54 research outputs found

    Key Directions of Agricultural Export Development in Russian Regions

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    Steady growth of global demand for agricultural products provides opportunities for Russian economic development. Since the country’s considerable (but geographically heterogeneous) agricultural potential and government policies encourage import substitution and food exports, the main possibilities for agricultural export development should be explored considering regional differences. The present research substantiates the feasibility of agricultural export development, assesses regional export potential and offers recommendations on export-oriented development of regional agri-food industries. Criteria-based assessment and cluster analysis methods were applied. The study database includes quantitative indicators of agriculture and agri-food trade dynamics observed in Russian regions. At the first stage, analysis and generalisation of relevant publications, world experience and current trends allowed us to substantiate the feasibility of export-oriented development of the Russian agricultural sector. At the second stage, in order to assess export orientation, export openness and international involvement of regional agri-food markets, a methodology was proposed and tested on the Central Black Earth region data. At the third stage, a cluster approach was created to classify Russian regions and examine the potential of agricultural production and foreign trade of the agri-food market. The research proposes recommendations on the development of agricultural and food exports for the most prospective regions. The presented approaches and findings can be used in strategies and programmes for monitoring the export-oriented development of regional agricultural sectors. Future research can focus on methodological design for assessing and modelling the development of regional agri-food markets

    Key Directions of Agricultural Export Development in Russian Regions

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    Steady growth of global demand for agricultural products provides opportunities for Russian economic development. Since the country’s considerable (but geographically heterogeneous) agricultural potential and government policies encourage import substitution and food exports, the main possibilities for agricultural export development should be explored considering regional differences. The present research substantiates the feasibility of agricultural export development, assesses regional export potential and offers recommendations on export-oriented development of regional agri-food industries. Criteria-based assessment and cluster analysis methods were applied. The study database includes quantitative indicators of agriculture and agri-food trade dynamics observed in Russian regions. At the first stage, analysis and generalisation of relevant publications, world experience and current trends allowed us to substantiate the feasibility of export-oriented development of the Russian agricultural sector. At the second stage, in order to assess export orientation, export openness and international involvement of regional agri-food markets, a methodology was proposed and tested on the Central Black Earth region data. At the third stage, a cluster approach was created to classify Russian regions and examine the potential of agricultural production and foreign trade of the agri-food market. The research proposes recommendations on the development of agricultural and food exports for the most prospective regions. The presented approaches and findings can be used in strategies and programmes for monitoring the export-oriented development of regional agricultural sectors. Future research can focus on methodological design for assessing and modelling the development of regional agri-food markets

    Efficiency of the «Valikar» drug on the example of one-offer athletes-wrestlers during the intensive training loads Communication 3. Comparative analysis of changes psychophysiological parameters

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    In the third communication of a series of articles on the results of clinical testing ofthe anti-asthenic drug «Valikar» in 31 athletes-wrestlers under conditions of intense training loads, the results of the study of the dynamics of changes in psychophysiological parameters are presented. The study of the effect of the course intake of the drug «Valikar» on the psychophysiological state of athletes-wrestlers in the condi-tions of an intensive training period allows us to conclude that the drug has ambiguous effects: a significant improvement in indicators characterizing the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in athletes of group A, the absence of significant changes in the rest indicators of the psychophysiological state in athletes of both observation groups and a more significant improvement in the psychophysiological state in athletes who took placebo.В третьем сообщении цикла статей по результатам клинической апробации противоастенического лекарственного средства«Валикар» у 31 спортсмена-единоборца в условиях интенсивных тренировочных нагрузок представлены результаты исследования динамики изменений психофизиологических параметров. Проведенное исследование влияния курсового приема лекарственного средства «Валикар» на психофизиологическое состояние спортсменов-единоборцев в условиях интенсивного тренировочного периода позволяет сделать вывод о неоднозначных эффектах препарата: достоверное улучшение показателей, характеризующих баланс процессов возбуждения и торможения, у спортсменов группы А, отсутствие достоверных изменений по остальным показателям психофизиологического состояния у спортсменов обеих групп наблюдения и более значительное улучшение психофизиологического состояния у спортсменов, принимавших плацебо

    Совместное использование разработанных коллагенсодержащих комплексов и культуры клеток для создания новых тканевых эквивалентов

