Additional file 1: Table S1. of Development and evaluation of a non-ribosomal random PCR and next-generation sequencing based assay for detection and sequencing of hand, foot and mouth disease pathogens


List of 96 FR26RV-Endoh and FR20RV primer sequences. Table S2. Result summary of consensus sequence variations recorded between 2 replicates of 3 tested swabs. Note: NA: not applicable. Figure S1. Screen snapshots showing the mapping results of EV-A71 MiSeq reads to an EV-A71 reference genome of sample ID15; non-ribosomal rPCR assay (bottom panel), non-ribosomal hexanucleotide primers assay (middle panel) and hexanucleotide assay (top panel); the genome sequencing depth is indicated by the Y axis and covered by red circles. Figure S2. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on completed VP1 nucleotide sequences (891 nt) of EV-A71 strains obtained from this study (in bold red) and representatives retrieved from GenBank. Scale bars indicated numbers of nucleotide substitution per site. CHN, China; USA, United states; TW, Taiwan; NL, Netherlands; MY, Malaysia; KOR, Korean; VN, Vietnam. Figure S3. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on completed VP1 nucleotide sequences (891 nt) of CV-A16 strains obtained from this study (in bold red) and representatives retrieved from GenBank. Scale bars indicated numbers of nucleotide substitution per site. CHN, China; US, United states; TL, Thailand; JPN, Japan; AUS, Australia; MY, Malaysia; KOR, Korean; VN, Vietnam. (PDF 783 kb

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