518 research outputs found

    Kontrak pengangkutan barangan melalui laut : Tanggungan tuan punya kapal di bawah common law

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    Dalam kontrak jualan antarabangsa terdapat pelbagai cara pengangkutan yang digunakan untuk mengangkut barangan sama ada melalui laut, udara atau darat.Di antara ketiga-tiga cara ini, sistem pengangkutan menggunakan kapal adalah yang paling popular diamalkan oIeh penjual dan pembeli yang menetap di negara yang berlainan. Pengangkutan melalui darat dan udara tidak kurang juga penting tetapi kapasiti untuk membawa barang agak terhad terutama apabila barangan yang hendak diangkut atau diserah-hantar terlalu besar, berat atau dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Justeru itu, ramai pihak yang terlibat dalam kontrak jualan antarabangsa memilih untuk menggunakan cara pengangkutan melalui laut. Untuk memastikan barangan yang diangkut selamat sarnpai ke pelabuhan destinasi, ia memerlukan kapal pengangkut yang baik.Tanggungjawab ini terletak atas tuanpunya kapal untuk menyediakan kapal yang layak laut dan di samping itu terdapat juga tanggungan-tanggungan lain yang harus dipikul oleh tuanpunya kapal

    Kajian Morfologi Dan Analisis Genetik Bagi Varian Padi Angin Dan Padi Kultivar (Mr 211 Dan Mr 220) Di Kawasan Mada, Malaysia

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    Infestasi padi angin, Oryza sativa kompleks, adalah serius, terutamanya di kawasan sawah yang mengamalkan kaedah tabur terus. Varian padi angin mempunyai ciri morfologi yang seiras dengan padi komersial dan sukar dikawal pertumbuhannya berbanding rumpai lain. Oleh yang demikian, kajian varian-varian padi angin dan padi komersial MR 211 dan MR 220 dari plot-plot tanaman padi di kawasan MADA telah dilaksanakan. Kajian yang telah dijalankan melibatkan tiga bahagian; i) analisis morfologi bagi varian-varian padi angin dan padi komersial MR 211 serta MR 220, ii) analisis genetik menggunakan penanda DNA mikrosatelit terhadap varian-varian padi angin dan padi komersial MR 211 serta MR 220 dan iii) analisis genetik menggunakan penanda DNA mikrosatelit terhadap varian padi angin paling dominan di kawasan MADA

    The teaching and learning approaches of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

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    Globalization has brought about many drastic changes in our life including in education. The explosion of information and communication technologies, advancement in educational researches and practices have compelled teacher to be more sensitive to change. They need to consistently improve their teaching quality. The traditional lecture method of ‘talk and chalk’ and the ‘trial and error’ method are in adequate to produce excellent students today. Although many teachers have been exposed to different theories and methods of teaching and learning, the outcomes have not been promising. This paper discusses the approaches, strategies and methods such as halaqah, lecture, demonstration and story telling, that have been used by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to obtain on how to obtain a generation of unique, God-conscious individuals and some proposition on how to obtain optimum results in learning

    Preparation and characterization of Styrene-Methyl Methacrylate in Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex (SMMA-DPNR)

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    The graft polymerization of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) onto deproteinized natural rubber latex (SMMA-DPNR) was carried out using ammonium peroxy disulfate (N2H8O8S2) as an initiator. The suitable reaction conditions based on the higher monomer conversion was determined. The SMMA-DPNR at 6 hours reaction time was successfully prepared with degree of conversion more than 99 %. The copolymers composition of the resultant SMMA-DPNR was obtained using 1H-NMR Spectroscopy. As expected, composition of styrene in DPNR was higher than that of MMA due to the higher reactivity ratio of styrene monomer as compared to MMA monomer and the structure of the NR backbone

    Usability Testing on Learningcare

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    The interest in using the Internet and Web in the classroom as part of the learning environment increase dramatically. The value of e-Learning has become widely recognized and accepted. Although e-Learning systems are increasingly used, there are a number of users complaining about usability of e-Learning. The usability of e-Learning systems is one of the key features for its success. This study aims to look into usability of e-Learning application in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Two usability attributes were examined: Learnability and Ease-of-use. Usability testing method (Thinking aloud technique) was applied and been tested to the twenty lecturers from the Faculty of Information Technology (FTM). The results indicated that the system is easy to use and to learn. Eleven usability problems were identified and discussed in this study together with its recommendations for solve the problems

    Enhancing customer loyalty programs: a study case of Telekom Malaysia Kota Bharu / Ahmad Hafiz Che Hashim

