27 research outputs found

    Chili Paste Culture in Bangkok Metropolis

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    This research’s objectives were to study the consumer behavior of instant chili paste in Bangkok metropolis. A survey study in Bangkok and its perimeters with 400 consumers indicated that most popular chili paste in retailed stores was the chili paste in oil. Most Consumers decided to buy the instant chili paste based on a taste satisfaction at convenient stores or supermarkets. Those whose monthly income were less than 865 USD preferred a chili paste in a 90-gram plastic jar and made a purchase with higher frequency than those who earned more and preferred a 230-gram glass jar. Taste, reasonable price to quality, availability near home or workplace and product promotion were consumers’ most important buying decision criteria. The logistic regression model built to represent the relationship between a probability to buy and marketing factors revealed that buying chance would be higher if the consumers perceived that the product were made from high quality materials and were packed in the see-through packaging. Marketing strategies for the chili paste manufacturer are to communicate its high quality raw materials and standard certificate on the label or QR code, product visibility through a transparent package or window on a package and prepare for digital marketing. Proper outlets include convenient stores, supermarkets and hypermarket in a residential area or near a workplace. Recommended promotions are buy one get one free concept,  variety  of  chili  pastes  in  one  pack  and  a  product  tasting  from  time  to  time. Keywords: Bangkok Metropolis; Chili Paste; Consumer Behavior; Logistic Regression

    The Role of Logistics Service Providers in the Distribution Channel of Imported Perishable and Processed Food Product to Java Island, Indonesia

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    Today fierce competition has highly enforced the company to focus more on their core competency and has encouraged them to strengthen competitive advantage. This condition reinforces the role of logistics service providers (LSP) to help company run their supporting activities. This research aims to identify the characteristics of LSP and to analyze their role in the distribution channel of imported perishable and processed food products in Indonesia. Convenience sampling was employed as sampling methodology and in-depth interview was used to collect detail information from respondents including private stakeholders, port authorities, freight forwarder association and retailers. The research results show that the characteristics and size of the company affects the involvement of LSP in the distribution channel. The roles of freight forwarders (FF) extensively include pre-customs clearance, customs clearance and post-customs clearance. Furthermore, the role of FF considerably contributes to the ease of arranging international shipment. The role of distributor plays vital role in the tracking and tracing system and timeliness of distribution channel. Meanwhile, the role of FF and transporter is fairly low in encouraging track-able and traceable distribution channel. Further improvements are needed to encourage better distribution channel performance

    Retailers, don't ignore me on social media! The importance of consumer-brand interactions in raising purchase intention - Privacy the Achilles heel

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    Effective interactions are essential for retail brands to progressively nudge consumers towards purchase. While social media provides the platform for brands to directly connect with consumers, it is critical that brands take privacy concerns seriously. This paper address common questions retailers ask: How do brands develop effective interactions with consumers on social media? Do consumer-brand interactions impact purchase intention? Does privacy matter? Through 541 UK participant responses and using social exchange theory, this research examines consumer-brand interactions on social media, focusing on how social media activities, attitudes towards social media advertising, and privacy, impact upon purchase intention. Our results show that brands must establish strong relationships through high-quality consumer-brand interactions to significantly raise purchase intentions, while also carefully managing consumers' privacy expectations. Effective privacy management positively mediates the link between social media and purchase intention but ignore privacy, and it becomes the Achilles heel of the relationship

    The determinants of the adoption and application of business intelligence : an ERP perspective

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    Business intelligence, as a decision support tool in many organisations, has offered the ability to gather, store, access and analyse huge amounts of data so that better decisions can be made regarding customers, suppliers, employees, logistics and infrastructure. Prior empirical studies of business intelligence and decision support applications (BIDSA) focus on technological and operational aspects and there is very little research to consider managerial and strategic factors. The factors that affect the adoption of BIDSA have, however, not yet been fully investigated. Differences in the use of information technology (IT) have been distinguished in different countries and so it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study about the facilitating and inhibiting factors in the adoption and diffusion of BIDSA in Australia. The aim of this study was thus to fill the gap by investigating factors affecting the successful adoption of BIDSA in Australian ERP user organisations by applying Rogers’ theory of Diffusion of Innovations (DOI), and to develop a conceptual model for the successful adoption of BIDSA

