russian economy. We investigate the relationship between the assessment results and the type of source data used. Research veracity is confirmed using generally recognized models and methods, as well as the practical implementation of the results obtained. We can recommend to use these results for improving the existing models for predicting bankruptcy and developing new ones, as well as for owners and investors of companies who need to make strategic decisions. © 2020 South Ural State University. All rights reserved.The work was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (contract no. 02.A03.21.0006) and GSEM UrFU Development Fund

    Emotional social robot "Emotico"

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    This work presents high level design and preliminary results of the implementation of an psycho-emotional system based on DA and 5-HT subsystems implementing 4 basic emotions

    ОСЛОЖНЕНИЯ ВЕТРЯНОЙ ОСПЫ (обзор литературы )

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    The review presents the data of Russian and foreign authors about the widespread and often under-diagnosed, as well as rare clinical forms of complications of VZV infection. Provides data on the frequency and structure of complications. There are groups risk of complications during varicella. Given the information first presented in the literature information classification of complications of chickenpox. The data on significant reduction in the frequency of complications, morbidity, mortality, economic losses in countries that have implemented mass immunization against varicella.В обзоре представлены данные российских и зарубежных авторов о широко распространенных и часто диагностируемых, а также редких клинических формах осложнений VZV-инфекции. Приводятся данные о частоте и структуре осложнений. Выделяются группы риска осложненного течения ветряной оспы. Учитывая впервые представленные в литературе сведения, предлагается классификация осложнений ветряной оспы. Приведены данные по значительному снижению частоты развития осложнений, показателей заболеваемости, смертности, экономических потерь в странах, внедривших массовую иммунопрофилактику ветряной оспы

    Синдром Крузона: клинический случай

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    Relevance. Crouzon syndrome is a craniostenosis due to combination of cranial bones hypoplasia and premature ectocranial sutures fusion resulting in deformation of cerebral and facial cranium. Deformations of facial cranium are responsible for exophthalmos and corneoconjunctival xerosis and can lead to spontaneous eyeball dislocation. Clinical case description. The clinical case of bilateral eyeball dislocation in a patient (right eye at the age of 1 year 2 months, left — at 1 year 4 months) due to untimely original reconstructive surgery is presented. The blepharorrhaphy and osteotomy of cranio-orbital-zygomaxillary complex with installation of two distraction correction instruments on maxillary bone and two on frontal bone, distance osteogenesis, fronto-temporal region remodelling were performed at the age of 3 years 2 months. Conclusion. Crouzon syndrome is incurable illness that demands timely functional and cosmetic correction. Prognosis for this disease is unfavourable. These days the child is 8 years old: physical development delay and mental retardation progression as well as psychoneurological disorders are recorded.Обоснование. Синдром Крузона — краниостеноз, обусловленный сочетанием недоразвития костей черепа и преждевременным зарастанием черепных швов, что проявляется изменением формы мозгового и лицевого черепа. Развитие деформаций лицевого скелета при данном заболевании обусловливает развитие экзофтальма, роговично-конъюнктивального ксероза и может привести к спонтанному вывиху глазных яблок из орбит. Описание клинического случая. Представлен клинический пример двустороннего вывиха обоих глазных яблок у пациентки (правого — в возрасте 1 года 2 мес, левого — в 1 год 4 мес) в связи с несвоевременной первоначальной реконструктивной операцией. В 3 года 2 мес выполнены блефарорафия, остеотомия лобно-орбито-скуло-верхнечелюстного комплекса с установкой двух коррекционно-дистракционных аппаратов на верхнюю челюсть и двух — на лобную кость, дистракционный остеогенез, ремоделирование лобно-височных областей. Заключение. Синдром Крузона — неизлечимое заболевание, требующее своевременной функциональной и косметической коррекции. Прогноз заболевания неблагоприятный. В настоящее время ребенку 8 лет: отмечаются выраженная задержка физического развития и дальнейшее прогрессирование умственной отсталости, а также психоневрологических нарушений