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    In the world of telecommunication, consumers typically patronize multiple service providers, which leave service providers striving to earn a greater portion of consumer expenditures. The purpose of this paper is to find out the principle issues toward enhancing loyalty programs on customer purchasing behavior. The impact of loyalty programs membership on customer purchase behavior is very important. Focusing on loyal customers is frequently argued to be the single most important driver of organizations’ long-term performance, which can lead to increased sales and customer share, lower costs, and higher prices. Therefore marketing scholars emphasize the influence of relationship marketing as a strategically important tool from which customer loyalty can be secured and, as a result, the achievement of higher competitiveness and enhanced customer satisfaction can be accomplished. Findings require confirmation in Telecommunication Company before they may be considered fully generalisable. The study was carried out on a convenience sample of 200 respondents through the distribution of structured questionnaires to Telekom Malaysia’s existing customers within the area of Kota Bharu. The data were analyzed using SPSS through the frequencies analysis, correlation coefficient analysis and regression analysis. From the analysis, the researcher found that Trust, Customer satisfaction, Brand image and Customer Retention have a significant relationship with the relationship marketing. From the findings, it shows that trust is the critical factor while customer retention is the least important factor. Some conclusions are provided in the research and the researcher also stated several recommendations. It is a great pleasure if Telekom Malaysia’s management is willing to evaluate the suggestions from the respondents and the researche

    Ideal vs. reality: evidences from senior teachers’ experiences on the Malaysian School-based Assessment system (SBA)

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    School-based Assessment (SBA) system or better known by its Malay acronym as PBS (Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah), being part of the Malaysia educational reform, was officially introduced by the Ministry of Education in 2011 with the aim to improve the effectiveness of the system in evaluating students’ academic progress and personal development. Under the system, students’ learning outcomes will be evaluated based on their competencies and readiness and teachers are encouraged to use various evaluation methods such as question and answer sessions, quizzes, presentation, short writing, dramas, and role-playing (Dietel, Herman & Knuth, 1991; Davison, 2007). However, the system received many negative feedbacks and claimed to pose great pressures on the part of the teachers, students and their parents as well. This study aspires to investigate the issue of SBA based on evidences revealed by senior teachers from five secondary schools who were involved in the implementation of the system. The qualitative case study aimed at identifying some perceptions, expectations, challenges and suggestions to improve the implementation of the SBA. Respondents perceived that teachers had been imposed with additional workloads in terms of paper work on top of their teaching responsibilities. Furthermore, large class size and lack of supporting resources (e.g. internet facilities) had further aggravated their negative perceptions on the SBA system. Overall they strongly admitted that both students and teachers did not receive much benefit from the system. The findings indicate that to ensure the effectiveness of the system’s implementation, teachers must be equipped with sufficient and detailed information on the evaluation process for a specified students’ competency meant to be evaluated. In doing so, fears and negative attitudes among teachers on the SBA shall be allied. Besides that, a more effective mechanism needs to be developed to reduce the burden of teachers in preparing and completing documentation as required by the SBA, while issues such as heavy teaching hours and large class size be promptly addressed

    Modelling predictors of attitude and behavioural intention for halal skin care products / Azreen Jihan Che Mohd Hashim

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    Studies and interest on human behaviour in relation to halal industry have been increasing over the recent years. Drawing upon a social psychology theory, Theory Planned Behaviour (TPB) developed and congruity theory were employed as theoretical foundation for developing the present conceptual model. This thesis initially conceptualises key psychological factors that could predict and explain purchaser’s attitude. The data for this research were collected from 470 respondents who are user and non-user of halal skin care products in Klang Valley via drop off and collect survey technique. This research has shed new light in better understanding of the existing knowledge by incorporating relevant constructs as the predictors of attitude such as, spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence, product image and product involvement. The significance of this study lies in the fact that, it attempts to identify and empirically investigate the predictors of attitude among the users and non-users. Subsequently, examines the predictors of intention such as attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behaviour control in a halal skin care products (compliance with Muslim Shariah requirement) context. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilised to test the hypothesised relationships among the constructs, as postulated in the research model. The results from hypothesis testing show that twelve hypothesised links were supported and two were not supported. With some minor modification, a plausible model that has a statistical and explanatory power for interpretation of results was confidently established. The findings from this study could offer several major contributions to the marketing and behaviour theory as well as to the marketing practitioners

    Peranan bahasa Melayu dan legasi sejarah penubuhan Malaysia dalam penyemaian cinta akan negara bangsa Malaysia

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    Negara Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara bangsa yang mempunyai penduduk yang berbilang kaum, keturunan, budaya, bahasa ibunda dan agama. Oleh demikian masalah perpaduan dan integrasi nasional menjadi isu yang paling kritikal dalam usaha membangunkan negara ke status negara maju. Artikel ini akan membincangkan konsep negara bangsa, integrasi nasional dan mencadangkan beberapa strategi demi perpaduan negara bangsa Malaysia, iaitu 1) memperkasakan penggunaan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar pendidikan dan ilmu tinggi, 2) menyemai keinsafan terhadap legasi sejarah penubuhan negara Malaysia demi menimbulkan ikatan kukuh dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia, dan 3) memupuk semangat patriotisme dan kebanggaan kepada negara Malaysia sebagai tanah air tempat tumpah darah bersama