    Use of QR code technology in eastern Thailand: entrepreneur perspective

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    Thailand has stepped into the era of digital and knowledge economy. The objectives of this research include 1) to compare the different intentions of using QR code technology among industrial entrepreneurs, classified by business operation factors, and 2) to study the factors affecting the intention of using QR code technology among entrepreneurs in eastern Thailand. The results indicated that the respondents with different business operation duration, monthly business income, and the amount of capital investment had the indifferent intention of using QR code technology with a statistical significance level of 0.05

    Wykorzystanie “MOOC” w szkolnictwie wyższym: perspektywa zarządzania

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the Behavioral Intention (BI) to use Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Thailand. The study adopted the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model with an extension to include two variables of Perceived Autonomy (PA) and Absorptive Capacity (AC). The study has also investigated the moderating effects of Culture (CUL) on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study was conducted using primary data collected from 490 respondents, who were university students and intended to use MOOCs. The study used structural equation modelling (SEM) to evaluate the relationship between study variables in AMOS 26. The findings of the study indicated that Perceived Autonomy (PA) was found to have a positive and significant effect on Behavioral intention to use MOOCs (BI); Facilitating Conditions (FCS) has a positive and significant effect on Behavioral intention to use MOOCs (BI). Absorptive capacity (AC) has a positive and significant effect on Behavioral intention to use MOOCs (BI); Social Influence (SI) has a positive and significant effect on Behavioral intention to use MOOCs (BI). However, the results indicated that Performance Expectancy (PE) and Effort Expectancy (EE) have a non-significant effect on BI. Additionally, Perceived Autonomy has a positive and significant effect on Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy. The results of interaction between Culture and independent variables (PE, EE, SI, FC, AC, & PA) indicated that CUL does not moderate any relationship with dependent variable (BI). This research is considered very critical during the period of COVID-19 pandemics, where most learning is being conducted online. Therefore, the policymakers in the education sector in Thailand, and the heads and management of institutions of higher learning could benefit from the findings of this research.Celem tego badania jest zbadanie czynników wpływających na intencję behawioralną (BI) do korzystania z Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) w Tajlandii. W badaniu przyjęto Model Zunifikowanej Teorii Akceptacji i Wykorzystania Technologii (UTAUT) z rozszerzeniem o dwie zmienne: Postrzeganą Autonomię (PA) i Zdolności Absorpcyjne (AC). W badaniu zbadano również moderujący wpływ kultury (CUL) na związek między zmiennymi niezależnymi i zależnymi. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na podstawie danych pierwotnych zebranych od 490 respondentów, którzy byli studentami uczelni i zamierzali korzystać z MOOC. W badaniu wykorzystano modelowanie równań strukturalnych (SEM) do oceny związku między badanymi zmiennymi w AMOS 26. Wyniki badania wykazały, że postrzegana autonomia (PA) ma pozytywny i istotny wpływ na behawioralny zamiar stosowania MOOC (BI). ; Warunki ułatwiające (FCS) mają pozytywny i znaczący wpływ na behawioralny zamiar korzystania z MOOC (BI). Zdolność absorpcyjna (AC) ma pozytywny i znaczący wpływ na behawioralny zamiar korzystania z MOOC (BI); Wpływ społeczny (SI) ma pozytywny i znaczący wpływ na behawioralny zamiar korzystania z MOOC (BI). Jednak wyniki wskazują, że oczekiwana wydajność (PE) i oczekiwana nakład pracy (EE) mają nieistotny wpływ na BI. Ponadto postrzegana autonomia ma pozytywny i znaczący wpływ na oczekiwaną wydajność i oczekiwany wysiłek. Wyniki interakcji między Kulturą a zmiennymi niezależnymi (PE, EE, SI, FC, AC i PA) wskazują, że CUL nie moderuje żadnego związku ze zmienną zależną (BI). Badanie to jest uważane za bardzo krytyczne w okresie pandemii COVID-19, kiedy większość nauki odbywa się online. Dlatego decydenci w sektorze edukacji w Tajlandii oraz dyrektorzy i kierownictwo instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego mogą skorzystać z wyników tych badań

