27 research outputs found

    A tetrabenzotriazaporphyrin based organic thin film transistor: Comparison with a device of the phthalocyanine analogue

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    The characteristics of bottom-gate bottom-contact organic thin film field-effect transistors (OTFTs) with 70 nm thick films of solution processed non-peripherally octahexyl-substituted nickel tetrabenzo triazaporphyrin (6NiTBTAP) molecules as active layers on silicon substrates are experimentally studied and the results are compared with the similary configured transistors using the corresponding nickel phthalocyanine (6NiPc) compound. 6NiTBTAP transistors are found to exhibit improved performance over 6NiPc transistors in terms of greater saturation hole mobility, two orders of magnitude higher on/off ratio and lower threshold voltage. This enhanced performance of 6NiTBTAP OTFTs over 6NiPc devices is attributed to improved surface morphology and large grain size of the active 6NiTBTAP film

    High-mobility solution-processed copper phthalocyanine-based organic field-effect transistors

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    © 2011 National Institute for Materials ScienceSolution-processed films of 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octakis(hexyl) copper phthalocyanine (CuPc6) were utilized as an active semiconducting layer in the fabrication of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) in the bottom-gate configurations using chemical vapour deposited silicon dioxide (SiO2) as gate dielectrics. The surface treatment of the gate dielectric with a self-assembled monolayer of octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) resulted in values of 4×10−2 cm2 V−1 s−1 and 106 for saturation mobility and on/off current ratio, respectively. This improvement was accompanied by a shift in the threshold voltage from 3V for untreated devices to −2V for OTS treated devices. The trap density at the interface between the gate dielectric and semiconductor decreased by about one order of magnitude after the surface treatment. The transistors with the OTS treated gate dielectrics were more stable over a 30-day period in air than untreated ones.Technology Strategy Board, UK (Project No: TP/6/EPH/6/S/K2536J)

    Effects of annealing on device parameters of organic field effect transistors using liquid-crystalline tetrasubstituted zinc phthalocyanine

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    The device performance of organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) employing the solution processed films of room temperature liquid-crystalline tetrasubstituted zinc phthalocyanine derivative was found to depend upon the film morphology. Atomic force microscopic and X-Ray diffraction studies show that the annealing at 70° produced a preferentially unidirectional void-free film with improved surface smoothness. The OTFTs with the annealed films exhibited enhanced conductivity, threefold reduction in threshold voltage, a nearly one order of magnitude increase in the on/off ratio and more than one-third reduction of hysteresis in the transfer characteristics.This work is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Material Command, USAF, under grant No. FA8655-13-1-3018. TB acknowledges the financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Evolutionary computation for parameter extraction of organic thin film transistors using newly synthesized liquid crystalline nickel phthalocyanine

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    © 2019 by the authors.In this work, the topic of the detrimental contact effects in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) is revisited. In this case, contact effects are considered as a tool to enhance the characterization procedures of OTFTs, achieving more accurate values for the fundamental parameters of the transistor threshold voltage, carrier mobility and on-off current ratio. The contact region is also seen as a fundamental part of the device which is sensitive to physical, chemical and fabrication variables. A compact model for OTFTs, which includes the effects of the contacts, and a recent proposal of an associated evolutionary parameter extraction procedure are reviewed. Both the model and the procedure are used to assess the effect of the annealing temperature on a nickel-1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octakis(hexyl)phthalocyanine (NiPc6)-based OTFT. A review of the importance of phthalocyanines in organic electronics is also provided. The characterization of the contact region in NiPc6 OTFTs complements the results extracted from other physical–chemical techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry or atomic force microscopy, in which the transition from crystal to columnar mesophase imposes a limit for the optimum performance of the annealed OTFTs

    Effect of iodine incorporation on characteristic properties of cadmium telluride deposited in aqueous solution

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    The electrodeposition of polycrystalline I-doped CdTe was successfully performed from aqueous solutions containing cadmium nitrate (Cd(NO3)2 and tellurium oxide (TeO2). The effects of different I-doping concentrations in the electrolytic bath on the deposited CdTe layers deposited were evaluated structurally, optically, morphologically and electronically using X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy, photoelectrochemical cell measurement and direct-current (DC) conductivity test respectively. The XRD show reduction in the (111) cubic CdTe peak intensity and the calculated crystallite size of the CdTe:I layers above 5 ppm I-doping. At I-doping of 1000 ppm of the CdTe-bath and above, the deposition of only crystalline Te due to the formation of Cd-I complexes debarring the deposition of Cd and co-deposition of CdTe in aqueous solution was observed. Morphologically, reductions in grain size were observed above 5 ppm I-doping with high pinhole density and the formation of cracks within the CdTe:I layers. For the as-deposited CdTe:I layers, conduction type remained n-type across all the explored I-doping concentration of 200 ppm. For the CdCl2 and Ga2(SO4)2+CdCl2 treated CdTe:I layers, the transition from n- to p-type conductivity was observed for the CdTe:I baths doped with 20 ppm and above due to the reduced cadmium deposition on the substrate. The highest conductivity was observed at 5 ppm I-doping of the CdTe-bath. Observations made on the CdTe:I in aqueous solution differs from the non-aqueous solvent documented in the literature. These results are reported systematically in this communication