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the possibility of applying the integrated module as the basis of a celltissue equivalent for treatment of wounds of skin and soft tissues. In the frame of the set task the following problems were being solved: research of the spatial structure and architectonics of the surface of the developed base collagen-containing materials and their biocompatibility with cell cultures.Materials and methods. The study of a material which is a two-layer complex film, consisting of collagen and polysaccharide components was carried out. The collagen was separated from the dermis and was then impregnated with particulate demineralized bone matrix (DCM) according to the original methodology. For the purposes of the study the dehydrated material was created in the form of a film. Electron microscopic examination of surfaces was performed on scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-IT300LV in high vacuum and at low values of probe current (< 0,1 nА). Studies to assess the viability of the cells cultivated on films of collagen material (tested for cytotoxicity and the adhesive capacity) were performed in vitro using strains of diploid human fibroblasts 4–6 passage. The culture condition was visually assessed using an inverted Leica microscope DM IL (Carl Zeiss, Austria), equipped with a computerizes program of control of culture growth (Leica IM 1000).Results. The data obtained in the study of the surface structure of the developed complex module showed that it seems to be promising as a basic component of the cellular-tissue system with its large number of structural formations for fixation of the cells and a well-organized barrier layer capable of vapor - permeability. Experiments in vitro confirmed the absence of toxicity of the material being studied in relation to the culture of dermal human fibroblasts, suggesting the possibility of creation on its basis of cell-tissue complex and further experimental studies in vivo.Conclusion. Thus it was experimentally confirmed that the physical characteristics of the developed integrated module satisfy the requirements for the materials for cultivation of cells. The absence of cytotoxicity on the model of a culture of dermal human fibroblasts allows to make a conclusion about a possibility of its use as the basis of cell-tissue equivalent. Preliminary results indicate the advisability of further experiments in vivo aimed at improving complex collagen-containing materials, the development of different ways of their application and clinical evaluation of the effectiveness in the treatment of wounds of various genesis.Цель исследования – оценка возможности применения созданного комплексного модуля в качестве основы клеточно-тканевого эквивалента для лечения ран кожи и мягких тканей. В рамках поставленной цели решались задачи по изучению пространственной структуры и архитектоники поверхности разработанных базовых коллагенсодержащих материалов и их биосовместимости с клеточными культурами.Материал и методы. Проведено исследование материала, который представляет собой двухслойный пленочный комплекс, состоящий из коллагенового и полисахаридного компонентов. Коллаген выделялся из дермы и был импрегнирован мелкодисперсным деминерализованным костным матриксом (ДКМ) по оригинальной методике. Для исследования дегидратированный материал был выполнен в виде пленки. Электронно-микроскопическое исследование поверхности проведено на сканирующем электронном микроскопе JEOL JSM-IT300LV (Япония) в режиме высокого вакуума и при низких значениях тока зонда (< 0,1 нА). Исследования по оценке жизнеспособности клеток в условиях культивирования на пленках из коллагенсодержащего материала (тестирование на цитотоксичность и адгезивную способность) проводили in vitro с использованием штаммов диплоидных фибробластов человека 4–6-го пассажа. Состояние культуры оценивали визуально с помощью инвертированного микроскопа Leica DM (Carl Zeiss, Австрия), оснащенного компьютерной программой контроля роста культуры (Leica IM 1000).Результаты. Данные, полученные при изучении структуры поверхности разработанного комплексного модуля, показали, что он представляется перспективным в качестве базового компонента клеточно-тканевой системы: наличие большого количества структурных образований для фиксации клеток и хорошо организованного барьерного слоя, способного к паро- и водопроницаемости. Таким образом, экспериментально подтверждено соответствие физических характеристик разработанного базового комплекса требованиям, предъявляемым к материалам для культивирования клеток. Показано отсутствие цитотоксичности на модели культуры дермальных фибробластов человека, что позволяет сделать вывод о возможности его использования в качестве основы клеточно-тканевого эквивалента. Полученные предварительные результаты указывают на целесообразность дальнейшего проведения экспериментов in vivo, направленных на совершенствование комплексных коллагенсодержащих материалов, разработку различных способов их применения и клиническую оценку эффективности при лечении ран различного генеза

