9 research outputs found

    KRBAVICA (Fragments from the Historio-sociologic Study of Lika\u27s Village)

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    sis of its socio-economic conditions throughout the history, from the beginning of XVIII century to the present days. The village is situated at the karst field in Lika (province of Croatia), 647 m above the sea level, in the mountmous climate conditions; its arrable land is very small and covers only 13% of the total agricultural soil surface. Tillage, livestock-breeding and work in the forest are the main peasants\u27 activities. In the past this region was first under the Turkish rule, and after that it was a part of the Austrian military frontier. During the last world war its economy was completely destroyed. With the pentration of the commodity production and inovations family cooperatives and old traditions started to diminish. Up to 1914. about 300 people migrated, mostly to USA. They were all men in the age of 18 to 40 years. There were two organized colonizations to Vojvodina (1920—1925) and Slavonija (1945). The maximum number of population living in the village during the last 83 years amounted to 1,448. During the last 23 years the number of the population decreased for 72,5%. Out of that 14% were killed during the World War II., 37% changed their accupation and do not live in the village any more, 13,5% migrated to other regions of Yugoslavia, 8,0% went to schools and did not return to the village. Now only 27,5% of the prewar population live in the village. According to author\u27s, estimate, the main reasons for such intensive out migration tendencies in the past were; 1) unfavourable agricultural conditions änd. agrarian overpopulation 2) opposition to the house-cooperative s discipline, 3) strong inclination of getting rid of the military frontier obligations and 4) striving for better living standard. Birth rate decreases. In 1960 only 6 children were born, 1961 — 3 and in 1962 only one. Taking into account all mentioned tendencies, the author comes to the conclusion that this village in the near future will die out. At the same time he suggests some measures which would be necessary to be undertaken in order to stop the process of dying out not only of this village but also of many similar ones in mountinous regions

    Tunable Vapor-Condensed Nanolenses

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    Nanostructured optical components, such as nanolenses, direct light at subwavelength scales to enable, among others, high-resolution lithography, miniaturization of photonic circuits, and nanoscopic imaging of biostructures. A major challenge in fabricating nanolenses is the appropriate positioning of the lens with respect to the sample while simultaneously ensuring it adopts the optimal size and shape for the intended use. One application of particular interest is the enhancement of contrast and signal-to-noise ratio in the imaging of nanoscale objects, especially over wide fields-of-view (FOVs), which typically come with limited resolution and sensitivity for imaging nano-objects. Here we present a self-assembly method for fabricating time- and temperature-tunable nanolenses based on the condensation of a polymeric liquid around a nanoparticle, which we apply to the high-throughput on-chip detection of spheroids smaller than 40 nm, rod-shaped particles with diameter smaller than 20 nm, and biofunctionalized nanoparticles, all across an ultralarge FOV of >20 mm<sup>2</sup>. Previous nanoparticle imaging efforts across similar FOVs have detected spheroids no smaller than 100 nm, and therefore our results demonstrate the detection of particles >15-fold smaller in volume, which in free space have >240 times weaker Rayleigh scattering compared to the particle sizes detected in earlier wide-field imaging work. This entire platform, with its tunable nanolens condensation <i>and</i> wide-field imaging functions, is also miniaturized into a cost-effective and portable device, which might be especially important for field use, mobile sensing, and diagnostics applications, including, for example, the measurement of viral load in bodily fluids

    High variability in hair cell number within neuromasts.

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    <p>(A–C) Confocal images (brightest-point projections) of neuromasts double-labeled with anti-acetylated tubulin (red) and phalloidin (green), showing the kinocilia and hair bundles/cuticular plates, respectively. The phalloidin label also delineates overall neuromast architecture. (A) Three neuromasts from stitch S2 of a wild-origin fish, showing neuromast morphology and spacing. (B) Single SN from stitch S3 of a Lake Quinault hatchery fish, demonstrating the rounded morphology sometimes observed. In contrast, elongated SN were more typically noted, illustrated here by the S5 neuromast from a Cook Creek fish (C). (D) Average hair cell number for 4 randomly selected individuals (open circles) from each group for which complete data (SN in all four dissected ROIs S1–S4; range 3–21 SN per ROI) were available, and group means (filled circles, mean ± 1 SEM) for each ROI. There were no significant cross-group differences in hair cell number (<i>p</i>>0.05).</p

    Differences in neuromast number across groups.

