89 research outputs found

    Facilitators and Barriers to Adaptive Implementation of the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) in Three European Countries; the Process Evaluation Within the MEETINGDEM Study

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    Background: In the MEETINGDEM project, the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) was adaptively implemented and evaluated in three European countries: Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom. The aim of this study was to investigate overall and country-specific facilitators and barriers to the implementation of MCSP in these European countries. Methods: A qualitative multiple case study design was used. Based on the theoretical model of adaptive implementation, a checklist was composed of potential facilitators and barriers to the implementation of MCSP. This checklist was administered among stakeholders involved in the implementation of MCSP to trace the experienced facilitators and barriers. Twenty-eight checklists were completed. Results: Main similarities between countries were related to the presence of suitable staff, management, and a project manager, and the fact that the MCSP is attuned to needs and wishes of people with dementia and informal caregivers. Main differences between countries were related to: communication with potential referrers, setting up an inter-organizational collaboration network, receiving support of national organizations, having clear discharge criteria for the MCSP and continuous PR in the region. Conclusion: The results of this study provide insight into generic and country specific factors that can influence the implementation of MCSP in different European countries. This study informs further implementation and dissemination of MCSP in Europe and may also serve as an example for the dissemination and implementation of other effective psychosocial support interventions for people with dementia and their informal caregivers across and beyond Europe

    Value of personalized dementia-specific QOL scales; an explorative study in 3 European countries

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    Measuring Quality of Life (QOL) can be difficult due to its individual character. To explore the value of personalized QOL measurement for people with dementia, personalized versions of two dementia-specific QOL scales (Dementia quality of Life (DQoL) and Quaility of Life in Alzheimer's Disease (QoL-AD)) were constructed. This study investigated whether the personalized measures are more valid to detect variations in QOL than their standard versions for people with mild to moderate dementia, with sufficient internal consistency. Moreover, the relationship between the personalized QOL measures and severity of dementia was investigated. Finally, the study explored the differences between countries regarding the personalized overall QOL and differences in the importance of QOL domains. This explorative one-group design study used baseline data from the MEETINGDEM study into the implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Programme in Italy, Poland and the UK. The personalized versions of the DQoL and QoL-AD were reliable, but not more valid than their standard versions. No relationship between severity of dementia and personalized QOL was found. While no differences were found between countries for the overall QOL score, some QOL domains were valued differently: people with dementia from the UK rated self-esteem, mood, physical health, energy level and the ability to do chores around the house significantly less important than people from Italy and Poland. The personalized versions of the DQoL and QoL-AD may offer dementia care practice important insights into what domains contribute most to an individual’s QOL

    The Impact of the Implementation of the Dutch Combined Meeting Centres Support Programme for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia in Italy, Poland and UK

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    Objectives: The MEETINGDEM research project aimed to implement the combined Dutch Meeting Centre Support Programme (MCSP) for community-dwelling people with dementia and caregivers within Italy, Poland and UK and to assess whether comparable benefits were found in these countries as in the Netherlands. Method: Nine pilot Meeting Centres (MCs) participated (Italy-5, Poland-2, UK-2). Effectiveness of MCSP was compared to usual care (UC) on caregiver outcomes measuring competence (SSCQ), mental health (GHQ-12), emotional distress (NPI-Q) and loneliness (UCLA) analysed by ANCOVAs in a 6-month pre-test/post-test controlled trial. Interviews using standardised measures were completed with caregivers. Results: Pre/post data were collected for 93 caregivers receiving MCSP and 74 receiving UC. No statistically significant differences on the outcome measures were found overall. At a country level MC caregivers in Italy showed significant better general mental health (p=0.04, d=0.55) and less caregiver distress (p=0.02, d=0.62) at post-test than the UC group. Caregiver satisfaction was rated on a sample at 3 months (n=81) and 6 months (n=84). The majority of caregivers reported feeling less burdened and more supported by participating in MCSP. Conclusion: The moderate positive effect on sense of competence and the greater mental health benefit for lonely caregivers using the MCSP compared to UC as found in the original Dutch studies were not replicated. However, subject to study limitations, caregivers in Italy using MCSP benefitted more regarding their mental health and emotional distress than caregivers using UC. Further evaluation of the benefits of MCSP within these countries in larger study samples is recommended