    Comparative analysis of anxiety assessment methods in athletes

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    Objective: to identify the most effective method for anxiety assessment in athletes. Materials and methods: the selective criteria were formulated and comparative analysis of 9 most commonly used methods of assessing the level of anxiety was made. 79 athletes of combat sports were tested (34 men, 45 women) in the preparative period of training with Lusher's color test and the integrative anxiety test by A.P. Bizyuk, L.I. Wasserman, B.V. Iovlev. Results: among nine methods most frequently mentioned in the literature, Lusher's color test with the calculation of diagnostic coefficients and the integrative anxiety test by A.P. Bizyuk, L.I. Wasserman, B.V. Iovlev were most consistent with the stated criteria. There were significant correlations between the calculated indices of Luscher's color test, which have physiological explanation: the correlation between the vegetative coefficient and the total deviation from the autogenic norm, mental working capacity, situational anxiety, and between total deviation from the autogenic norm and mental performance, sex (increase in the deviation from the autologous norm corresponds to a decrease in mental performance, an increase in the level of anxiety, parasympathetic tone, and need for rest and energy accumulation). The athletes have the low level of situational anxiety and an average level of personal anxiety if compared with average population values. Conclusions: the findings complement the results of other researchers who also confirmed the validity of use of color test and integrative anxiety test in professional sports to identify the threatening breakdown of mental adaptation and psycho-correction work among athletes

    Clinicoepidemiologic features of tuberculosis among HIV-infected children living in Sverdlovsk Region

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    Social and economic events happened the 90s resulted in the increase of sickness rate of tuberculosis among children. In addition, in the last years the number of HIV-infected has increased among adults and childrenas well as sickness rate of tuberculosis among HIV-infected including children. The article gives the data of the analysis of the epidemiological and clinical features of tuberculosis among HIV-infected children (20 children) in comparison with non- HIV-infected children (16 children). All HIV-infected children were infected by vertical way, but when tuberculosis has developed, the III-IV stages of HIV-infection were diagnosed more often. It was revealed that 65% of children in this group had family contact with tubercular patients. More than half (60 %) patients had complications in tuberculosis course; a third (30%) had bacterioexcretion. Mantoux test showed positive result in 65% of the cases, Diaskintest had diagnostic value at 7 children out of 8 ones.Социально-экономические потрясения 90-х годов привели к увеличению показателей заболеваемости детей туберкулезом. Кроме того, в последние годы наблюдается увеличение доли инфицированных ВИЧ среди взрослого и детского населения, рост заболеваемости туберкулезом среди ВИЧ-инфицированных лиц, в том числе - детей. В статье приведены данные анализа эпидемиологических и клинических особенностей туберкулеза у ВИЧ-инфицированных детей (20 детей) в сравнении с не инфицированными ВИЧ (16 детей). Все ВИЧ-инфицированные дети были заражены вертикальным путем, при развитии туберкулеза чаще диагностировалась III-IV стадии ВИЧ-инфекции. У 65% детей данной группы был выявлен семейный контакт с больными туберкулезом. Более чем у половины (60%) пациентов туберкулез протекал осложненно, у трети (30%) наблюдалось бактерио-выделение. Проба Манту лишь в 65% случаев была положительной, Диаскинтест у 7 детей из 8 имел диагностическую ценность

    Модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном

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    Objective: to develop a model of a biomedical cell product that is consistent with the «homologous drug» strategy  based on protocols for preparing the cell component and scaffold carrier for preclinical studies on a large laboratory  animal (pig). Materials and methods. Biomedical cell products and skin equivalents (SE), were formed using  plasma cryoprecipitate prepared from blood plasma of healthy donors and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of  human adipose tissue. Cryoprecipitate from pig blood plasma and human adipose tissue-derived MSCs were used   to form model skin equivalents (mSE). Bright-field microscopy, phase-contrast microscopy (Leica DMI 3000B)  and fluorescence microscopy (Cytation 5 imager; BioTek, USA) were used to monitor the state of cells in the  culture and in the composition of the equivalents. Scaffolds for equivalents were tested for cytotoxicity (MTT test,  direct contact method). The cell distribution density was characterized by author’s method (Patent No. 2675376  of the Russian Federation). Results. An mSE was developed for preclinical studies on a large laboratory animal  (pig). In the mSE, components that change from halogen to xenogenic conditions during transplantation to the  animal were replaced. A comprehensive approach to preparing mSE was presented. It includes sampling of primary  pig biomaterial, extraction and characterization of adipose tissue-derived MSCs, preparation of a scaffold  carrier for the corresponding «homologous drug» strategy. Cytotoxicity of the mSE scaffold was evaluated. It  was shown that mSE provides mechanical support (similar to SE) to cells, as well as comparable development of  cellular events during cultivation. Conclusion. A model of a biomedical cell product was developed. This model  is consistent with the «homologous drug» strategy for preclinical studies on a large laboratory animal (pig). The  paper presented a comprehensive approach to developing a model equivalent based on protocols for preparation  and testing of the cellular component, the scaffold carrier and the ready-to-use model equivalent.Цель: разработать модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта, согласующуюся со стратегией «гомологичный препарат» на основе протоколов подготовки клеточной составляющей и скаффолда-носителя для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). Материалы и методы. Биомедицинские клеточные продукты – эквиваленты кожи (ЭК) формировали с использованием криопреципитата плазмы крови здоровых доноров и мезенхимальных стволовых клеток (MSCs) жировой ткани человека. Для формирования модельных эквивалентов кожи (мЭК) использовали криопреципитат плазмы крови свиней и MSCs жировой ткани свиней. Наблюдение за состоянием клеток в культуре и в составе эквивалентов проводили с использованием методов светлого поля, фазового контраста (Leica DMI 3000B) и флуоресцентной микроскопии (имиджер Cytation 5; BioTek, USA). Скаффолды эквивалентов тестировали на цитотоксичность (МТТ-тест, метод прямого контакта). Характеристику плотности распределения клеток проводили авторским способом (Пат. № 2675376 РФ). Результаты. Разработан модельный эквивалент кожи (мЭК) для проведения доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). В мЭК замещены компоненты, переходящие из алогенных условий в ксеногенные при трансплантации животному. Представлен комплексный подход для подготовки мЭК, включающий забор первичного биоматериала свиньи, выделение и характеристику MSCs жировой ткани, подготовку скаффолда-носителя, соответствующего стратегии «гомологичный препарат». Проведена оценка цитотоксичности скаффолда мЭК. Показано, что мЭК обеспечивает аналогичную эквиваленту кожи (ЭК) механическую поддержку клеток и сопоставимое развитие клеточных событий при культивировании. Вывод. Разработана модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта, согласующаяся со стратегией «гомологичный препарат» для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). Представлен комплексный подход, для разработки модельного эквивалента основанный на протоколах подготовки и тестирования клеточной составляющей, скаффолда-носителя и готового модельного эквивалента

    Communication Strategies and Tactics Used by Antivaccinationists to Discredit the COVID-19 Vaccine

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    В статье рассматриваются коммуникативные стратегии и тактики, которые используются противниками вакцинации для дискредитации вакцины от COVID-19 в социальной сети.The article examines the communicative tactics used by anti-vaccinationists to discredit the COVID-19 vaccine on social networking sites

    Psichofiziologinės diagnostikos taikymas vertinant fitopreparatų psichostimuliacinį ir raminamąjį poveikį sportininkams