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    <p>(A) SN were clustered in one of six discrete ‘stitches’ or groupings, which we term for convenience in the present report S1–S6. Each of these stitches was treated as a region of interest for analysis of neuromast number. (B–E) Examples of DASPEI-labeled neuromasts from wild-origin juveniles (B–C) or Cook Creek hatchery fish (D–E). (B) Stitches S1–S2, showing how S2 intersects S1 near its midpoint, running anteroventrally toward the eye. Scale bar = 1 mm. (C) Low-magnification image of the left side of the head, showing the stitch around the naris (S3) and the stitch over the operculum (S4). The infraorbital canal (IC) is also labeled in this image. This canal was not clearly visible in all specimens so neuromast number was not quantified. Scale bar = 2 mm. (D) Stitch S3 (bordering a right-side naris) under higher magnification. Scale bar = 1 mm. (E) SN from stitch S5 (arrowheads), which sits atop the trunk canal (arrows). Trunk canal neuromasts are elongated in the rostrocaudal direction, while adjacent SN are oriented dorsoventrally. Scale bar = 1 mm. (F) Total neuromast number (summed across left and right sides) per fish (open circles) and per group (filled circles, mean±1 SEM, <i>n</i> = 10 fish per group). There were significant differences in neuromast number between groups (one-way ANOVA <i>F</i><sub>1,2</sub> = 9.45, <i>p</i> = 0.001). (G) SN number comparisons within each ROI using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post-hoc analysis. Individual and group data are plotted across ROIs. Statistical tests are summarized are in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059162#pone-0059162-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p

    Statistical comparison of SN number across groups.

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    <p>Observed <i>p</i>-values for ANOVAs and post-hoc pairwise tests (Tukey's) assessing cross-group differences in SN number by anatomical region (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059162#pone-0059162-g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1A</a>). Post-hoc tests were not conducted for S5 or S6, where the omnibus ANOVA demonstrated no main effect of group. Bolded values indicate significance at <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    Sagittal otolith calcium carbonate composition.

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    <p>Transmitted light images of a normal (aragonite) sagitta from a wild-origin juvenile (left) and a crystallized (vaterite) sagitta from a Cook Creek hatchery fish (right). Scale bars in each image  =  1 mm. (B) Relative proportion of aragonite (black) and vaterite (gray) sagittae in fish from each population (wild <i>n</i> = 20 otoliths (10 fish×2 otoliths each), Cook Creek = 28 otoliths, Lake Quinault = 34 otoliths). Both groups of hatchery fish had a significantly higher proportion of crystallized otoliths than wild fish (Chi-square tests, <i>p</i> = 0.001).</p

    Brain weight differs between groups.

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    <p>Normalized brain weight, expressed as the brain/body weight ratio, of 8 randomly selected individuals (open circles) from each group and means for each group (filled circles, mean ± 1 SEM). The inset shows a brain from a wild-origin juvenile with the olfactory bulbs removed. Scale bar = 2 mm.</p

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Development and evaluation of a non-ribosomal random PCR and next-generation sequencing based assay for detection and sequencing of hand, foot and mouth disease pathogens

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    List of 96 FR26RV-Endoh and FR20RV primer sequences. Table S2. Result summary of consensus sequence variations recorded between 2 replicates of 3 tested swabs. Note: NA: not applicable. Figure S1. Screen snapshots showing the mapping results of EV-A71 MiSeq reads to an EV-A71 reference genome of sample ID15; non-ribosomal rPCR assay (bottom panel), non-ribosomal hexanucleotide primers assay (middle panel) and hexanucleotide assay (top panel); the genome sequencing depth is indicated by the Y axis and covered by red circles. Figure S2. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on completed VP1 nucleotide sequences (891 nt) of EV-A71 strains obtained from this study (in bold red) and representatives retrieved from GenBank. Scale bars indicated numbers of nucleotide substitution per site. CHN, China; USA, United states; TW, Taiwan; NL, Netherlands; MY, Malaysia; KOR, Korean; VN, Vietnam. Figure S3. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on completed VP1 nucleotide sequences (891 nt) of CV-A16 strains obtained from this study (in bold red) and representatives retrieved from GenBank. Scale bars indicated numbers of nucleotide substitution per site. CHN, China; US, United states; TL, Thailand; JPN, Japan; AUS, Australia; MY, Malaysia; KOR, Korean; VN, Vietnam. (PDF 783 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Mammographically dense human breast tissue stimulates MCF10DCIS.com progression to invasive lesions and metastasis

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    The murine xenograft model. Schematic diagrams illustrate the use of 12 SCID mice associated with each patient’s tissue accrual and the allocation of 4 mice into DCIS.com + HMD, DCIS.com + LMD and DCIS.com-only groups. The schematic mouse shows a silicone chamber inserted in the groin with chamber material (in grey) vascularised by the inferior epigastric pedicle (in red). HMD High mammographic density, LMD low mammographic density, DCIS.com MFC10DCIS.com cells. (TIF 537 kb