    Chili Paste Culture in Bangkok Metropolis

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    This research's objectives were to study the consumer behavior of instant Chili paste in Bangkok metropolis. A survey study in Bangkok and its perimeters with 400 consumers indicated that most popular Chili paste in retailed stores was the Chili paste in oil. Most Consumers decided to buy the instant Chili paste based on a taste satisfaction at convenient stores or supermarkets. Those whose monthly income were less than 865 USD preferred a Chili paste in a 90-gram plastic jar and made a purchase with higher frequency than those who earned more and preferred a 230-gram glass jar. Taste, reasonable price to quality, availability near home or workplace and product promotion were consumers' most important buying decision criteria. The logistic regression model built to represent the relationship between a probability to buy and marketing factors revealed that buying chance would be higher if the consumers perceived that the product were made from high quality materials and were packed in the see-through packaging. Marketing strategies for the Chili paste manufacturer are to communicate its high quality raw materials and standard certificate on the label or QR code, product visibility through a transparent package or window on a package and prepare for digital marketing. Proper outlets include convenient stores, supermarkets and hypermarket in a residential area or near a workplace. Recommended promotions are buy one get one free concept, variety of Chili pastes in one pack and a product tasting from time to time

    Consumer preference mapping for rice product concepts

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    Purpose - Rice consumption per capita in many Asian countries is decreasing constantly, but American and European citizens are eating more rice nowadays. A preference study among consumers was carried out with the aim of determining new rice product characteristics in order to support export of Thai rice. This paper aims to report the results Design/methodology/approach - The research was based on both secondary and primary data collection. The secondary data included exploratory surveys of rice and its products which were conducted in some of Thailand's potential rice export markets. Exploratory primary data were collected through qualitative focus group research. A quantitative questionnaire with 1,128 consumers of target nationalities was conducted to access consumer attitudes and preferences with respect to rice and rice products. Findings - Rice products were grouped with factor analysis and could be characterized by convenience (explained variance 33.9 per cent), grain variety (21.2 per cent), and tradition/naturalness (12.8 per cent). Rotated factor score plot of the preference for rice products among different nationalities showed a similarity in the preference for the tradition/natural products. Convenient products were preferred in higher income Asian countries and the non-rice eating countries. These three product categories were correlated with consumers' ideas concerning the health-supporting character of processed food. Originality/value - Consumers' rice preferences differed greatly among nationalities. Rice exporters have to understand these different preferences in order to offer the right products to their customers. Assuming consumer preferences to be comparable to one's own country's preference can cause new product failure. This paper confirms existing differences and presents details and backgrounds of these differences

    Wpływ kompetencji zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw na przedsiębiorstwa wspólnoty ryżu

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    A study on the factors analysis and indicators of supply chain competency for rice community enterprises was a descriptive research. The purposes of this research were to study the components and indicators of supply chain competency for rice community enterprises. The samples were 90 members of the rice community enterprise from a community enterprise that received a moderate level of performance evaluation in Nonthaburi Province. The research instruments were questionnaire about supply chain management competency indicators which was in the form of a Likert’s Rating Scale of 5 levels. Analyze the data by using analysis of confirmatory components such as Alpha, composite reliability, factor loadings and AVE along with path analysis for hypothesis testing with the help of AMOS software. The research found that there were 5 components and competency’s indicators supply chain management of rice community enterprises in Nonthaburi, which were planning, procurement of raw material sources, production, delivery and return according to the SCORE Model. These 5 components and competency’s indicators supply chain management were consistent with empirical data and statistically significant element weight values of 0.05.Badanie dotyczące analizy czynników i wskaźników kompetencji łańcucha dostaw dla przedsiębiorstw zajmujących się uprawą ryżu miało charakter opisowy. Celem tego badania było zbadanie składników i wskaźników kompetencji łańcucha dostaw dla przedsiębiorstw zajmujących się uprawą ryżu. Próbki obejmowały 90 członków przedsiębiorstwa zajmującego się ryżem z przedsiębiorstwa społecznego, które uzyskało umiarkowany poziom oceny wyników w prowincji Nonthaburi. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz dotyczący wskaźników kompetencji zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw, który miał postać 5-stopniowej Skali Oceny Likerta. Przeanalizuj dane, korzystając z analizy komponentów potwierdzających, takich jak alfa, niezawodność złożona, ładunki czynnikowe i AVE, wraz z analizą ścieżek do testowania hipotez za pomocą oprogramowania AMOS. Badanie wykazało, że istniało 5 komponentów i wskaźników kompetencji do zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw przedsiębiorstw zajmujących się ryżem w Nonthaburi, które obejmowały planowanie, zaopatrywanie się w surowce, produkcję, dostawy i zwroty zgodnie z modelem SCORE. Te 5 komponentów i wskaźników kompetencji w zarządzaniu łańcuchem dostaw było spójnych z danymi empirycznymi i statystycznie istotnymi wartościami wagi elementu wynoszącymi 0,05