    An online international comparison of thresholds for triggering a negative response to the “Surprise Question”: a study protocol

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    Background: The Surprise Question (SQ) “would I be surprised if this patient were to die in the next 12 months?” has been suggested to help clinicians, and especially General Practitioners (GPs), identify people who might benefit from palliative care. The prognostic accuracy of this approach is unclear and little is known about how GPs use this tool in practice. Are GPs consistent, individually and as a group? Are there international differences in the use of the tool? Does including the alternative Surprise Question (“Would I be surprised if the patient were still alive after 12 months?”) alter the response? What is the impact on the treatment plan in response to the SQ? This study aims to address these questions. Methods: An online study will be completed by 600 (100 per country) registered GPs. They will be asked to review 20 hypothetical patient vignettes. For each vignette they will be asked to provide a response to the following four questions: (1) the SQ [Yes/No]; (2) the alternative SQ [Yes/No]; (3) the percentage probability of dying [0% no chance – 100% certain death]; and (4) the proposed treatment plan [multiple choice]. A “surprise threshold” for each participant will be calculated by comparing the responses to the SQ with the probability estimates of death. We will use linear regression to explore any differences in thresholds between countries and other clinician-related factors, such as years of experience. We will describe the actions taken by the clinicians and explore the differences between groups. We will also investigate the relationship between the alternative SQ and the other responses. Participants will receive a certificate of completion and the option to receive feedback on their performance. Discussion: This study explores the extent to which the SQ is consistently used at an individual, group, and national level. The findings of this study will help to understand the clinical value of using the SQ in routine practice

    One consensual depression diagnosis tool to serve many countries: a challenge! A RAND/UCLA methodology

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    Objective From a systematic literature review (SLR), it became clear that a consensually validated tool was needed by European General Practitioner (GP) researchers in order to allow multi-centred collaborative research, in daily practice, throughout Europe. Which diagnostic tool for depression, validated against psychiatric examination according to the DSM, would GPs select as the best for use in clinical research, taking into account the combination of effectiveness, reliability and ergonomics? A RAND/UCLA, which combines the qualities of the Delphi process and of the nominal group, was used. GP researchers from different European countries were selected. The SLR extracted tools were validated against the DSM. The Youden index was used as an effectiveness criterion and Cronbach’s alpha as a reliability criterion. Ergonomics data were extracted from the literature. Ergonomics were tested face-to-face. Results The SLR extracted 7 tools. Two instruments were considered sufficiently effective and reliable for use: the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25). After testing face-to-face, HSCL-25 was selected. A multicultural consensus on one diagnostic tool for depression was obtained for the HSCL-25. This tool will provide the opportunity to select homogeneous populations for European collaborative research in daily practice

    Disabilit\ue0 e Invecchiamento

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    l'anziano deve affrontare il tema della disabilit\ue0 in quanto circa il 40% delle persone con et\ue0 superiore a 75 anni necessita di qualche aiuto nello svolgimento della propria attivit\ue0 quotidiana. l'ingresso nella non autosufficienza, il termine utilizzato per definire la disabilit\ue0 late life, ad insorgenza nella terza et\ue0, comporta un adatamento del soggetto alla nuova condizione di di pendenza e di bisogno dell'altro non solo assistenziale ma anche relazionale. il secondo aspetto analizzato nel libro riguarda il tema della disabilit\ue0 indotta o accentuaa dall'attitudine dell'altro e dalle risorse sociali. si pu\uf2 concludere che al fine di fornire risposte assistenziali adeguate occorre contenere al massimo l'efffetto della dipendenza indotta dal contesto

    Obstacles in applying psychosocial inervention in dementia care

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    implementation of psychospcial intervention in dementia care needs to take into account obstacles. in this presentation we use a questionnaire administered to profesionals working in the domain of dementia. results outline that diffusion and dissemination are needed as also training session to enable prfessionals application of psychosocial interventio