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    The problem of the continuous preservation of athlete’s effective performance remains relevant despite numerous applied scientific studies in this field. A high (unproductive) intensity and its kind – sports stress – is a typical psychophysiological state in sports. The disturbances of regulatory mechanisms appear quite often, which significantly reduce the level of physical performance and lead to various negative changes in athlete’s health. Insufficient body recovery will promote the development of pathological states. Excessive excitement before start can lead to athlete’s «burn-out» and, accordingly, to ineffective management of competitive activity. In order to prevent and correct such states, various rehabilitation actions are taken, including the pharmacological support of training and competitive processes. The majority of sports medicine studies focus on the evaluation of general therapeutic efficacy of applied corrective measures and do not conduct a comparative complex dynamic assessment of their effect on the integrative parameters of psychophysiological state. It is known that in the first place central nervous system is the first to respond to any stress, both physiological and psychological. As a result, the search of rapid tests giving timely information on the effect of various kinds of loads on athlete’s body, the recovery speed, and development of adaptive changes in organism becomes relevant. The operating data achieved can be reasonably used as an objective criterion for the development of training plan and timely correction of athlete’s state. The given study focuses on the evaluation of effectiveness of different drugs use on the regulation of athletes’ psychophysiological state with the help of phytopreparations of soothing (sedative) and tonic (mobilizing) action types as well as the search of informative methods of controlling organism’s reactivity to various stimuli. Psychomotor activity indicators of 22 skilled football players during taking phytopreparations of soothing (sedative) and tonic (mobilizing) types were subject of the study. It was discovered that the effect of non-prohibited drugs enables the control of athlete’s state with the aim of performance improvement and recovery processes acceleration. Tincture Paeonia anomalia can be recommended for optimization of recovery processes (30 drops of tincture per glass of water), and dietary supplement Scitec Nutrition Super Guarana can be taken by athletes before training or competition in order to improve the reactivity of the central nervous and motor systems. Composition of the supplement (content in 2 pills): Calcium 500 mg, Guarana extract (bark of Paullinia cupana) 900 mg. Athletes took 2 pills before training. At the same time a psychophysiological diagnostics can be used to control the effect of different drugs on working capacity, in particular, the assessment of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions.Nors atlikta nemažai nuoseklaus sportinės formos palaikymo tyrimų, ši problema vis dar išlieka aktuali. Sportinei veiklai būdingas didelis, neproduktyvus intensyvumas ir sportinis stresas kaip jo dalis. Gana dažnai sutrikdomi reguliaciniai mechanizmai, tai labai pablogina sportininko varžybinę veiklą ir lemia neigiamus sportininko organizmo pokyčius. Organizmui nepakankamai atsigaunant, formuojasi patologinės būsenos. Per didelis susijaudinimas prieš varžybas gali lemti sportininko perdegimą ir dėl to nesėkmingą dalyvavimą jose. Siekiant išvengti ir koreguoti tokią būseną, taikomos įvairios reabilitacijos priemonės, tarp kurių yra farmakologinė pagalba per pratybas ir varžybas. Daugumoje sporto medicinos tyrimų dėmesys skiriamas bendram terapiniam šių taikomų korekcinių priemonių veiksmingumui įvertinti, tačiau neatliekamas dinaminis kompleksinis šių priemonių poveikio integraciniams psichofiziologinės būklės kriterijams vertinimas. Žinoma, kad centrinė nervų sistema pirmoji reaguoja į bet kokį stresą, tiek fiziologinį, tiek psichologinį, todėl svarbu ieškoti greitų testų, suteikiančių aktualią informaciją apie įvairių fizinių krūvių poveikį sportininko organizmui, atsigavimo greitį ir adaptacinių pokyčių organizme vyksmą. Gauti duomenys gali būti naudojami kaip objektyvūs kriterijai kuriant treniruotės planus ir laiku koreguojant sportininko būklę. Atliktame tyrime pateikiamas raminamojo ir tonizuojamojo poveikio fitopreparatų vartojimo poveikio sportininko psichofiziologinei būklei vertinimas. Taip pat ieškoma informatyvių metodų, skirtų įvertinti organizmo atsaką į įvairius dirgiklius. Tyrime buvo nagrinėjami 22 talentingų futbolo žaidėjų, vartojančių raminamojo ir tonizuojančio poveikio fitopreparatus, psichomotorinės veiklos rodikliai. Nustatyta, kad šie nedraudžiami preparatai turi teigiamos įtakos sportininko veiklos pagerėjimui ir jo organizmo atsigavimui. „Peony“ tinktūra rekomenduojama atsigavimo procesui optimizuoti, o dietinį papildą „Pomme-Guarana“ sportininkai galėtų vartoti prieš pratybas arba varžybas siekdami pagerinti centrinės nervų ir motorinės sistemų reaktyvumą. Taip pat galima taikyti psichofiziologinę diagnostiką norint sužinoti įvairių medikamentų poveikį darbingumui, būtent vertinant paprastąsiaas ir kompleksines sensomotorines reakcijas

    Forms of Gold and Arsenic in Surface Sediments at the Novye Peski Gold Deposit and Their Sorption by Humic Acid

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    Forms of gold and arsenic, as one of the main pathfinders, were researched in the podzolic, illuvial, and parent material horizons of podzol soil at the Novye Peski gold deposit. Forms of gold and arsenic were studied with the sequential extraction method. The results of this study showed that the main forms of gold are water-soluble, bound to organic matter, and “insoluble”; for arsenic: bound to Fe and Mn-(oxy)hydroxides and bound to organic matter. The form bound to organic matter was considered in detail and gold and arsenic were analyzed in humic and fulvic acids solutions extracted from podzol soil. It was determined that gold is mainly bound to humic acid (HA), and arsenic to fulvic acid. Due to the prevalence of the form of gold bound to humic acid, the modelling process of different gold and arsenic (III) contents sorption on solid humic acid were observed and data on quantity of adsorbed ions per unit mass of HA and recovery ratio were obtained. More than 90% gold recovery rate was observed for concentrations less than 10 µg/cm3 and for arsenic it was in a range of 8–15%