170 research outputs found

    Inhibitory domain-specific antibodies to cytochrome P-450scc

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    AbstractHighly specific antibodies to cytochrome P-450scc and its F1 and F2 fragments, representing N- and C-terminal sequences of the hemeprotein respectively, were raised in rabbits. These antibodies were found to be inhibitory (up to 50–90%) for the cholesterol transformation into pregnenolone in the reconstituted system, indicating the involvement of both F1 and F2 domains formed by the respective fragments in monooxygenase catalysis. Cytochrome P-450scc in mitoplasts is not accessible for trypsin as revealed by immunological techniques. However, the treatment of submitochondrial particles with trypsin results in two main fragments identified by immunoblotting in the presence of the monospecific antibodies as F1 and F2 fragments. This indicates that the trypsin sensitive 250–257 region in cytochrome P-450scc molecule connecting both domains is exposed to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane

    tJ -model in terms of equations with variational derivatives

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    For a tJ -model in the X -operators representation a generating functional of the field describing fluctuations of matrix elements of electron hopping on a lattice is presented. The first order functional derivative with respect to this field determines the electron Green function, while the second order derivatives determine the boson Green functions of collective excitations in the system. Thus, the Kadanoff-Baym approach in the theory of fermi system with a weak Coulomb interaction is generalized on the opposite limit of systems with strong correlations. A chain of equations for different order variational derivatives were obtained, and a method was suggested based on iterations over the parameters of a tJ -model: the hopping matrix element and the exchange integral. This approach corresponds to a self-consistent Born approximation, not for the effective but for the original Hamiltonian. A scheme of calculation of the dynamical spin susceptibility is analyzed with self-consistent corrections of the first and second order. Connection of this approach with the diagram technique for X -operators is discussed.Для tJ моделі в представленні X -операторів введено узагальнений функціонал поля, що описує флуктуації матричних елементів електронних перескоків на гратці. Функціональна похідна першого порядку по цьому полю визначає електронну функцію Гріна, тоді як похідні другого порядку визначають бозонні функції Гріна колективних збуджень в системі. Таким чином узагальнено підхід Каданова- Бейма в теорії фермі-систем з слабою кулонівською взаємодією на протилежний випадок систем з сильними кореляціями. Отримано ланцюжок рівнянь для варіаційних похідних різного порядку і запропоновано метод, що базується на ітераціях за параметрами tJ моделі: матричним елементом перескоку і обмінним інтегралом. Цей підхід відповідає самоузгодженому наближенню Борна, але не для ефективного, а для вихідного гамільтоніану. Аналізується схема розрахунку динамічної спінової сприйнятливості з самоузгодженими поправками першого і другого порядку. Обговорюється зв’язок цього підходу з діаграмною технікою для X -операторів

    Modular technology of corporate formation of blue-collar workers’ professional competency

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    Topicality of the problem under investigation is conditioned by implementation of competency oriented federal state educational standards and professional standards into the practice of blue-collar workers training, the mentioned standards being intended to disclose the host of functions of various blue-collar occupations and WorldSkills standards reflecting modern world trends in the field of formation and development of blue-collar workers’ professional competences. In the meaningful aspect, today’s standards identifying requirements to blue-collar workers training will define principles of selection and formation of competency oriented subject matter of training; however, the choice of training technologies quite often remains beyond the training standards. At the same time, the competency oriented training of blue-collar workers shall envisage application of the activity approach to organization and realization of the training and, consequently, of technologies of training based on the activity approach. The modular technology of training based on points of European concept of “Modular employable skills” can be one of such technologies. The purpose of the article is description of the authors’ modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency under conditions of corporate training. The modular technology is described herein as exemplified by formation of professional competency of workers of the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining. The article also includes results of an experimental approbation of a developed modular technology in conditions of plants’ training centers. The investigation’s leading method shall be a pedagogical educational experiment in process whereof the modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency which has been developed by the authors shall be approbated, the mentioned workers belonging to the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining, whereas a worker’s professional competency is regarded as an integrated aggregate of core competencies and occupational personal properties which lie in the base of the selection and structuring of the subject matter of training. Materials and methods: the pedagogical educational experiment allows exposing the efficiency of complex formation of the professional competency in trainees by means of applying of the modular technique of training and methodological support, that is, educational elements developed in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept and supplemented with a set of production tasks performed directly on the job under the tutor’s guidance. The following methods were used in process of the research: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction); diagnostic (methods of analysis and systemizing of scientific pedagogical literature; generalization and classification); empirical (modelling). The key results described in the article: the professional competency model of the machine-building industry workers; the modular technology of forming of professional competency of the machine-building industry workers; the methodological support elaborated in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept, plus results of the experimental approbation of the developed modular technology. The modular approach, possessing systemic properties, allows integrating the substantive basis of training formed in the competency-based format, processes of selection and structuring of the content of blue-collar workers’ training reflected in the program documentation fixed forms, educational-methodological documentation represented by training elements, organization- methodological aspects of training, organization and realization of training which are also recorded in documentary form in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept. © 2018 by the authors

    Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Fish Consumed by the Indigenous Peoples from Nenets Autonomous Okrug

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    Currently, monitoring of persistent organic pollutant (POP) content in various biological and environmental matrixes in the Arctic is an urgent task. The present study focused on the determination of POPs such as: PCB#28, PCB#52, PCB#101, PCB#105, PCB#118, PCB#123, PCB#153, PCB#128, p,p’-DDE, o,p’-DDE, p,p’-DDD, o,p’-DDD, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), cis-nonachlor, trans-nonachlor, cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane, mirex, 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene and 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene in fish consumed by the indigenous people of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) of the Russian Arctic. Fish samples were analyzed by gas chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) using the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) technique. The obtained results show that the major POPs in fish were dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) breakdown products and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) congeners. The ∑PCB8 in pink salmon, Arctic char, navaga, humpback whitefish and northern pike were 1.54, 1.58, 1.24, 0.72 and 0.32 ng/g (ww), respectively. The main PCB congeners maximum average medium concentrations were 0.68 ng/g (ww) and 0.51 ng/g (ww) of PCB#153 in navaga and PCB#128 in pink salmon, respectively. The main DDT breakdown product was p,p’-DDE. In Arctic char, pink salmon, navaga, humpback whitefish and northern pike, the concentration of p,p’-DDE was 0.58, 1.61, 0.49, 0.63 and 0.08 ng/g (ww), respectively. A moderate positive relationship between ∑PCB8 and lipid content and a high positive relationship between ∑DDT and lipid content were observed. In fish samples with fat content 1% (pink salmon, Arctic char). Despite the large number of fish in the diet of indigenous peoples from NAO, no significant risks were identified. Most legacy POP and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) tend to decrease, which can be explained by past national and regional bans and restriction on their use and emission.Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Fish Consumed by the Indigenous Peoples from Nenets Autonomous OkrugpublishedVersio

    Fluid regime of formation of the Loipishnyun low-sulfide PGE deposit, Monchetundra basic massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)

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    The distribution features of the volatile components (H2O, H2, CO2, CO, H2S, SO2, CH4 and N2) was investigated by method of pyrolytic gas chromatography in the ore-free and ore-bearing rocks of the low-sulfide PGE deposit Loipishnyun of the basal structural type, which localized within Monchetundra mafic massif of the Kola region. It was established that PGE ore, compared with the ore-free rocks are higher overall fluid-saturated, higher contents of H2O and especially H2S and SO2. In the ore-free rocks, in contrast to the mineralized one, was revealed higher concentrations of CO, H2 and N2. H2S and SO2 play the main role to the process of the platinum-metal ore formation. The contribution of these components at the initial stage of the platinum-metal ore genesis is equivalent, as evidenced by the close values of positive correlations of these volatile compounds with platinum group metals and ore elements. With further decrease of temperature in the process of the ore genesis are dominate by the hydrogen sulfide, which has a high positive correlation mainly with copper and platinum group metals. The obtained results suggest that the process of the platinum-metal ore genesis proceeded in a wide temperature range from 1050 to 450°C. It began in late-magmatic, postcumulus stage (1050-850°C) under variable redox conditions and continued with the gradual reduction of the temperature to 450°C in conditions decreasing sulfur fugasity