    Effect of gallium doping on the characteristic properties of polycrystalline cadmium telluride thin film

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    Ga-doped CdTe polycrystalline thin films were successfully electrodeposited on glass/fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates from aqueous electrolytes containing cadmium nitrate (Cd(NO3)2⸱4H2O) and tellurium oxide (TeO2). The effects of different Ga-doping concentrations on the CdTe:Ga coupled with different post-growth treatments were studied by analysing the structural, optical, morphological and electronic properties of the deposited layers using X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy, photoelectrochemical cell measurement and direct-current conductivity test respectively. XRD results show diminishing (111)C CdTe peak above 20 ppm Ga-doping and appearance of (301)M GaTe diffraction above 50 ppm Ga-doping indicating the formation of two phases; CdTe and GaTe . Although, reductions in the absorption edge slopes were observed above 20 ppm Ga-doping for the as-deposited CdTe:Ga layer, no obvious influence on the energy gap of CdTe films with Ga-doping were detected. Morphologically, reductions in grain size were observed at 50 ppm Ga-doping and above with high pinhole density within the layer. For the as-deposited CdTe:Ga layers, conduction type change from n- to p- were observed at 50 ppm, while the n-type conductivity were retained after post-growth treatment. Highest conductivity was observed at 20 ppm Ga-doping of CdTe. These results are systematically reported in this pape

    Effects of deposition time and post-deposition annealing on the physical and chemical properties of electrodeposited CdS thin films for solar cell application

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    CdS thin films were cathodically electrodeposited by means of a two-electrode deposition system for different durations. The films were characterised for their structural, optical, morphological and compositional properties using x-ray diffraction (XRD), spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) respectively. The results obtained show that the physical and chemical properties of these films are significantly influenced by the deposition time and post-deposition annealing. This influence manifests more in the as-deposited materials than in the annealed ones. XRD results show that the crystallite sizes of the different films are in the range (9.4 – 65.8) nm and (16.4 – 66.0) nm in the as-deposited and annealed forms respectively. Optical measurements show that the absorption coefficients are in the range (2.7×104 – 6.7×104) cm-1 and (4.3×104 – 7.2×104) cm-1 respectively for as-deposited and annealed films. The refractive index is in the range (2.40 – 2.60) for as-deposited films and come to the value of 2.37 after annealing. The extinction coefficient varies in the range (0.1 – 0.3) in asdeposited films and becomes 0.1 in annealed films. The estimated energy bandgap of the films is in the range (2.48 – 2.50) eV for as-deposited films and becomes 2.42 eV for all annealed films. EDX results show that all the films are S-rich in chemical composition with fairly uniform Cd/S ratio after annealing. The results show that annealing improves the qualities of the films and deposition time can be used to control the film thickness. Keywords: Electrodeposition; two-electrode system; CdS; annealing; deposition time; thin-film

    Investigation of phase transformations and corrosion resistance in Co/CoCo2O4 nanowires and their potential use as a basis for lithium-ion batteries

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the effect of thermal annealing on the change in the structural properties and phase composition of metal Co nanostructures, as well as the prospects of their use as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. During the study, a four-stage phase transition in the structure of nanowires consisting of successive transformations of the structure (Со-FCC/Co-HCP) → (Со-FCС) → (Со-FCC/СоСо2О4) → (СоСо2О4), accompanied by uniform oxidation of the structure of nanowires with an increase in temperature above 400 °C. In this case, an increase in temperature to 700 °C leads to a partial destruction of the oxide layer and surface degradation of nanostructures. During life tests, it was found that the lifetime for oxide nanostructures exceeds 500 charge/discharge cycles, for the initial nanostructures and annealed at a temperature of 300 °С, the lifetimes are 297 and 411 cycles, respectively. The prospects of using Co/CoCo2O4 nanowires as the basis for lithium-ion batteries is shown. © 2019, The Author(s)